Song Zhe was really fucking speechless at that time.

The boy in front, named Stark, is like crazy, he will be forced to death as soon as he makes a move, and he will be forced to death as soon as he makes a move, just like he had hatred in his previous life.

The key point is that he himself started to blow the bullshit, saying that it doesn't matter how Stark shoots, he is the top three of Yehun's skills, and there will never be a problem.

As a result, as soon as he made a move, he was beaten by a newcomer in the corner, and he lost all face. In front of Tony Lee, it was like a slap in the face.

Song Zhe wasn't so generous either, so he pointed at Qin Lie and asked him frantically as soon as the battle was over.

"You are sick, right? Do you think that you are very good at being good at it? Do you think that you can do anything if you are good at it?"

"Let me tell you, if you are only good at your skills and can't control your emotions, you will have up to three tasks and you will die on the road, believe it or not!"

"Cao Nima, I really encountered a strange flower today."

With one last shot, Song Zhe pushed Qin Lie against the wall and snatched the dagger with his backhand.

Qin Lie showed weakness and said: "But Mr. Song, you asked me to do your best at first, and I did my best. Don't you want to see how my skill is, this is my skill."

Song Zhe sighed, looking at Qin Lie like seeing a fool.

He waved his hand impatiently and told Qin Lie to walk away: "It's alright, let's go, it doesn't make sense to you, don't let me touch you easily in the future, get out."


Qin Lie listened, nodded, responded, and left the office with Tony Li.

After closing the door with a bang, Song Zhe was still angry. After returning to the office chair and sitting down, he lit a cigarette and smoked it himself.

Throwing the lighter aside, still very uncomfortable.

But he was certain in his heart that this Stark was not the Qin Lie he thought.

That's right, when he heard from Aphelo's mouth that a young Chinese man had come, who was extremely powerful, and knocked Downs down with one punch, his immediate reaction was that this Chinese would It won't be Qin Lie.

After all, there are not many people who can knock Downs with one punch at a young age, and that kung fu is not that easy to practice.

So he asked Tony Lee to bring this young man over as soon as possible.

The first is the facial features, which is completely different from Qin Lie.

The second is skill - if the appearance can be easily changed through makeup, then it is difficult to change the habit of skill.

Song Zhe has fought with Qin Lie several times, and he knows how good Qin Lie is and how he is used to fighting.

After the fight with Stark just now, although Stark's skills are strong, he can't see the slightest trace of Qin Lie.

This Stark is the same as what he said, the main point is that he is proficient in swordsmanship. That swordsmanship can indeed see a lot of Qiu Liyuan's spirituality, and he should really be Qiu Liyuan's disciple.

In that case, everything Stark said was true.

Another important point is that Song Zhe knew that if it was Qin Lie, Qin Lie would definitely beat himself to death when he saw that he could never control his emotions.

Stark's actions were strong just now, but he quickly let go of himself after Tony Li scolded him. From this point of view, Stark would not be Qin Lie.

In the end, although Song Zhe was angry, he still ruled out the thought in his heart.

If not, how could he let Stark go.

After smoking a cigarette, Song Zhe finally put down this problem and went to do other things.

After Qin Lie and Tony Li left Song Zhe's office, they walked all the way up.

It's just that when they were going up, they also strolled around the other floors of the night soul's research base all the way to familiarize themselves with the terrain of this place as much as possible, which would also be helpful for later actions.

Just walking, Tony Li nags again: "Qin Lie, I'm not talking about you, we have already told you so many times at the beginning, saying that at this time, we must not act rashly, and we must wait for people outside to break through before we do it. , you are good, you almost hacked Song Zhe to death at that time.

If your last knife goes down, both of us will be doomed today. "

Qin Lie admitted that he was impulsive, and said like this: "No way, I have a bloody feud with Song Zhe, and I can't control it as soon as I see him. I have tried my best to control my emotions. Killer."

"Hey, my God." Tony Lee shook his head and sighed, "I don't even know how you dared to say that you are the most suitable candidate for this task. I have cooperated with you in the past two days.

Tony Lee finally said: "It's better to let your master and the others come in, I can't stand it anymore."

"I just want to end this matter quickly and get out of here as soon as possible."

Having said that, Tony Li walked all the way up, explaining the composition of these areas to Qin Lie as much as possible.

In the end, the two went all the way up the stairs to the first floor and returned to the castle.

After going upstairs this time, Qin Lie and Tony Li began to divide the labor and went to do their own things.

Tony Li's main purpose is to help Qin Lie get the genetic research data he wants.

He is a hacker and a member of the Night Soul Intelligence Department, so he is quite handy in doing this.

As for Qin Lie, of course, he was trying to figure out how to get into the control room.

After coming out of the research base, he had been squatting and waiting outside the main control room to see how the people in the control room got in and out.

He even walked around the control room to see how many entrances and exits the control room had.

It's just a pity that in the end it was found that the control room was sealed off except for the entrance guarded by more than a dozen mercenaries at the beginning.

Those windows, those back doors, are all made of steel bars to make protective windows. Unless those protective windows are removed, it is impossible to get in at all.

It is definitely not possible to attack by force, so it can only be outsmarted.

Qin Lie squatted outside and kept watching their movements.

Then I mainly found that I had to enter the control room, and there were mainly two levels.

The first level is the guard of a dozen mercenaries.

To walk past these mercenaries, a document similar to an employee ID card is required.

Generally speaking, those mercenaries are not strictly checked, as long as they hold a sign in their hand, they can pass.

The difficulty lies in the second one. The second one is an intelligent door lock. After each employee needs to press his finger on the corresponding device, the system senses the fingerprint of the corresponding employee, and the door made of tempered glass will open. .

Everyone in the control room should have their fingerprints recorded.

But unfortunately Qin Lie did not.

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