Tony Li is his foreign name, but he also has a Chinese name called Li Wendi. Of course, he doesn't like this Chinese name.

Because he is not Chinese at all.

Tony Lee grew up in Europe, was born in Germany, grew up in Italy, and later traveled to many countries, almost all over the world.

He has a total of 8 national identities, more than 20 genuine and fake ID cards, and more than a dozen visas.

He is a shadow figure that walks between light and darkness. As long as he wants, he can disappear from this world at any time, and then appear in a completely different identity.

This is him.

It's not that he is arrogant, it's just that he needs so much identity because of what he does.

His true identity is a member of Night Soul's intelligence system.

As the super killer organization that replaced Hades Island, Night Soul has an intelligence system all over the world, and there are thousands of members who help them with intelligence work.

Of course, most of these intelligence personnel were hired by Yehun remotely, and many of them had never even been to Yehun's headquarters.

Yehun spends a lot of money to buy information, let those people do things, and those people take money, based on what they have seen and heard, to help Yehun get information, that's all.

Among these intelligence personnel, only a very small number of people can go to the headquarters of the night soul and become the core personnel of the night soul after they have obtained the approval of the headquarters of the night soul.

And Tony Lee has been a core member of the Night Soul Intelligence Section for eight years.

In the past few years, he has almost grown into the top three in the night soul intelligence department.

In addition to seeing and feeling with their own eyes, many members of the intelligence system of Night Soul are also first-class super hackers.

Many times, computers can help them with data that they cannot see with their own eyes.

They are powerful enough to crack more than 99% of the world's network firewalls.

With this ability, their intelligence sources will be faster.

Two years ago, Tony Lee received a mission to infiltrate the intelligence system of the Murong family, one of the eight great families in China.

Originally, Tony Lee wanted to do this directly through hacking technology.

But after coming into contact with the protective system of Murong's family, it took Tony Lee a full seven days.

After seven days without impacting the network system, Tony Lee gave up, and then he started a long-term battle, starting from the lowest level.

He went to Murong's house to apply for a network system engineer, and got that position with his absolute technical advantages. Then, in two years, he wholeheartedly helped the Murong's family, and was appreciated by the Murong's family.

Just like this, he was promoted all the way, and all the way up, he slowly climbed into the inner circle of the Murong family.

After reaching the core circle of the network system, it would be much easier to access the secret contents of the Murong family.

After that, Tony Li looked for an opportunity in the Murong family's company for more than a month, and finally let him find an opportunity to enter the core computer room alone three days ago.

That is, on that day, he copied all the information about the Murong family.

At this point, his task has actually been almost completed, and the rest is just to leave Huaxia.

As a result, the Murong family discovered that the information leak was discovered very quickly, and they set up a checkpoint at the Modu Airport that day, ready to find traces to arrest him.

Tony Li knew that it was unrealistic to leave Huaxia from the magic capital. He found a private car at that time, left the magic capital overnight, and fought wits and courage on the road, playing hide-and-seek with the Murong family.

From the magic capital to the Dragon City, it took another two days and two nights to drive, and this is the Dragon City.

After booking the air ticket, resting overnight in a private homestay, it's straight to today.

But it doesn't matter, as long as he passes the security check at Longcheng Airport today, he is a free person again, and he can go wherever he wants.

Thinking that the two-year task was finally completed, Tony Lee was so happy that he took a small travel bag and walked all the way to the inside of the airport.

His anti-reconnaissance ability is very strong!

After two years of observation in the Murong family, he has long been familiar with the rules of the Murong family's thugs.

As long as there are people from the Murong family, he can recognize them at a glance.

This is also the reason why he was able to come to Longcheng from the magic capital in three days.

He can always keep those people out of the way.

Now at Longcheng Airport, at a glance, there is no such person, he can leave with confidence and boldness.

Taking out an ID card called "Wang Wenshan", he went to the counter to check in right now.

The ID cards are all real ID cards. If he can use this ID card to book tickets online, he can also go through the procedure here.

After taking the boarding pass and carrying a backpack, Tony Lee went all the way to the security checkpoint.

As he thought, as long as he passed this security checkpoint, he was a free bird.

Thinking of this, he was very happy, and even praised the airport staff who gave him the security check: "Miss, you are so beautiful."

Makes that little girl overjoyed.

It's just that all the changes happened at this time.

Just when he raised his hand for examination, a hand suddenly climbed onto his shoulder from behind, and then a steady voice came from behind: "Tony Lee, right, you have time to come with me now ?"

The hand was clinging to it, and the voice came, and Tony Lee realized that something was wrong.

Because he has never left his real name anywhere in the country.

That is to say, in China, no one knows his true identity of Tony Lee, and the people who can call this name are basically people who know his true identity.

Because of this, Tony Lee suddenly became vigilant.

He turned around suddenly and saw the young man standing behind him.

Twenty-seven-eight looks average, but has a calm air.

He smiled, as if he was really discussing this with Tony Lee.

But only Tony Li knows that he recently stole information from the Murong family, and the only people who can investigate him are the Murong family.

Now someone suddenly appeared to prevent him from escaping. To put it bluntly, it must have been sent by the Murong family.

Thinking of this clearly, Tony Lee was very decisive, he raised his hand sharply back, broke free from the people behind him, and flew into the waiting room.

To stay here is to sit still, he must find a way to escape.

There are many people in the waiting room, which may be a good direction.

The person who came to trouble Tony Li was naturally Qin Lie. In fact, Qin Lie locked Tony Li as soon as he entered the airport.

The reason why he didn't do it all the time was to let him taste the despair that was close to success, but immediately fell into the abyss.

So he chose to do it when he went through security.

But it was also a little surprising that this Tony Li actually had some kung fu skills. Qin Lie gently clinged to his shoulder and was shaken off by him.

Breaking free, Tony Lee shot out like an arrow.

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