"Tony Lee, don't talk nonsense!" Downs was a little anxious now, pointing at Tony Lee and scolding, "When did I cheat Stark, we are all here to welcome him today.

The boxing is his own request, and the drinking later expresses our love for him.

You see why we didn't ask you for a drink, it's because Stark is better than you. "

"Come on." Of course Tony Lee didn't recognize it, and he confronted Downs. "You just know that your tricks are useless to me, so you turned your head and aimed at Stark. Don't you just want to make us look ugly?"

"Tony Lee." Downs said, "You are so disappointing to me. I wanted to relax the relationship with you through this dinner today, but if you do this, we will be dead enemies in the future."

"All right!"

Seeing that Downes and Tony Lee were arguing so hard, Apheiro didn't even want to listen to them.

He interrupted them loudly: "It's all from the same organization, what's wrong? Now Yehun is worried about internal and external troubles, do you still think Yehun is not messy enough??"

"If the two of you quarrel again, get out of the island for me!"

After all, Aphrodite was the No. 2 character of the Night Soul, so his words were still very useful.

When this sentence went out, both Downs and Tony Lee shut up.

Seeing that the two were quiet, Afei Luo continued: "Okay, Tony, forget about not coming to see me today, and also, the information you stole from Murong's house, go back to the poisonous scorpion, those The thing is he's in charge, as for this Stark..."

Aphelo hesitated for a while, then looked at Qin Lie and said, "Stark, you said you were protecting Tony during Huaxia, right??"

"Yeah, what's wrong!" Qin Lie was actually just a little dizzy now, not to the point of losing his mind.

But this drunk just happened to be his bunker, and he could act a little more presumptuous.

He continued: "What's the matter, do you want me to punch too? I tell you, it's impossible! Can my Stark be played once, and can I be played a second time?"

As for Aphelo, he really didn't have the slightest intention of joking, and he didn't say anything, and said directly: "Stark, I am the person recruited by the entire Night Soul supervisor. It stands to reason that if you want to join the Night Soul, you must With my consent, since you were brought back by Tony, I don't want to doubt your identity, but you must show enough ability, otherwise Night Soul will not want you."

"Since you are protecting Tony during Huaxia, you must be very good. You must show me your skills and abilities, or I will kick you out of the base."

Qin Lie shook his head: "That's to put it bluntly, you still want me to show you, what's the difference between your request and Tangs??"

"No." Apheiro said, "Towns asked you to perform. I'm not asking you to perform. I'll designate an opponent for you. You fight him. If you can win, I'll let you stay."

Qin Lie didn't think too much about it at the moment. If he was just looking for someone to fight, this was totally acceptable.

"Okay!" Qin Lie agreed and asked, "Which one are you looking for for me?"

"Then what do you think of him?" After saying that, Apheiro pointed his hand directly at Downs.

When Downs was accused, he was agitated at the time: "Mr. Apheiro, do you want me to fight him?"

"What's wrong, are you scared?" Aphelo asked.

Tang Si hurriedly shook his head: "No no no, I'm afraid my punches are too heavy for him to carry."

"It's just right." Aphelo said, "Anyway, you don't like Tony and this young man. If you win him, I'll send him off the island directly, won't you get what you want?"

"I..." Downs wanted to justify something, but there was no need to think about it.

If Qin Lie was kicked out of the island, he would have saved a lot of trouble.

Downs finally nodded and said, "Ok, I can."

As for what Qin Lie thinks, I rely on it, that's not only okay, it's really okay.

I was not happy with this Downs.

Today, I played myself like a monkey, and then I drink alcohol. Qin Lie is still very uncomfortable in his stomach.

Originally, I was thinking of waiting until Xingtian and the others broke through the defense of the fortress before finding the grandson to settle the account. As a result, Aphelo was very powerful and let him fight Tangs directly. Wouldn't it be justifiable to beat this grandson?

Qin Lie was so excited that he immediately agreed: "Okay, then I will fight with Mr. Downs and show Mr. Aphelo what I can do."


Aphelo nodded, agreeing to the duel.

Soon, the rest of the people on the scene dispersed, leaving the open space in this hall for Qin Lie and Downs to operate.

Qin Lie and Tangs quickly stood on opposite sides, with a distance of about three meters between the two.

On the opposite side, the strong Downs clenched his fists in both hands and kept jumping in place, learning boxing.

He put his hands to his face and said as he jumped, "Boy Stark, I may be sorry this time, I would have welcomed you to Night Soul, but since Mr. You can only execute it, be careful not to get hurt by me."

"Haha..." Qin Lie laughed, not to mention how easy it was, "You better say a few words less, or you'll be beaten to the ground later, and your face will be thrown at grandma's house!"

"Hahahaha..." Qin Lie's words suddenly caused the audience to burst into laughter.

Others talked and said, "Boss Tangs, look at how confident this kid is!"

"He actually wanted to beat you to the ground. You shouldn't give him some color."

"I think you were also the fighting champion of the special service team back then, don't let a kid look down on you!"

"Go straight up and flatten him, punch him!"

After everyone said this, Tang Si couldn't bear it any longer. He took the lead in rushing up to Qin Lie, and then punched Qin Lie in front of him with a straight punch.

The fist was like the wind, and it made a smashing sound in the air.

It can only be said that he has a little skill, but his skill is not enough for Qin Lie to see.

Facing Tang Si's punch, Qin Lie did not retreat but advanced, and rushed forward together with Tang Si.

When approaching Tangs, he easily dodged Tangs's fist with a side dodge. Then, his right hand made a fist, and a heavy punch slammed into Tangs' stomach.


The strength was only strong, and Tang Si's body was dented in one fell swoop.

Downs' eyes bulged, almost popping out of their sockets.

With one punch, it almost knocked out Downs' overnight meal.

Downs's originally aggressive body suddenly retreated, and the whole person flew backwards, vacated in the air for two or three seconds, and finally hit the wall heavily.

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