Xing Tian, ​​including Situ Xuan Jianglei, Chen Jinhu, and the others all came out from the depths of the jungle.

Looking at Conk and Scarlet lying on the ground, they were a little speechless.

They originally thought that they would march around from the primitive jungle, and there should be no one on the way.

As a result, people are not as good as heaven, and when they are halfway through, they encounter such two cheating people.

In fact, killing these two people is not a big deal, but I am afraid that I am afraid. If this man or this woman holds an important position in the night soul, if the two of them die, the people inside will not be able to contact them. It is estimated that they will become suspicious. .

If the people inside found out they were missing, a massive search might be sent out.

At that time, their hidden tasks will not be easy to handle.

More than a thousand people, after all, is not a small number, even in this deep jungle, it is easy to be found.

Xing Tian stood aside and thought for a moment, then said: "Forget it, I'm too lazy to care, take the two of them out and throw them into the sea, continue marching, and get to the drainage channel as soon as possible."

"Yes!" Someone under his command responded, and quickly carried the bodies of Scarlett and Conk to the sea, tied a rock and sank into the sea.

As Xing Tian said, things have already happened anyway, whether they will be discovered or not, and what will happen after they are discovered is not something he has to consider.

After dealing with this, Xing Tian continued to order the army to march towards the south coast.

It's just that these two people died, seemingly small, but a series of chain reactions occurred.

The next morning, the day Qin Lie Xingtian planned to operate, it was eight o'clock in the morning.

The vice-captain of the Western Wall Guard, John Skin, came to the wall to check on the guards, and he was about to come over to take over Conker's class.

They used to be both the captain and vice-captain of the Ghost Wolf, and they had a good relationship. Now they are guarding a city wall together and taking turns.

Conk was supposed to be on the night shift yesterday, and Johnskin was here to take his place and let him go back to sleep.

As a result, when I arrived at the office on the city wall, I couldn't find Conk. The surrounding toilets and temporary lounges searched around and couldn't find Conk.

Johnskin was speechless and went to ask the other team members.

"Hey, where did Conker go this morning, why can't he see anyone?"

Others answered Johnskin and said, "Mr. Johnskin, Captain Conk didn't stay in the office yesterday after he took over with you. It is said that he went to see Miss Scarlett."

"Riding on a horse." Johnskin couldn't help but scolded, "Is this damned Conk drugged by this woman recently, and his work is not doing well, so he knows to find this woman."

Waving the team members away, Johnskin took out his mobile phone and dialed Conk's number, wanting to call him back.

But I called Kang Ke's phone, and Kang Ke's phone was turned off.

At the same time, they contacted by radio, and the final result was still no response.

At this point, Johnskin felt something was wrong.

Finally, he found the phone number of Scarlett's proprietress and called.

In the end, what the proprietress meant was that Conk left the red light district with Scarlet very early yesterday, and he did not come back until this morning, neither did Scarlett, nor did Conk come back.

In this way, it is almost 100% proof that there is something wrong with Conk.

But the problem is here. Now I don't know where Kang Ke has gone. If you want to find Kang Ke, it is a large-scale activity. This is probably the upper level of Jingdong Night Soul.

Thinking of looking for it for himself, Johnskin took his team members to search around the base castle of Night Soul, and went to all the places that Conk often went to, or where he might go.

He searched all the places he could think of in his own mind, but the final result was tragic.

Can't find it at all!

This operation continued until one o'clock in the afternoon.

At 1 o'clock in the afternoon, Johnskin himself failed to find Conk, and in the end he could only report to the upper layers of Night Soul.

Johnskin made a special trip to Aphrodite's office and told Aphrodite the truth.

Aphelo is not stupid. On the contrary, he is responsible for the internal affairs of Night Soul and has always been very cautious.

The sudden disappearance of a captain guarding the city wall is not a big deal.

After he got the news, he immediately launched an investigation, and posted a missing person notice in the whole base, saying that anyone who had news about Conk would report to him immediately.

And under such a search, a soldier finally reported that he saw Conk take a woman out of the base from the small city gate last night, as if to the beach outside.

With this news, Apheiro determined that the last place Conk appeared was the West City Gate, and until this morning, Conk had not come back.

Therefore, under the instigation of Apero, the people of Night Soul launched a search operation in the wild again.

And this is a big project.


Xing Tian and Xing Feng's external actions caused quite a stir because they killed a garrison captain.

Now the people of Night Soul are searching for Conk in the wild, and it is very likely that they will find the traces of everyone in advance.

After all, a thousand people have walked through the wild, and it is impossible not to leave a trace.

All I can pray now is that everything goes smoothly and Qin Lie can open the fence of that drain as originally planned.

As for Qin Lie, he actually woke up early in the morning in Tony Lee's room.

It's just that his only purpose today is to infiltrate the main control room to turn on the fence switch, and he avoids as much as possible the things related to Downs yesterday, in order to prevent unintended consequences.

So most of today he stayed in the room and didn't go out.

Tony Lee had something to do, he went to find a way to draw a map of the main control room, and then marked the location of the drain fence.

After all, Qin Lie said yesterday that as long as Tony Li helps him get the map of the control room, he will leave the rest to him.

About two o'clock in the afternoon, Tony Lee returned to the room, panting and looking a little nervous.

Seeing him like this, Qin Lie immediately asked him, "What's the matter, why are you so panicked?"

Tony Lee panted and said: "Something happened, the people outside of you did things that shouldn't be done, and now the entire Night Soul is on guard."

"What's the situation?" Qin Lie continued to ask.

Tony Lee said: "I heard that yesterday was the captain of a garrison on the city wall. He took a woman to work outside the city wall at night, and then he didn't come back all night. Now the phone can't be reached, and the radio can't be reached. A large number of people have been launched to start looking for people."

"If I guess correctly, that captain should have been killed by your people!"

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