"Yeah." Tony Lee followed, "You're a busy person, how can we small characters get on?"

Downs listened, and now said the other way around: "Tony, it's not interesting for you to say these words, look at me, when you get home, I won't invite you over for dinner right away."

"Okay, okay." Tony Lee said, "Just kidding, don't take it to heart, today is such a happy day, let's not get hurt because of these."

"Yes, yes..." Downs said immediately, "Since it's here, sit down and get ready for dinner."

And it was about this time that Downs seemed to see Qin Lie.

He walked over, gave Qin Lie a hug, and then directly touched Qin Lie's shoulder with a warm look.

"Little brother, welcome to Night Soul, hahahaha, I have heard that you are Tony's little brother in Huaxia, right, hahaha, that's great..."

Qin Lie didn't like this person's bear hug, mainly because he hugged his shoulders as soon as he came, and deliberately used a lot of force, which was completely a way of humiliation.

Tony Lee is right, this Downs seems to be harmonious on the surface, but in fact he has been suffocating badly behind the scenes.

Qin Lie had no choice but to show his dissatisfaction. He could only laugh and say, "Yes, Mr. Tony is my Bole. He discovered me. I am very grateful to him."

"That's right." Downs said, "Tony is now a big celebrity in our Night Soul, and the intelligence organization is a major department of our Night Soul. This time he brought back the information of the Murong family, and his position in the intelligence organization is again important. As the tide rises, we might all point to him in the future!"

"You follow Tony in the night soul and have a good time, and it will be your benefit to have more in the future!"

Tang Si put his arms around Qin Lie's shoulders, like a senior educating his juniors, and kept saying such words.

Qin Lie just kept nodding and saying yes.

After a wave of courtesy, Downs released Qin Lie and let him sit down, then raised the wine glass in his hand and said to everyone: "Come on, let's toast together, welcome Tony and, eh, right..."

Tang Si suddenly remembered that he didn't ask Qin Lie's name, and quickly asked, "By the way, you kid, what's your name?"

"Stark." Qin Lie replied.

"One Tony, one Stark." Downs laughed, "You two together are Iron Man, hahaha, interesting, come on, let's welcome Tony and Stark boy back to Night Soul together, cheers!"

He raised his glass high, and as soon as the order came out, the others on the table followed suit.

The crowd drank the first glass of wine.

After the form of the occasion is gone, the next thing is to communicate with oneself in private.

Qin Lie didn't expect Tangs to be the first to find him, holding a wine glass, and he almost said: "Boy Stark, how is it, are you still used to coming to Night Soul?"

Qin Lie could only pretend that he really came to Yehun to do business.

Said this: "I just sat down for less than an hour. I can't talk about getting used to it. I think it will definitely be different from my life in China, but I will gradually become familiar with it."

"My name is Downs." Downs said, "Now I have been assigned to the main control room of the base. If you need me anywhere, feel free to come to the control room to find me in the future. You can call me Downs."

"Yes, Brother Tang!" Qin Lie could only nod his head.

Then Tang Si suddenly changed the subject and asked Qin Lie, "By the way, when you were in China, you were mainly helping Tony to do something. Why did he suddenly take you as an apprentice?"

Qin Lie replied according to the pre-arranged speech: "I have done many things for Tony, but the main thing is to protect Tony's safety."

"Oh?" Downs pretended to be surprised, "Protecting Tony's safety, so you must be good at it?"

Qin Lie said with a smile, "It's alright, but I can't say it's particularly powerful. I started practicing when I was a child."

"Okay, okay." Downs applauded in a low voice, then continued, "Then why don't you show us a show, chinesekungfu, we used to watch Chinese Kungfu in movies and think it's amazing, why don't you show us? "

"This..." Qin Lie didn't want to do these meaningless things.

Besides, performing boxing in front of so many people makes him feel like a clown himself.

He originally wanted to refuse, but before he could speak, Downs applauded and beckoned everyone to be quiet.

Then he said loudly: "Everyone, everyone, there is good news for everyone to listen to."

When everyone was quiet, he continued: "Mr. Stark, our Stark boy, everyone is so happy today, I hope you can show us Chinese boxing to help everyone cheer, everyone applauds!"

"it is good!"

"Very good!"

"Okay, there's a show to watch."

These people seemed to know exactly what Towns was going to do, and after hearing Towns' proposal, everyone started to boo.

Tony naturally noticed Qin Lie's mood.

I also knew that the group of Tangs was playing tricks on Qin Lie at all.

He immediately spoke for Qin Lie: "Tangs, he is still eating now, and Stark is not full. What kind of kung fu did you ask him to perform?"

"Tony, this is your fault." Downs said, "This is Stark's own intention, not what I forced him to do. He wants to give you some face in front of everyone, and also to make everyone quicken. Knowing him, I think it's a good suggestion, Stark, don't you think??"

Qin Lie was a little upset.

Even if he didn't come undercover today, but was the real little brother brought back by Tony, he couldn't be happy to be teased like this.

He is putting himself in such a high position now, and everyone in the audience is cheering. If he doesn't agree, it will not give Downes face, and secondly, it will make Tony Lee humiliated - this is definitely not what a follower should do. thing.

Looking at Downs, then at the others in the restaurant.

Qin Lie can only say this at the end: "Yes, Mr. Tony, I want to perform for everyone, you don't need to worry about me."

"Okay!" Tang Si immediately took the lead in applauding after hearing this, and said loudly, "As expected, it was the person Tony brought back. He has the courage. Such a young man will definitely have a bright future in the future."

After saying this, Tang Si's smile was full of meaning.

Then he gave up the front of the table, pointed to the front of the site and said, "Come on, the stage is handed over to you, it's your time next, itisshowtime!"


"it is good!"

"I can't wait to see it!" The audience also cheered.

Qin Lie had no choice. He looked at Tony Li, and finally stared at Downs. He bit his head and stood at the front alone.

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