"Hahahaha!" Song Zhe laughed when he heard Qin Lie say, "Don't worry, since I let you do it, I will have my own measure."

"In the entire night soul, no more than three people can hurt me. If you can really hurt me, it's your ability."

Song Zhe was extremely confident.

Of course, with his ability, he does have that arrogant capital.

Among Situ Xuanshou's apprentices, Song Zhe was considered to be highly talented.

This kid can almost have two moves with Situ Xuan, and this alone is enough to see his talent.

Of course, Qin Lie is also quite confident.

Perhaps his talent is not as good as Song Zhe's, but he has been working hard in kung fu recently. He has practiced almost every day for the past 20 days, including in Italy, where he maintains two hours of practice every day.

If he really made a move, Song Zhe would not necessarily be his opponent.

But still that sentence, in order to ensure that his identity is not exposed, he cannot fully exert his own strength.

Qiu Bai's Bajiquan, especially Situ Xuan's way of exerting force, these things have been used in previous fights with Song Zhe, and must not be used.

So just make a point with him.

Seeing that Song Zhe really had this idea, Qin Lie stared at him, and then immediately said, "Then I will only be offended."

"Can come!"

Because Song Zhe's office is very spacious, the two of them were placed directly in Song Zhe's office, about two meters apart.

Qin Lie held the dagger backwards with great strength.

Looking at Song Zhe, his eyes revealed wolf light again.

His murderous aura was very strong, and it radiated out without restraint. Without him, it was because the opposite was Song Zhe, the person he wanted to kill most.

He has been warning himself in his heart that he must suppress the fire in his heart, and he must suppress the fire in his heart.

No killer, no killer!

Finally, Qin Lie's eyes opened, and a wave of wolf light suddenly shot out, followed by a sudden step of his feet, heading straight for the opposite Song Zhe.

After learning the method of the shackled cloak from Qiu Liyuan, he has been practicing on his own, and has never formally touched anyone.

Song Zhe is a suitable experimental subject no matter how strong he is or his target, so let him experience his own chaotic cloak swordsmanship.

With a swish, Qin Lie's figure was drawn so fast that it looked like a light.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Qin Lie had already rushed in front of Song Zhe, grabbed the handle of the knife, and fell from the sky, splitting the void with a vertical split.

Qin Lie's hand was very fast, and the light was so fast that only light and shadow could be felt.

Song Zhe was shocked. He really didn't expect Qin Lie to be so fierce. He hurriedly raised his hand to resist, and set the knife horizontally, when he heard a clang, a crisp sound hit, and a ball of sparks splashed in the air, and the force rushed to Song Zhe. Zhe stood unsteady and stepped back in a hurry.

Finally, he slammed into the wall behind him.

At that time, Song Zhe's pupils were enlarged, he really did not expect Qin Lie's strength to be so strong.

Only when he came to his senses did he realize that Qin Lie's figure was coming up again, and it was the same movement just now, that he was still falling from the sky.

clang! clang! clang!

Another three in a row.

Every knife that goes out is very fierce, and every knife that hits Song Zhe's body will force Song Zhe's body down by a few centimeters. After these three hits, Song Zhe's waist has been smashed up.

The core essence of the Chaos Cloak Saber Technique is speed. Of course, Qiu Liyuan also said that their speed is not blind speed, even if it is a fight, you need to use your brain.

You need to see the opportunity, be quick and accurate, and quickly force the enemy's door.

The first encounter obviously smashed Song Zhe to the ground, and Song Zhe's strength is obviously not his opponent, so now as long as he keeps persecuting in the same place, he can achieve the goal of defeating Song Zhe.

After the first confrontation pushed Song Zhe to the corner, Qin Lie followed in his footsteps and charged up against his body.

After three consecutive slashes head-on, then continue down, still the same angle, the same method, but it is more powerful force to force it down.

Within a second, Qin Lie made another ten consecutive strikes at the position just now.

His speed became lightning fast, and his hand waved into light and shadow in the air.

clang clang!

clang clang clang clang clang!

The sound continued to swirl over the office, and sparks kept sputtering in the air.

two o'clock.

The first point is that Qin Lie's strength is stronger than Song Zhe. Although Song Zhe raised his hand to block Qin Lie's knife, his arm basically trembled.

Second, Qin Lie's airtight attack made Song Zhe unable to find a chance to fight back. The only thing he could do now was to resist, resist, and resist.

In addition to the first point, the issue of his strength, the entire duel fell into a vicious circle for him.

There is no way to fight back, and no way to resist.

In this continuous attack, Qin Lie's advantage continued to grow, and Song Zhe's resistance became weaker and weaker.

One trade off and one trade off, Qin Lie has been suppressing Song Zhe since the first face-to-face meeting.

And because Song Zhe was on the opposite side, Qin Lie was also angry from the beginning, and as the battle went on, his anger grew stronger.

Even if he had warned himself from the beginning, he couldn't act on his own volition, and couldn't deal with Song Zhe so madly.

But after getting the knife, he realized that there were some things he really couldn't bear.

While smashing, he fell into a violent mood, and the actions of his subordinates became heavier.

This is particularly clear from the observations of others. Tony Lee is watching, and he feels more and more that something is wrong.

At the beginning, it was just a discussion, but Qin Lie is actually in a real mood now.

Song Zhe has been suppressed in the corner of the wall, and there is no way to fight back.

Qin Lie's knife is getting more and more violent. If it continues, isn't Song Zhe finished?

Song Zhe is finished, and they have to follow.

Tony Li knows this very well, so Qin Lie can't let Qin Lie continue to be so violent at this moment.

Seeing that Qin Lie was still chopping down, Tony Li finally couldn't help shouting: "Stark!!"

The sound was so loud that it sounded like an alarm bell in Qin Lie's heart.

Only then did Qin Lie realize that he couldn't kill Song Zhe.

The movement of the hand suddenly stopped.

Raising his hand in the air, Qin Lie was stunned for two seconds.

Song Zhecai took this opportunity to push Qin Lie.

Song Zhe had just been beaten by Qin Lie, how could he be so happy now.

With a violent push, he pointed at Qin Lie and scolded: "Are you crazy? Did I fuck your woman or kill your mother, you came up with such anger and wanted to hack me to death, I Are you crazy?"

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