
Qin Lie was startled the moment Tony Li broke free.

Spicy chicken, this is too fast.

Qin Lie had thought that this kid would resist, but he didn't expect to resist so decisively.

They are already by your side, can you still run away?

Qin Lie made a decisive decision at the time and immediately chased out.

The little girl at the security check next to her was doing her due diligence, grabbing Qin Lie and saying, "Sir, you didn't go through the security check, you can't go in!"

Qin Lie photographed the team building permit of Longyan Squad on the girl's face at that time, and said, "The army is on a mission, we are catching an international wanted criminal!"

After speaking, he broke free of the little girl and chased out.

The little girl was holding the so-called license with a blank expression on her face.

When did he actually catch up with the plot of the blockbuster on TV, and the troops were dispatched to arrest people?

Isn't it the police's responsibility to arrest people?

I don't know, but it seems to be fun to watch.

Thinking like this, the little girl left her own security post and went all the way to the waiting room.

On Qin Lie's side, not only did he chase after him, but he also ordered Jiang Lei and others to surround him with the members of the Longyan Squad.

More than a dozen people besieged one person together, and he definitely couldn't let him run away.

In this way, a big chase scene was staged at Longcheng Airport.

Tony Lee of Dog Day is very experienced. As soon as he runs, he runs to the place with the most people. If there are many people, the terrain will be complicated, and it will be more difficult to chase.

But Qin Lie is also thinking, the whole waiting room is so big, where can he go.

Qin Lie was chasing closely, almost always shortening the distance between the two sides.

If it wasn't for the little girl who dragged him for a while at first, I would have caught him by now.

Tony Lee is quite good at running when he runs. In addition to running to places with many people, he also drives the people next to him to the middle of the road while running, so as to create some obstacles for Qin Lie.

Qin Lie had to support those people, or go around and continue to chase.

The two sides just chased after me, disrupting most of the Longcheng Airport.

This guy is a duty-free shop, any coffee shop, he can drill as much as he can, and run as far as he can.

Jiang Lei sighed while chasing after him.

"Brother lie, this kid is really like a rabbit. He can run too well!"

Another player also said: "When I catch him, I have to beat him up."

Qin Lie was also chasing him. This kid was really like a loach. He almost caught him several times. He took off his clothes and immediately slipped out again.

Tony Lee is also obviously professionally trained, and his physical strength and escape route are much better than ordinary people. It really took a little time to catch this person.

In the last place, the boy suddenly got into a women's toilet, causing a sensation inside the women's toilet.

Qin Lie also had no choice, so he also got in.

For the first time in my life, I went to the women's toilet, and that's how it came.

Qin Lie was thinking at that time, the toilet should be closed, this person can't escape.

But it didn't work out. In the riots of many women, Qin Lie saw Tony Li smash the glass window about two meters high in the bathroom of the women's toilet, and one jumped out.

"Damn, how does this person know there's a window in here?"

Cursing, Qin Lie had no choice but to climb out of the window.

Outside the window, it is about three stories high, and the airport apron is at the foot.

The space outside is very spacious!

At this moment, Tony Lee had run forward about twenty meters.

Qin Lie had no choice but to jump from this position.

The height of the three-story building is acceptable to Qin Lie. After landing a forward roll to cushion the force, Qin Lie chased out again.

It's just that through this operation, Tony Lee has gotten rid of most of the people. It is impossible for so many people in the Longyan team to jump down from that small window one by one.

And if you want to detour from other places, it is obviously not as fast as this time.

So now it's a chase game between Qin Lie and Tony Lee.

Qin Lie chased after him for a while, and saw that Tony Li actually ran past a plane. The plane seemed to be taking off, and the wheels were still on the runway, gradually accelerating.

Then Qin Lie saw the kid get on the landing gear with his own eyes, and wanted to fly away with the plane.

If this really made him get on this plane, then it would be hard to chase after him!

But Qin Lie looked at it a little more, and felt that something was wrong.

ah? Why does this plane look so familiar?

I took a second look, more familiar.

Isn't this your own private jet?

I rely on! Qin Lie was shocked at the time, this is not God's help!

Before he could do anything else, Qin Lie immediately took out his mobile phone, found a phone and called out.

This call was from the purser on his private plane. Now that the plane is on, the pilot will definitely not be able to receive a call, but the purser can still try his luck.

It's nice that the other side of the phone picked up quickly.

The purser is a beautiful and professional flight attendant in her early thirties, called Wang Li.

After picking up the phone, Wang Li politely asked over there, "Boss, what's the matter with you?"

As Qin Lie ran, he panted and asked, "Wang Li, why are your planes taking off at this time?"

When Wang Li heard this, she was very surprised: "Boss, how do you know."

Qin Lie: "I'm right behind your plane, how do you say I know?"


Wang Li was shocked at the time. After hearing the call, she immediately looked back from the window and saw Qin Lie.

"Boss." Wang Li said, "We are just testing the flight. Don't you guys want to fly to Europe tomorrow? The captain asked me to come up and check the performance and debug it."

Qin Lie, who cares about him now, shouted into the phone: "No matter what you are going to do, stop now. I'm arresting people. If you hear me, stop the plane immediately."

"Oh, well, I'll go talk about it right away."

Wang Li was so frightened that she hurried to the cab to inform the captain to stop the plane.

On Tony Lee's side, after getting on the landing gear of the plane, he felt that the speed of the plane was getting faster and faster. He climbed on the steel frame of the landing gear and was very proud.

How about a dozen people chasing Lao Tzu, huh, didn't I let Lao Tzu run away, a bunch of trash... trash... thing... eh? Why did the plane suddenly slow down, what does it mean?

After feeling the speed of the plane gradually slowing down, Tony Lee was dumbfounded.

Isn't the speed of the plane only getting faster and faster during takeoff? Why did the plane suddenly stop?

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