The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 1609 The Suppression Of Local Tyrants


This fucking thing, I originally thought that I could take off and leave in this plane, but no matter which city I landed in, I can escape smoothly?

But this kind of operation is a bit uncomfortable. It had already started to take off, but now it has to stop.

Oh shit!

If you do this, you have to run.

Tony Lee thought so, ready to jump off the landing gear and keep running.

But can Qin Lie give him a chance at this time? impossible!

Seeing that the speed of the plane was getting slower and slower on the runway, Qin Lie suddenly accelerated to catch up, and when Tony Li jumped off the landing gear, he volleyed and kicked it.

With a strong anger, this kick hit Tony Lee's profile.

With a bang, it kicked Tony Lee out.

This kick Qin Lie didn't keep his hand, Tony Li flew in the air for a while, hit the ground heavily, and his head fell to the ground.

One hit hits him and kicks him so that he has no ability to escape.

The kid may have been kicked stunned, now lying on the ground, motionless.

Qin Lie walked up panting, and said as he walked: "Run, I see you running again, are you oiled, you run so fast?"

And at this moment, not only Qin Lie, but also Jiang Lei, who was chasing after him, finally ran up.

The crowd couldn't help but say that they ran around and attacked Tony Lee violently.

He greeted Tony Lee with one foot and one foot, and the lines on his mouth were almost the same: "You run, you run again, why don't you run now, damn, I'm exhausted."

"You idiot, do you know that this plane belongs to our boss, and you still want to run on this plane, you are dreaming!"

It was also at this time that Tony Lee finally figured out why the plane stopped.

No matter what, he actually got on Qin Lie's private jet, I rely on it, that luck is really bad.

No, who would have thought that the person chasing him would actually park a plane in Longcheng Airport.

This wave belongs to economic crushing and was sanctioned by local tyrants.

Tony Lee regrets it, he knew that he would have to change to a bigger plane to climb.

But it's too late to say that, he's already been caught.

The crowd surrounded him and beat him violently, and when he got up, his face was covered in blood.

Qin Lie took him to an office at the airport, where he was interrogated on the spot.

Because Qin Lie is now a super VIP customer of the airport, this requires the airport to be fully able to achieve.

In an office, Tony Li was tied to a chair, with members of the Longyan Squad on both sides, Qin Lie was in front of him.

Tony Lee's body recovered a little now, and he spread his hands and looked at Qin Lie and said, "Brother, please, I'm really not Tony Lee, my name is Wang Wenshan, I'm going abroad this time to travel, I don't know you either, why are you arresting me?"

On these words, Qin Lie is a punctuation mark and can't believe it.

Say this: "Okay, I know you have a lot of identities. Now you can't use this set for me. Let me ask you, where is the hard disk you copied from Murong's house?"

The strange thing is that although Tony Lee was caught, he just searched up and down on him and found no hard drive.

According to what Murong Huanyu said, Tony Lee copied a lot of content this time, and it definitely couldn't fit on a USB flash drive. He must have taken a hard drive.

Large-capacity hard drives are not yet so small that they cannot be found on the body.

So Qin Lie wondered if this kid just hid the hard drive on the way to escape.

"Big brother." Tony Lee still acted, "What hard drive, what Murong's house, what are you talking about, I can't understand a word of it."

"Hey..." Qin Lie didn't bother to talk nonsense with him anymore, what could he say to the person pretending to be asleep.

He instructed Jiang Lei on the side: "Jiang Lei, take someone to take a look now, and search along the road from the path he ran just now to see if there is anything left by him, and pay special attention to search the women's toilet, there is only that one. Ladies' toilet, he wasn't in my sight."

During the whole process, Qin Lie was almost chasing in the footsteps of Tony Li.

So Qin Lie looked at him the whole time. In his line of sight, he absolutely couldn't throw a hard drive out like that. He must have done it when he was out of sight.

But as for where it was left, Qin Lie didn't know, so Jiang Lei could only find it slowly.

After Jiang Lei went out, Qin Lie took out a file from the folder behind him and threw it directly on the ground in front of Tony Li.

He said casually: "Tony Lee, you can avoid the Murong family's intelligence system and keep doing your job to the core position, but you have stolen all the family's confidential documents, do you think they will not Are you investigating??

This is in Huaxia, and the Murong family is one of the eight great families. You don't really think that you can run from the magic capital to Longcheng so easily?

Now it doesn't matter whether you admit it or not. Since we will come here to block you, we naturally have our basis. You'd better tell us where the things are placed, otherwise, when we find out ourselves, your end will be miserable.

You don't really think that if you fool us around with the identities you faked, we'll let you go, right? "

Tony Lee still held a glimmer of hope, pretending to be calm and saying, "Then you are illegally detained."

"Haha..." Qin Lie laughed, "I caught a global wanted criminal, and I was illegally detained. By the way, it can be said that this is Huaxia. Even if I really detain you illegally, there is nothing you can do."

"By the way." Qin Lie finally said, "You night souls won't survive for long, at most three days, your night soul organization will disappear from the earth."

"Hehe..." Hearing this, Tony Lee himself laughed this time, "Friend, at first you thought my statement was ridiculous, but now I think your statement is ridiculous too."

"Do you know how deep the foundation of Night Soul is in the world, do you know how many countries and how many people the entire Night Soul's network includes, disappearing from this world, how funny you are."

Qin Lie listened and said in a low voice, "So you admitted that you are from the Night Soul."

Tony Lee continued to laugh: "As you said, you have already identified me anyway, and you won't let me go. It doesn't matter if I admit it or not?"

"Where did you put that thing?" Qin Lie asked.

Tony Lee shook his head and smiled: "You should keep these things for yourself and find them slowly."

Tony Li didn't mean to let go. Seeing this, Qin Lie whispered: "Actually, we can negotiate a condition."

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