Starting with Downs, this Johnson also came up, and then said something about the etiquette of their nationality, so that if he didn't drink this wine, it would be his own.

In fact, as Qin Lie, it is possible to completely dislike these people.

It's just that Qin Lie is not Qin Lie now, but Stark who has put on a mask and changed his face.

Stark was brought in by Tony Li again, so Stark, a novice of the night soul, had to pay attention to these people.

Forcefully suppressing his anger, Qin Lie picked up the wine glass again, and drank all the wine in the wine glass as he did when dealing with Tangs.

This Johnson's rhetoric is the same as Towns's.

"Brother Stark is arrogant. I like an upright young man like you. Your character will definitely get along well in Night Soul in the future."

"Haha..." Qin Lie replied with a smile, "Thank you for your words then."

This is the second one, deal with it.

But this is just the beginning. It seems that all of these people have received orders from Downs. The first one is finished, the second one, the second one, the third one, one after another, and never stops.

There were more than a dozen people at the table today, and there were a dozen cups in total.

The key to drinking red wine is that those goblet glasses are too large, and a glass of wine needs to have a small half bottle of red wine.

Many people mistakenly think that the intoxicating effect of red wine is not as great as that of white wine. In fact, it is a misunderstanding. In fact, many Western red wines have higher alcohol content than white wine.

Because red wine is mostly made from grapes, the stamina of this wine is much higher than that of white wine, and most people can't hold up a bottle of red wine.

Qin Lie's drinking capacity was acceptable, but under the repeated bombardment of these dozen people, he couldn't stand it.

When it was about the seventh person, Qin Lie's mind was already a little dizzy.

If he drinks again, he does not guarantee that he will lie here directly today.

Downs was sitting far away at the moment, he was eating nuts in the distance, looking at Qin Lie happily, and at the same time looking at Tony Lee.

In fact, he and Tony Lee had a long-standing feud. After Tony Lee stole the credit from him, he always took it to heart.

If it wasn't for Tony Lee, his status in Night Soul might be much higher than he is now.

Do you think he invited Tony Li and Qin Lie to dinner really to clean them up? how is this possible!

He just wanted to play with these two people!

Like Tony Lee has become an old fox, it is no longer easy to find cheap from him, but this Stark, a pure newcomer, who doesn't bully him?

At this moment, seeing Qin Lie being poured like that, Tang Si's heart is not to mention how comfortable he is.

As long as he can watch Tony Lee make a fool of himself, he will not be satisfied.

"Come, go..." he commanded here. "Two more, this kid seems to be reaching his limit, and two more to lay him down."


Today's dinner was attended by some employees of the control room. As the leader of the control room, Downs, of course, listened to him.

Two more people held wine glasses and the wine bottle walked over to Qin Lie.

It's just that at this time, another uninvited guest came to their restaurant, just walked in through the gate, and was followed by two bodyguards with guns.

And this person's status is obviously not low. As soon as he appeared, almost everyone on the scene stood up, including Tony Lee, including Downs.

Everyone stood at attention and said hello to this person: "Mr. Aphelo!"

"Mr. Aphelo!" "Mr. Aphelo!"

Only Qin Lie was alone, and he was a little drunk and didn't have time to get up.

But he also knew in his heart which it was.

The leadership of the Night Soul has three top leaders in total, which is also known as the Big Three of the Night Soul.

One of the three giants of the Night Soul, Song Zhe, the poisonous scorpion, ranked third, as long as he managed things outside the Night Soul, such as the killer's mission and the return of intelligence.

Aphelo is the second child, and mainly manages the members of the night soul, including the appointment and removal of positions and the appointment of members.

Aphelo has a nickname called Nighthawk, which is mainly due to his unsmiling personality and ruthless methods. It is said that this person never jokes, and even some people make innocent jokes in front of him. punished by him.

This is the second giant of the Night Soul that Qin Lie has seen.

Seeing that Qin Lie didn't stand up for a long time, the people next to him couldn't help but lift him up from the chair.

It's just that Apiro obviously didn't care about this, but looked at everyone and said, "It seems that all of you are having a good time here tonight?"

Downs was on the side, and immediately said: "Mr. Apheiro, the members of our control room have not had a good drink for a long time. I brought them to relax today."

"Has the work in the main control room been handled?" Aphelo asked.

Downs kept nodding and said: "There is no problem with the work. I have kept people on duty for every position in the general control room."

"Well." Aphelo nodded and said, "The work of your general control room is very important. All the scheduling of the entire base is done in your general control room. If you are sloppy, all of us will suffer with you, understand?"

"I know." Downs said immediately, "I'll have dinner, and I'll take them back right away."

"Yeah." Aphelo nodded with satisfaction, then he turned his eyes to Tony Lee and asked Tony Lee: "Tony, since you have returned from China, you should know that the first time you arrive at the base, you should Come to me and report, have you forgotten what I'm in charge of?"

Tony Lee said immediately: "Mr. Apheiro, this is indeed my mistake. I was going to take a break and go to your office to find you right away, but as soon as I had this plan, Downs asked someone to send me an invitation, saying I was invited to dinner, and I followed."

"Yeah." Aphelo hummed, and continued: "I heard that you brought a junior back this time, and you are going to let him join the night soul, where is the person?"

Tony Li didn't dare to look directly at Apheiro, so he could only point in Qin Lie's direction.

Aphelo saw Qin Lie at a glance, and then couldn't help frowning: "Why did you drink so much as soon as you came here, your new recruit is so undisciplined?"

Tony Lee then seized the opportunity to sue: "No, Mr. Apheiro, I can't blame Stark, Stark didn't want to drink so much, it was Downs who kept telling his people and Stark to drink, It's not easy for Tucker to refuse, ah, in the end, he can only agree, and slowly drink to what it is now."

"By the way!" Tony Lee continued, "It's Downs, I just heard that Stark's skills are good, and he has to let Stark perform Chinese boxing for everyone, making Stark like a joke. Same."

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