After learning the news, Qin Lie also knew that the problem was serious.

They are going to exterminate Yehun today, and it is best to do it without Yehun's knowledge, and it is better to be unexpected.

Raiders, Raiders, that's how it came.

When the enemy is prepared or unprepared, the effect of a surprise attack must be completely different.

This is not good news.

After hearing the news from Tony Li, Qin Lie immediately found a hidden location and called Xing Tian.

It is still exclusive to the satellite calls between them, and basically it will not be eavesdropped, so it is relatively safe.

After the call was connected, Qin Lie immediately asked Xing Tian, ​​"Brother Tian, ​​did you kill a Yehun person in the wild?"

Xing Tian was surprised and said, "How did you know that?"

Qin Lie: "This thing has been found inside the night soul. The person who was killed was in an important position in the night soul, and then the person did not come back overnight, and was noticed by the people above, and a large-scale search has been carried out at this time. ."

"There is no way to do this." Xing Tian said, "The man and the woman are blocking our only path, and they haven't moved. We have to hurry. We don't want to waste time with them, so we will deal with it directly."

Qin Lie said: "Brother Tian, ​​I didn't call you to blame you or something, I mean, now the people of Night Soul have started to search for people, you can be as careful as possible, or you can be a little less Leave a little trace so they don't detect your actions outside."

Xing Tian pondered for a while, and finally said: "There are many people outside, and it is impossible to cover up the traces of the march of more than 1,000 people. I think it will be discovered sooner or later."

Xing Tian paused and continued: "Then why don't we do this, we are stepping up our march outside the house now, and when we reach the drain fence over there, we will give you the news directly. We can only act in advance."

Qin Lie thought about it for a while, and thought it was the same.

Since being discovered is unavoidable, it can only act as soon as possible to surprise them.

"Okay!" Qin Lie agreed immediately, "That's settled, you guys hurry up and drive south, as soon as you get to the position of the fence and get ready, send me a message, and I'll open the fence as soon as possible, you guys Take this opportunity to infiltrate.”

Of course there is no problem with Xingtian, this is something to speed up the pace.

What he worried about was Qin Lie: "Then there is no problem on your side. If we arrive, will you do things too abruptly and be dangerous?"

"You don't need to worry about my side." Qin Lie said, "I have my own way."

"Well." Xing Tian told him, "Anyway, you must pay attention to your own safety. If something happens to you, I can't explain it to Elder Xuan."

"I know it myself."

After Qin Lie said this, the two sides hung up the phone.

Tony Lee saw him chatting for so long, and immediately asked, "How is it, how did you decide?"

Qin Lie put away his mobile phone and told Tony Li directly: "We are going to start in advance. As long as they are in place, I am going to open the fence."

"By the way, what about the map of the control room I asked you to find, have you found it?"

"Well." Tony Li took out a map from his pocket and handed it to Qin Lie, "This is the map I found in the library, the construction map at the beginning of the construction of the Night Soul Base.

The control room has a total of three floors, and the third floor is to manage the drainage system of the entire base.

The right hand of entering the door, go deep, there are three push rods near the wall, these three push rods are the three fences of the drainage canal of the south gate, you only need to push these three push rods up, the three fences automatically opens. "

"It's that simple?" Qin Lie asked.

Tony Lee nodded: "It's that simple."

He just changed the subject: "But the biggest problem is how to get into the control room, and how to get to the third floor."

"You've already annoyed Downs, and he probably won't let you in. Then there are a dozen mercenaries guarding the door, and it's very difficult to break through."

"It's okay!" Qin Lie spread out the map, looked at it, and became familiar with the structure of the control room floor. After getting familiar with it, he nodded and put the map away.

"Just have a map, I'll figure out how to do other things myself."

Just like that, Qin Lie put away the map and started thinking about how to infiltrate the control room.

It's just that at this time, the door of Tony Lee's room was knocked on again by someone outside.

The person outside said: "Mr. Tony Lee, Mr. Song wants you to take Mr. Stark to his office with him. He said please you as soon as possible."

"Mr. Song?"

Hearing these three words, Qin Lie's heart sank for a while, and the murderous aura pervaded the whole room instantly, and the light in his eyes darkened by three points.

Mr. Song, there are a few Mr. Song in the night soul who can order Tony Lee.

If he guessed correctly, this person must be Song Zhe, who kept Situ Xuan in his heart and wished to tear him to pieces.

Tony Lee listened and responded immediately: "Okay, you go back and report to Mr. Song, I'll go over right away."

As a result, the people outside said: "It's not you who will go right away, but you and Mr. Stark will go right away. Mr. Song specifically told him that he must see Mr. Stark with you."

Tony Li and Qin Lie looked at each other, Qin Lie nodded slightly at Tony Li.

Tony Lee then responded: "You tell Mr. Song, I will definitely take Stark to him to meet him."

"Okay." The man outside stopped urging only after he got Tony Lee's assurance.

The sound of footsteps came, and the person who was talking outside had already left.

Tony Li turned back and asked Qin Lie: "What's the matter, I see your murderous aura has become stronger all of a sudden, what did you hear?"

"This Mr. Song is the poisonous scorpion Song Zhe, one of the three giants of Night Soul, right?" Qin Lie confirmed this first.

Tony Lee nodded and replied, "He is the only one who can be honored as Mr. Song in the entire Night Soul."

Qin Lie nodded: "This person is one of the main targets we came here this time. I have a deep hatred with him. My brother was injured in his hand, and my master was also injured in his hand. I want to strip him. Skin!"

Tony Lee nodded in agreement.

However, he still reminded Qin Lie: "But no matter how deep your hatred for Song Zhe is, don't do anything to him for the time being. You have to wait for the outsiders to come in before you can do it, or you will die miserably."

Of course Qin Lie knew this thing, and responded to Tony Li: "Don't worry, I'm not stupid, you can just take care of your own affairs, and lead the way."

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