That's it, it's just a matter of how to do it.

After this decision was made, the people from Hades Island took Tony Lee to undergo a transformation, and a tiny electronic chip was implanted in his ear.

The electronic chip can eavesdrop and transmit sound information remotely, but the most important function is that the chip can self-detonate, and the diameter of the explosion spark can reach one meter. This explosion can completely blow up Tony Lee into a headless body.

On the other hand, Qin Lie also received a simple transformation, mainly using silicone to make a completely different human skin mask, and then applying glue to his face.

The sticky and inexplicable squeezing feeling really made Qin Lie feel uncomfortable.

It's just that this matter only needs to persist for one day, and their specific action time is set at eleven o'clock in the evening the day after tomorrow.

Qin Lie needs to find the control room inside and open the canal fence.

Those outside would need to land on the west coast of the island for more than a day, then detour to the drain on the south side of the island and wait for the fence to open.

This is the whole itinerary.

What to do specifically requires Qin Lie to respond flexibly after entering the night soul's base, but the ultimate goal is to open the fence of the drain.

Qin Lie's new identity is an apprentice received by Tony Li in Huaxia. He is mainly protecting Tony Li's safety along the way, and Xingtian also helped Qin Lie make a new file. Qin Lie this night, Just memorize this file.

After doing all the preparations, Qin Lie and Tony Li set off from the hotel and drove all the way to a port in Rome, ready to take a boat to the unnamed island.

Leaving the hotel, because of disguise, all the people can not send.

After arriving at the port, everything else is up to Qin Lie himself.

Including many of his current actions, he has to accept the command of Tony Lee - after all, his current identity is Tony Lee's apprentice, and this identity relationship still needs to be performed well.

Qin Lie bent his waist a little bit and lowered his voice a little bit, trying to make himself look like a servant as much as possible.

And in order to make it more like a fake, Qin Lie and the others also deliberately made a hard disk - this hard disk is the core secrets of the Murong family.

In this way, Qin Lie and Tony Li changed their identities, and suddenly they became a master and apprentice duo who returned from Huaxia triumphantly, got the core secrets of the Murong family, and got home safely.

Tony Lee was familiar with how to get back to the Night Soul Base. After the car arrived at the port, he found a fishing boat parked on Pier 11. The boat was not big, and it was only three stories high.

Because Tony Lee has a computer chip in his brain, his words can be transmitted to Qin Lie's ears almost in real time, so he is not afraid of Tony Lee's tricks.

He negotiated for a while with the owner of the fishing boat, who was probably Yehun's operator, speaking the local Italian language, which Qin Lie couldn't understand.

After negotiating for about five minutes, the fisherman nodded, as if to confirm something.

Then Qin Lie saw Tony Lee walking back and said, "Come on, get on the boat, this boat will take us to the island."

"Ok!" Qin Lie quickly got on the boat, and Tony Li followed, and the two found two stools on the deck to sit there.

The fishing boat set off very quickly. Within five minutes after the two people got on the boat, the people on the fishing boat put away the ropes, put away the anchor, started the turbine and set off.

The back of the fishing boat is actually equipped with a modern turbo propulsion system. Although Qin Lie did not go to the cabin specifically, he could feel that the boat was not slow to drive. It should have a speed of about 20 to 30 knots.

That is forty to sixty kilometers per hour.

Moreover, the weather was not bad today, and it was sailing during the day. The speed of the entire boat was kept at the maximum speed. Qin Lie stood on the deck, feeling the oncoming sea breeze, with a blue sky in front of him, and he was in a good mood.

I didn't talk too much with Tony Lee along the way. The only communication was to exchange information about the two of them to ensure that they would not reveal their secrets when they got to the island.

Nothing happened, Qin Lie and Tony Li took the boat for about ten hours, and finally reached the destination of the trip, the nameless island where the Night Soul Base is located.

Looking at it from a distance, the area of ​​this island is not particularly large, and it is not even comparable to the deserted island that Qin Lie had left behind.

But just at a glance, Qin Lie noticed the ancient castle built on the island.

The entire ancient castle stands at the top of the island. It is a very standard medieval architectural style, with pointed roofs and curved towers.

And further outside, various fortifications, towering walls, power grids on the walls, and many long-range weapon launchers, now because they are too far apart, the people on the walls can't be seen.

However, with an ancient castle of this size, and the base of Night Soul, the defensive troops on the city wall must be indispensable.

And Qin Lie also probably saw the cliffs on the east side of the island, which are indeed very high.

The average height must be about 100 meters, and even the lowest place is not less than 50 meters.

The difficulty of this rock wall is that the bottom position is concave, and its entire slope is not 90 degrees upright, but more than 100 degrees more terrifying than 90 degrees.

It is very difficult to climb up such a rock wall, let alone the full landing of so many fighters.

Therefore, the judgments of Xing Tian and Situ Xuan were completely correct.

The boat did not stop here, but detoured all the way, making a small circle and a half along the island.

All the way to the west side of the island, which is the easiest beach to land on.

The location of the beach in a bay of the island, the high tide can almost completely submerge the beach.

And it just happened to be during the day, before the high tide, Qin Lie and Tony Li could safely go to the island.

When the fishing boat was approaching the coast, it kept turning on the headlights on the boat, which seemed to be sending a signal to the island. Qin Lie didn't know what the signal was for, anyway, they finally landed successfully.

It's just that almost when he was about to disembark, Tony Lee suddenly leaned over and handed over a hat. The hat was black and had no decoration. I don't know what was special about it.

"Put this thing on," Tony Lee told him.

Qin Lie was very strange and said suspiciously: "What are you wearing this for?"

Tony Lee said: "As long as you step on this land, you have entered the range of the city wall defenders, and there will be at least ten snipers aiming at your head. Wear this and they will know you are a night. souls, they won't do it."

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