Qin Lie's punch was 80% strong, how could Tang Si be able to resist.

As far as Tang Si's level is concerned, on Huaxia's side, he is just a third-rate to fourth-rate warrior.

After so many rounds of training, Qin Lie has already reached the level of a first-class warrior.

Now it is only a matter of realm from being a top martial artist. If he can comprehend some realm beyond kung fu, he can also become a top martial artist like Situ Xuan.

It's not even a little bit worse than Towns. All of Towns' movements look like a child, how could he be his opponent.

He was already irritable in his heart, but Qin Lie was full of anger at the beginning of being played as a monkey by this bastard for a long time.

All the anger was released in the punch just now.

And with Apero's order, this punch was justifiable.

One punch out, there is only one feeling in the heart of the group, that is cool!

But he still saved a little bit of strength. After all, if he really punched with 100% strength, Tang Si estimated that the whole person would be crushed, either into a vegetative state or dead.

I have to stay with Yehun for a day or two, so I have to leave some way out.

After punching, Qin Lie stopped and stood still, looking at Tang Si on the ground indifferently.

And those of Downs' subordinates ran up one after another, helped Tangs up, and shouted while supporting: "Boss Tangs, boss Tangs!!!"

Downs lay on the ground, curled up, twitching non-stop, and he didn't recover for about two or three minutes.

Some people were so excited that they rushed up to seek justice for Downs, but these people were pushed back by the two bodyguards beside Aphelo.

Qin Lie didn't bother to pay any attention to them, so he turned to look at Aphrodite and asked, "How is it, Mr. Aphrodite, that punch just now is enough to prove my strength."

"Hahahaha!" Apheluo gave a rare laugh and said with a thumbs up, "Okay, very good, I like a bold young man like you, and you are strong enough to knock down Tang Si with one punch."

Then he turned to look at Tony Lee and whispered: "Tony, you recruited a good talent for our Night Soul, and you will take him well in the future. Night Soul needs such a talent."


It can be seen that Aphelo is quite satisfied with Qin Lie's performance, and the whole person is in a good mood.

After saying the above paragraph, Aphelo left the restaurant with his two bodyguards and walked straight away.

It was only at this time that Downs regained his strength and stood up with the help of his men.

But it's still a little hard to walk on his own, and he can barely move with the help of his men.

Tang Si was in a very bad mood at this time, wrote all his dissatisfaction on his face, passed Qin Lie with the help of his subordinates, and warned Qin Lie, "You are fine!"

"You remember it for me, don't let me get a chance, if I get a chance, I will kill you."

"It's going to be a long time to come, and you will stay in Yehun for a long time. We will play slowly in the future."

After saying this, Downs also left the restaurant with the help of his men, and went downstairs to the distance.

But how did he know that Qin Lie was not the Stark he saw in his eyes at all, and the so-called Fangchang did not exist at all.

If everything goes well, tomorrow, tomorrow will be the end of Night Soul.

After this incident, Qin Lie and Tony Li didn't stay in this place for much longer. They left the restaurant and returned to their room, while carefully closing the door.

At this time, Tony Li dared to turn his head and pointed at Qin Lie and said, "Brother, what are you doing, why did you really beat Tang Si?"

Qin Lie has done everything and has nothing to admit.

He whispered: "Just hit, what can I do?"

"You forgot our plan?" Tony Lee said, "You forgot what our purpose is? We are going to touch the main control room to turn on the switch. I have already said that we should try our best to please Downs today. That way we can get in tomorrow, you've angered Downs now, he sees you now like he sees an enemy, how will you get in tomorrow?"

"You saw it too." Qin Lie said, "He didn't intend to communicate with us from the beginning, and he couldn't possibly treat us as friends.

He played me like a monkey, so I could only beat him. "

"Hey!" Tony Li seemed even more anxious than Qin Lie, and kept pacing back and forth in the house, "If you can't bear it, you will make a big plan, you are an authentic Chinese, how can you be worse than a foreigner like me? Tell me what are you going to do?"

"Of course you can bear him without bullying you." Qin Lie said, "His appearance is too cheap, I don't feel comfortable if I don't beat him."

"If you want to enter the general control room, you don't have to have a good relationship with him. If it's a big deal, I will rush in tomorrow on the grounds that I have a grudge against him, fight him again, and open the fence of the drain while there is chaos."

"You think it's easy." Tony Lee said, "If you do this, the difficulty of the operation will increase by many times."

"You don't have to worry about this matter," Qin Lie said. "You just need to tell me the position of the fence switch in the drain, and I'll take care of the rest."

None of this is what Tony Lee worries about, the only thing Tony Lee worries about.

"Then you have to promise that they won't detonate that thing in my head for these reasons, understand? It doesn't matter if you want to kill me, but I want to save my life!"

Seeing that Tony Li was a little excited, Qin Lie comforted him: "Okay, don't worry, as long as you do what I want, no one will touch you. So far, you haven't done anything out of the ordinary. I will protect you."

"You'd better do as you say."

Tony Li was a little dissatisfied with Qin Lie's performance today. After saying that, he went straight back to his room and went to bed.

As for Qin Lie, they used their exclusive wireless system to communicate with people outside, and told Xing Tian and Situ Xuan of everything that happened today.

Situ Xuan asked him to be cautious, and the biggest purpose was to protect his own safety.

Assuming the fence is not open, they can also think of other ways.

After talking with the outside, Qin Lie also fell asleep on the sofa in Tony Li's room.

Because of the threat of bombs, Qin Lie believed that Tony Li would not dare to do other outrageous things. He had to dare to do something to himself. Once Xingtian outside could not contact him, he would immediately detonate the bomb.

Tony Lee did not dare to take this risk.

In addition to Qin Lie's actions inside Yehun, the actions of Xing Tian, ​​Situ Xuan, and Longyan Squad outside Yehun Island are also being carried out simultaneously.

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