Oh, Qin Lie knew in his heart, it turned out that they used this thing to distinguish whether it was a night soul.

Only Qin Lie fiddled with the hat, but didn't see anything special.

It even resembles the black hats worn by women in the Arab region.

Ugly is really ugly, but I don't know what technology has been done on it to allow those snipers to identify it.

Tony Lee put on one himself, jumped from the exit of the fishing boat to the beach, and started all the way to the interior of the island.

It seems that there is no problem. Tony Lee still has the bomb they control in his mind, so he should not dare to play tricks.

Qin Lie thought for a while, put on his hat like Tony Lee, and jumped down.

Since setting foot on this island, Qin Lie went to the meeting alone, and the adventure journey into the night soul base has already started.

The boat did not stop very close to the shore, mainly for fear of running aground.

Qin Lie jumped into the water and swam for a while to the shore.

The beach is about 100 meters long. After crossing the beach, it is a way to slowly climb up.

There was no threat during the whole process, and Qin Lie didn't know whether there was a sniper aiming at the specific head, so it didn't matter.

Climbing up the mountain for another ten minutes, the two finally came to the front of a towering city wall. Looking up, the city wall was about a dozen stories high, all of which were cliffs and stones. The huge diamond rock used is extremely strong.

Apart from this, even if it is this extremely high wall, a smooth wall without any support, it is absolutely impossible to manually climb over it.

Unlike the underground base chosen by the Skull and Bones, although Night Soul's base is on the ground, it is still very difficult to break through.

It doesn't matter anymore, Qin Lie and Tony Li soon came to a city gate under this city wall.

The city gate is a super gate made of solid wood. I can't understand what material it is, but it is very strong.

A small door was opened at the lower right corner of the main door, and it was through this small door that Tony Lee communicated with the people inside.

After knocking on the door, Tony Lee communicated with the people inside in English: "Hey, Louis, quickly open this door for me, I'm back, can you hear me?"

Apparently the people inside were relatively familiar with Tony Lee, and after hearing his words, the people inside immediately said, "Hey Tony, we saw you when you just landed, two years later, your kid finally back again."

Tony Lee said to the people inside: "Then why don't you hurry out and open the door, what are you waiting for??"

"Hey, Tony," replied Louis inside, "I can open the door for you, but tell me, who is that young man standing beside you?"

"This is my apprentice." Tony Lee said immediately as planned, "He also wants to join Night Soul, I gave him this opportunity and brought him here."

But the person inside said: "Tony, to enter the gate of our night soul, you must work on the periphery for two years, and you can only come in with the consent of the people above. You can't bring him directly into the base."

Tony Lee responded immediately: "Louis, damn Louis, Stark has been with me for two years, and he has been my best assistant for two years in Huaxia, and it stands to reason that he has had a peripheral for two years. Surprised, I am the recommender and there is no problem taking him in."

Tony Li finally reassured the Louis: "Don't worry, if the above asks about the responsibility, I will help to bear it. I will be responsible for this matter, and they will not trouble you."

It wasn't until Tony Lee said this that Louis decided to just come down and decided to open the door: "After you go in and tell the bosses, don't rely on me for this matter."

With that said, Louis inside finally opened the door.

With a creaking sound, the small door opened. The thickness of the small door was more than thirty centimeters, which was quite terrifying.

Tony Lee took the lead, Qin Lie and Tony Lee walked into the castle together, and when they got to the castle, Tony Lee didn't even look at Louis, he went straight to the inside of the castle and said, "Thank you Louis, come back. It's time for you to eat Huaxia hot pot!"

After he finished speaking, he kept walking inside.

As for Qin Lie, in order to appear a little more like, he deliberately looked back at Louis and smiled, indicating that he is a newcomer, please take care of him.

Then he chased Tony Lee all the way up.

After entering the outer city wall, Qin Lie and Tony Li passed another urn city, and after the urn city was another inner city wall. After passing the inner city wall, the two really reached the castle.

It can only be said that the original Charles III really enjoyed it. After entering from the main gate, there is a flat square on the front. There is a flower bed on the square and a fountain. The fountain is still running.

The whole square is very flat and the area is very large, even more than the central square in Longcheng.

Walking from the square all the way, Tony Lee began to introduce everything here.

Pointing to the east: "This is the cafeteria for all the members. Basically, three meals a day are served here."

Pointing to the west: "This is the place for activities, there are gymnasiums, bowling alleys, swimming pools, etc. I usually don't have to, and the leisure and entertainment are all here."

Then he pointed to a large castle in front and said: "The inside is the accommodation. There are three such castles planned in total. The one in front of you and the two buildings on the side of it are the same."

"Pay attention to this..." Tony Lee pointed to a small house on the right along the way and said, "This is the main control room. The electric switches, water gates, information switches, etc. of the entire castle are all inside. The main control switches are all inside."

The implication is that the place where they will approach and break through these two days is there.

Qin Lie came in all the way from the gate, in fact, he was already searching and observing the defense facilities of the entire castle.

I don't know if it is a mercenary or a government army. The defense here is very strict, almost three steps, one post and five steps and one post.

These soldiers are armed with guns, ready to stand and on alert at all times.

In the direction that Tony Lee pointed, the main control room was guarded by more people. There were about a dozen mercenaries in camouflage uniforms standing in front of the house, and everyone who walked over had to check their documents.

It seems that it will take some effort to penetrate this general control room.

This matter needs to be considered in the long run.

Without deliberately staying in this area, Qin Lie followed Tony Li all the way to the dormitory building.

When he arrived at the castle where he was staying, Tony Lee pushed open the door and went in, and took him upstairs to his room.

Only then did Qin Lie see how luxurious the accommodation in this castle was.

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