According to the previous plan, Qin Lie went inside to find a way to open the fence of the drain.

At the same time, the large troops outside also need to arrive at the drainage channel outside the castle according to the agreed time, that is, before ten o'clock tomorrow night.

So before tomorrow, everyone must act.

They had to land in the jungle area to the east and then detour to the drain to the south.

Many areas on the island are undeveloped primitive jungles. They are numerous and need to leave early.

This time, more than 500 people from Yanwang Island, plus more than 400 people from Longyan Squad, a huge team of more than 1000 people must march in secret, which is also a difficulty for Xingtian and the others.

The time for their action was set at 8 o'clock in the evening. At 8 o'clock in the evening, the sky gradually became dark. Xing Tian and the others packaged a large fishing boat and brought more than 1,000 people to the vicinity of Yehun Island.

However, they do not have the secret words of the night soul, so they can only dock at a place about a kilometer away from the outer edge of the island.

This place is very remote, and even if the people of Night Soul saw it on the island, there was no warning.

At this time, all the people jumped into the sea from the cabin, and they were all wearing diving equipment.

After everyone went into the sea, they all moved towards the west bank from a few meters below the sea surface.

As for the fishing boat, after everyone went down, it just floated away as if passing by this place.

It was such an understatement that almost none of the people on the island who were in charge of early warning saw the thousand people go into the sea, and the guards were still patrolling the city walls and found nothing unusual.

In this way, a huge army of more than 1,000 people slowly swam to the shore of the island from a distance of one kilometer.

The distance of one kilometer is not easy to swim, and the whole process took almost two hours.

At about ten o'clock that night, the people from Yanwang Island and the members of the Longyan Squad came to the shore of the island, and then drilled out of the water.

At this position, almost all the dense jungle on the shore has been out of sight of the monitoring.

Everyone was completely undetected by the guards on the city wall.

After landing at this place, everyone briefly rested and set off all the way to the south coast.

Because they are all dense virgin jungles, even if they know the direction, the marching speed will be very slow, so they must hurry up.


Conker is one of the guards at Nightsoul Base.

In fact, he was originally a retired member of the French Marine Corps. Because he had no other survival skills after being discharged from the army, he joined the overseas mercenary.

Because of his excellent combat ability, he quickly made a big name in the mercenary world.

The mercenary team Youlang he led has also become a powerful team in the mercenary world.

Later, the people of Night Soul came to him and paid his team 10 million yuan every year to take up the defense work of Night Soul Island. There were more than a dozen other mercenaries in this job with them. mercenary team.

And these teams are well-known in the mercenary world.

The top 20 on the mercenary rankings alone, at least seven or eight have come to this place.

Coupled with some killers that Yehun has trained by himself, the entire base fortress of Yehun can be said to be impregnable and tight, as long as they want, they can even let go of a fly.

Of course, Conk has been in the defense work here for more than two years, and there has been no major intrusion in the past two years. He seems to have earned the 20 million dollars lying down in the past two years.

Occasionally, he also finds this kind of work very boring.

In his spare time, his biggest entertainment is to find women.

Oh, by the way, there are brothels in the base of Night Soul. After all, they work in this place and are isolated from the world. Most of them are male, so it is not enough to meet their physical needs.

Therefore, the leadership of Night Soul has set up a red light district on the island, and there are not only two red light districts, but also two.

A big soldier like Conker has nowhere to spend his salary, and these places are their only choice.

Conk recently fell in love with a woman named Scarlett. She looks very good. The key is that she is very skilled in bed, especially the sound, which makes Conk feel like he has found a girlfriend.

In about a month, Conk went to find this woman for almost ten days, and he had to go there almost every other day. Of course, he also spent a lot of money on this woman.

The woman also obeyed Kang Ke because of the money.

And Conk felt that the bed in the castle could no longer meet his needs. No, today Conk invited Scarlett out and came to the wilderness outside the city wall to play a field battle.

After pressing Scarlett against the tree, Conk lit a cigarette and asked Scarlett at the same time, "How about my baby, am I good today?"

In order to make money, Scarlett would of course hold him and chat: "You have always been the most powerful, you are my god!"

Scarlett's words made Conk very satisfied, and he lowered his head and gave Scarlett a fierce kiss on the face.

But at this time, Conk suddenly heard several rustling sounds from the surrounding dense jungle, which caught Conk's attention.

After all, it was on a desert island outside, and no one knew what would emerge from the jungle.

Conk raised his vigilance, immediately took out the pistol from his pocket, and pointed in the direction of the sound.

"Who's there, stand up for me!" he roared.

But what he didn't expect at all was that the moment his voice fell, a figure suddenly hung upside down from the tree above his head. The man's feet were hanging from branches, and the whole person fell down. Then, his hands Holding a dagger, a knife slashed through Conk's neck.


Conk's aorta was cut, and blood spurted directly from his neck, sputtering a meter away.

Including his throat tube was broken, he couldn't breathe, and he couldn't even speak.

Just like that, Conk fell directly to the ground, twitching for a while and then he was silent.

And Scarlett, seeing such a bloody scene in front of her, she was a woman after all, and she screamed.

Just as soon as her mouth was opened, a bullet penetrated her head, her head was shot, and she fell silently to the ground.

In this way, what was just a paradise for the two of them to fight, suddenly became their burial place.

After doing this, Xing Feng leaped down from the tree and stood firmly on the ground.

He wiped the blood stains on the dagger and couldn't help but spit out: "I'm really drunk. I spent most of the night fighting in this place, and we're still on our only way. Are these two really sick?"

"Brother..." Xing Feng looked back at Xing Tian and asked, "How do you deal with these two people?"

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