After Qiu Liyuan officially started teaching swordsmanship, the rest of the Tang family walked away consciously.

After all, a sword technique like this is also a secret of the sect.

Although Qin Lie and Qiu Liyuan did not formally apprentice, they already had a master-disciple relationship.

Qiu Liyuan can teach him the sword technique, but he can't let other people know.

Therefore, after the official teaching of the sword technique, only Qin Lie and Qiu Liyuan were left in the entire garden.

After everyone walked away, Qiu Liyuan stared at Qin Lie, and then asked Qin Lie, "Qin Lie, let me ask you, where do you think the source of power for all kung fu routines comes from?"

Source of power? ?

When asked about this, Qin Lie was a little confused and didn't know what the question meant.

"Senior, do you mean the source inside the body or outside the body?"

But Qiu Liyuan still didn't know what to say, and responded: "You just said the most origin, where is the most origin?"

Qin Lie thought for a while before seriously answering Qiu Liyuan: "If it's inside the body, I think it's Dantian, and if it's outside, I think our power comes from the earth."

"That's right." Qiu Liyuan was very satisfied with Qin Lie's answer, "In the final analysis, our strength is all in Laozi's land."

"It is difficult for a person to use force when he is in the air. When there is no other thing, it is difficult to move even one centimeter to the side, so don't look at how powerful our people are, but the most basic source is still in the big on the ground."

"And precisely because of this, the most important strength of our martial arts practitioners is in the lower limbs, because the lower limbs are the closest to the ground, and our body needs to transmit all the striking movements from the lower limbs."

"That's why, in the kung fu system, the strength of the lower body is so important. The starting point of any kung fu starts from the zhama step."

Qin Lie listened and kept nodding.

In fact, many of these things are in his cognition, but now they are said by Qiu Liyuan.

Without speaking, Qin Lie waited for Qiu Liyuan to continue.

Qiu Liyuan paused before continuing: "The reason why I emphasize the strength of the lower body is because of my random cloak sword technique, the strength of the lower body is very important."

"When using the cloak knife technique, your legs can't be off the ground!"

"Many times, some tricks that fall from the sky are handsome, but they are not really useful."

"After people go to the sky, they lose the support of their strength. They are most likely to be attacked to lose their balance and have no ability to resist. Remember this."

"Secondly, the most important point of the Random Cloak Saber Technique is the ability to see six ways and hear all directions. I have trained you before, and this is also preparing for me to teach the saber technique."

"The ancients said that the world's martial arts is only fast and not broken. Our swordsmanship follows the characteristics of fast, but our fast is not blind fast, we are targeted fast."

"Pick up the knife and slash at random. Although it is fast, it is useless."

"Know exactly what you want, where your knife falls, what effect it can have, and what purpose you want to achieve. This kind of speed is the meaningful speed."

"Take the knife I used when dealing with the water flow just now. I know what my purpose is, to block the water flow, and then I will think, how can I stop it."

"First, I need to move the knife horizontally, and the knife goes out horizontally. The area of ​​my knife is large, so that I can block more water flow, and the second is fast, the water flow is continuous and endless, and my technique must be fast enough to be able to Cut off the flow of water."

"With these two goals, I know how to use my knife and how to dance."

"If you have a video and you can watch my slow motion, you'll find that almost all of my moves just now have horizontal knives, and none of the vertical knives have ever..."

"All the cloaked swordsmanship requires absolute speed, secondly, the ability to adapt to changes, and thirdly, it must not leave the ground..."

Qiu Liyuan said seriously that his swordsmanship should be righteous, and Qin Lie also listened very seriously.

Later, Qin Lie also slowly figured out that Qiu Liyuan's swordsmanship still changed a lot, just like Situ Xuan taught his precise strike method before, Qiu Liyuan taught more about fighting, not routines. Way.

This is exactly the same as Situ Xuan.

Qin Lie also discovered that many masters like them have not paid much attention to routines. They are talking about a realm, what can be done when they reach this realm, and how can they reach this realm.

Just like Situ Xuan first introduced his method of exertion, Qin Lie also listened for a while before he understood what he meant.

But it's one thing to understand it, and it's another thing to practice it.

These things require thousands of practice to achieve, so even if Qiu Liyuan has taught him his method, Qin Lie still has to practice slowly.

That night, Qin Lie practiced for four hours in the Tang family's back garden, and made up for the practice time he missed yesterday.

Until midnight, Qiu Liyuan saw that Qin Lie had finally figured out a little routine, and finally nodded to let him leave.

"Okay, since you are going out to help old man Situ recently, let's practice these skills here first."

"But in any case, even if you go abroad, you can't slack off in the practice of these sword techniques."

"If you want to take the first place in the big competition of the aristocratic family this time, these laziness can't be stolen."

Qiu Li Yuan Dun Dun's teaching Qin Lie in mind, nodded silently in response: "Don't worry, old man, even if I go out, I still guarantee two hours of practice every day abroad, when I come back, you will come to check in person. my results."

"Yeah." Qiu Liyuan nodded with satisfaction, and finally waved, "Okay, let's go."

Qin Lie handed over his hands, then said goodbye to Qiu Liyuan and drove back home.

Even on the way back, Qin Lie still thought about what Qiu Liyuan said.

It wasn't until I got home that I let go of these thoughts.

Qin Lie returned home and quickly lay down and fell asleep.

Recharge your batteries, there is something waiting for him tomorrow.


The next day, the weather was fine and sunny.

The sky of Longcheng has been blue for a long time, the sky is cloudless, and the sun is just hanging above the head.

It's almost July now, and the weather is at its hottest.

At about ten o'clock in the morning, the sun just came out, and it was not so uncomfortable. Those who were going to go far also set off at this time.

Tony Lee also chose this time to start.

At about 10:20 in the morning, Tony Lee arrived at the Longcheng International Airport, ready to leave Huaxia from this airport.

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