Now in this situation, it is obvious that Downs is making fun of himself.

You talk about it, at any banquet, everyone is eating, and you are the only one performing on the stage. What is this, this is an actor, this is a clown.

It seems that the so-called bright and beautiful, and some people hold it, isn't it just to make people have fun?

Just now, in order to disguise his identity, Qin Lie can only do what Tang Si wants.

But it doesn't matter, everything is only tonight, and when Situ Xuan and Xingtian take action tomorrow, and everyone penetrates into the night soul, then there will be time for these dogs to cry!

With that in mind, Qin Lie started punching on the stage.

He played an ordinary Bajiquan routine, which did not reveal the essence of Bajiquan. Anyway, he was just entertaining these people. On the other hand, he was afraid of being recognized.

In all of China, Qiu Bai's Bajiquan is the most orthodox. If anyone who knows the goods can see the source of his Bajiquan, his identity may be exposed.

Just playing a trick, those people at the table are like watching a play, constantly applauding and applauding.

At the last touch, Qin Lie slapped the ground with his palm, leaped into the air, and did a backflip in the air, lingering in the air for two seconds.

This action made those people look at it all at once, and everyone stood up and applauded.

"Okay!" "Great!"

"Huaxia Kung Fu is really awesome!" "Boy Stark is good!"

Originally, Qin Lie's set of punches was almost over here, but I don't know which one in the corner has no eyes, and a sentence came out: "One more!"

Then, the others seemed to get through the two veins of Ren and Du, and they also echoed: "Yes, that's right, another one."

"Boy Stark, so handsome, I want to watch it again."

"One more, one more!"

In this way, these people are really like watching a party, constantly shouting and repeating, and shouting the words "one more" into a slogan.

Seriously, Qin Lie feels more and more like a clown.

What's the difference between this and those monkeys played in a circus?

And that was clearly what Downes wanted to see.

At this moment, Downs was sitting on the side, propping up the table with one hand and resting his cheeks with his palm, as if he were watching a play.

So persuaded Qin Lie: "It's rare that everyone likes you, otherwise you'll look at a few more, so that in the future, it will be better for Yehun to gain a foothold."

Qin Lie looked at Tang Si's smiling face and really wanted to punch him.

But now the situation is delicate and there is no room for flaws, Qin Lie's eyelids twitched, and finally he decided to endure it and did a few backflips on the spot.

This time, the dogs turned upside down like they were on drugs, kept applauding, and kept saying that Qin Lie should continue.

It was also at this time that even Tony Lee couldn't stand it any longer.

He came to the front, supported Qin Lie and said, "Okay, it's almost done."

Tony Li is also afraid, if Qin Lie gets angry and detonates the bomb in his head, he will be finished.

He helped Qin Lie go under the table, stared at Downs and said angrily, "Tangs, did you ask Stark to perform for your people??"

Downs spread his hands and said with a smile, "Hey, brother, comeon, don't be like this, just have fun, look at how happy everyone is."

"It's you who are happy, not Stark." Tony Lee pointed to Downs and said, "Towns, I warn you, if you catch Stark again, I will turn against you."

"ok ok!"

Tang Si spread his hands and said: "Brother, I was wrong. Since Stark doesn't want to perform, I won't force him, everyone eat, eat!"

In this way, the small disturbance caused by Downs ended briefly.

Qin Lie also sat on the table and ate something quietly.

It's just obvious that today's affairs are not over yet, and the quietness that I experienced has been kept for less than ten minutes, and Tangs has come to ask for trouble again.

I saw Downs walking over with a wine glass, dragging his stool over, pretending to be intimate, and approaching Qin Lie.

Qin Lie glanced at him sideways and ignored him.

Downs said: "Brother, don't do this, it was indeed my problem just now, I didn't consider your feelings, I sincerely apologize to you here, iamsorry!"

With that said, Downs put the wine glass in his hand in front of Qin Lie.

Continue to say: "comeon, brother, raise your wine glass, let's touch one, then we will be good brothers again, yes, how did you say Huaxia's words, let go of the past, yes, let go of the old grudge ."

According to what he had just learned about Tangs, Qin Lie didn't think this person really came to apologize.

But if you want to go to the control room, you have to go through this person.

Qin Lie also wanted to see what medicine he was selling in the gourd, so he stared at him again this time, and finally picked up the wine glass in front of him and touched him.

Taking a symbolic sip, Qin Lie wanted to put the wine glass down.

As a result, Tangs picked up the wine glass and drank it all at once. At the same time, he motioned to Qin Lie and said, "Brother, drink up. There is enough wine and water today. You won't even have enough to drink, right?"

Qin Lie continued to squint at him, kept watching, and finally picked up the wine glass and drank the rest of the red wine.

"Hey!" Tangs was satisfied, patted the table and said, "It's better if we don't, so we are good brothers again."

Qin Lie still ignored him.

He patted Qin Lie on the shoulder to himself, and then said, "Okay, you are here to eat and drink, and I'll go take care of the other brothers."

After speaking, he got up and left, and went to find someone else to drink.

Qin Lie was still thinking, could it be true that this person just let him go? ?

Shouldn't be.

The answer will soon be revealed, of course not.

Because after Downs finished toasting the wine, the next moment immediately followed, someone came over, and the action was almost the same as Downs.

Holding a wine glass in one hand, Qin Lie's shoulder with the other hand, he almost said: "Hey brother, my name is Johnson, a member of the control center, the punch you punched in front of you just now is very handsome, we have no ill intentions, I respect you One cup, don't be angry."

Qin Lie raised his head, glanced at the white man, and seemed to understand their intentions.

He looked at the wine glass in front of him that was filled again at some point, and said, "It's okay to make friends, but can you stop drinking this wine, I'm not that good at drinking."

"This can't be done." In the end, the man said, "You even drank the wine of the boss of Downs. You don't drink my wine. You are discriminating against me. In my nation, this is very unacceptable. Polite behavior."

Now, Qin Lie completely understood what they were here for.

These people are here to drink their own wine.

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