After all, it is the palace of the ancient emperor.

The decor in this area is indeed a bit sassy.

You must know that this palace was built in the eleventh century, almost a thousand years ago.

But that floor, in black and white, was all tiles so smooth that a face could be seen.

The chandeliers above are all glass lampshades. There is a staircase in the center of the palace, which can be rotated all the way up, and then bridges on each floor can lead to the surrounding of the castle.

The handrails of the spiral staircase are all made of white jade, and even after a thousand years, they are still as smooth as new.

In addition to these, there are also oil paintings and various works of art hanging on the walls around the castle, which are generally of a special high-end atmosphere.

Tony Lee's room was on the third floor, and the two of them climbed the stairs together.

After the door was closed, Tony Li and Qin Lie discussed how to get to the main control room.

"How about it," Tony Lee said. "Isn't it a little harder than you think."

"Um..." Qin Lie pondered, "The main reason is that the defense force inside is a little more difficult than I thought. Why do you have to arrange so many soldiers with guns in your base?"

Even the Skull and Bones Society has never arranged it this way.

Tony Lee said with a smile: "There is no way, as you said, almost all of the people recruited by Night Soul are centered on interests, and their loyalty to Night Soul is not high.

There will be betrayals and riots at any time here. Only in this way can those riots be strangled in the cradle.

There is also a small reason, that is, the base of Night Soul claims to be a prison to the outside world, and we occasionally have to pretend to the outside world to let them see our defensive strength, which is probably for these reasons. "

"But in this case, it becomes difficult for us to get close to the main control room and quietly open the drain fence," Qin Lie said.

Tony Lee said immediately after listening: "It's almost impossible to get close to the control room quietly, because there are people on duty in the control room 24 hours a day, if you want to, you can only touch it, and then take advantage of others not paying attention. The switch is on, it's the only way."

"Isn't it more difficult to do this?" Qin Lie said.

Tony Lee said: "It's not too high to say that it's high, and it's actually a bit difficult to say that it's not high. I'll take you to meet someone later. If you behave well, it might not be difficult."

"Who?" Qin Lie asked directly.

"Downs." Tony Lee said, "A disgusting fat man, but that person is the head of the internal general control room, and he manages this control room."

"What do you say?" Tony Lee hesitated for a while after listening, "It looks good on the surface, but it's not very good in reality. I robbed him a few years ago, and I still remember me now. "

"But there's no way," said Tony Lee. "If you want to get into the control room, this person has to be approached." "

This should be Tony Lee's policy.

At this moment, the two were discussing how to deal with it, when the door of Tony Lee's room was knocked.

dong dong dong.

A man said in English outside: "Mr. Tony Lee, Mr. Downes heard that you are back and would like to invite you over to have dinner with him."

Hearing this, Qin Lie was startled. He really said Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here.

Just when he was still discussing how to deal with him, he actually came by himself.

Tony Lee raised his eyebrows, shrugged his shoulders, and said innocently: "Look, I didn't do anything, so he came to invite me. You know our relationship, right?"

This incident obviously exceeded Tony Lee's expectations, and Tony Lee responded to the people outside: "Okay, I'll tidy up a little and come out right away."

"Okay." The person outside responded and stopped talking.

After responding to this, Tony Li really stood up and found a better piece of clothes in his closet to put on. At the same time, he pointed to the clothes inside and asked Qin Lie, "How is it, do you want to change it?"

Qin Lie shook his head at the time: "No need, I'll wear this one."

One is that it is unnecessary, and the other is to prevent accidents.

Even now, Qin Lie has to be on guard against Tony Li, to prevent him from doing anything else - anyway, this person is much more cunning than he imagined, so it's always right to be careful.

The two didn't stay in the room for long, and soon rested out of the room.

There was a waiter in uniform outside the room, similar to a waiter. When he saw Tony Lee coming out, he greeted him warmly, and then led the way.

The two walked out of the accommodation building, crossed the square, and came to the house where Tony Lee had instructed at the beginning, where they used to eat.

I thought it would be a big canteen like a staff canteen.

But as soon as I came in, I saw that it was actually a rather large hotel, and that was all about the decoration. The main thing was that the waiters serving in the hotel were all handsome men and women.

Damn, people of this night soul will really enjoy it.

Except for a lot of tables in the hall, from the second floor up, almost all of them are hotel boxes.

Now that dinner time is approaching, the wait staff come and go, very busy.

Under the leadership of the waiter at the beginning, the two finally came to the outside of a private room on the fourth floor.

The waiter pushed in the door and led Qin Lie and Tony Li all the way in.

When I opened the door, I saw that the person inside was not. It was a rectangular table with more than a dozen seats. In front of each seat was a set of Western-style tableware.

Then there are all Western-style dishes in front of them, similar to grilled steak, baked snails, fruit salad, grilled chicken.

At the long table, sitting at the top of the table is a European white man who looks quite fat.

This man can't be considered fat, but he is very strong. With a lot of flesh on his stomach, he looks very big.

Then on his left and right, there is a vacant seat.

Apparently it's reserved for Tony Li and Qin Lie.

After pushing the door open, the fat man saw Qin Lie and Tony Li almost immediately, then stood up from the chair enthusiastically, and opened his arms to hug.

"Hey, Tony, my friend, you're finally back. Do you know how much I missed you while you were in Huaxia?"

"Downs!" Tony Lee's reaction proved the man's identity.

"Tangs, I don't think you really miss me. During my time in Huaxia, Louis occasionally called me and sent me a video, but why didn't you send me a message?"

"Brother, you've wronged me like this." Downs said with a smile, "You know, since I took charge of this control room, it's been a lot of shit, and sometimes the trouble outside requires me. I'm really too busy to deal with it."

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