So how to get fingerprints has become the top priority of this matter.

Work permit is the same.

It seems that we have to figure out a way to calculate the staff working in the main control room.

Qin Lie thought so.

And while Qin Lie was trying to find a way to make a breakthrough, Yehun's periphery was also doing the same thing.

After learning about the disappearance of Conker, the captain of the Western City Wall Guard, Apheiro immediately sent a large number of people to the suburbs to search, almost gathered the idle mercenaries, and spread out carpets in the surrounding wilderness. type search.

As the main manager of Night Soul, Aphelo wouldn't dare to be sloppy once these things were abnormal.

It's just that the search has little effect. It took about two to three hours, and they didn't find any trace of Conk.

After all, the no-man’s land on the periphery of the entire island is really too big.

Originally, when everyone thought that this matter might be unsuccessful, at that moment, a mercenary saw a very long path in their jungle.

The path almost flattened the bushes in that area, and some branches were cut off by machetes. It was obvious that someone had opened the way in the jungle.

Moreover, the diameter of this path is not too narrow, and the width of the path is basically two or three meters.

As far as this path is concerned, it must be a trace left after a relatively large number of people pass through.

After this discovery, those mercenaries were all frightened.

This is enough to prove that other people have already come up on the island, and there are quite a few people in this group - it is absolutely impossible for Conk and the woman named Scarlet to come up with such a big path.

With this discovery, the mercenaries hurriedly reported the information to Apello.

After receiving a call in the office, Aphelo stood up directly from his chair and asked in surprise, "What, has this happened, everyone has already gone to the island, what do the guards on the city wall eat? "

Apheiro then asked the mercenaries to take a photo. He wanted to see for himself what was going on in that place, but after he saw those photos, he really realized the terrible situation.

If this is a hard calculation, wouldn't there be hundreds of people on the island?

Aphro realized the seriousness of the problem.

He immediately gave the order to the mercenaries: "You must follow this road to catch up, you must catch up to their position, and see how many people they have and what purpose they have. After checking it out, come back and report to me."

In addition to letting people outside continue to track it, he informed the entire night soul base of the incident.

Let everyone in the base be vigilant and sound the air defense siren.

The entire base suddenly entered a state of high vigilance, including Qin Lie, who was squatting in the square and had already heard the air defense alarm.

The sharp sound cut through the sky directly.

Qin Lie finally understood at this time that it was probably something outside that broke out.

Sure enough, at this time, Tony Li ran over panting and said nervously beside him: "Something happened, something happened, I just, I knew it would be the result."

He panted and said: "Outside, search for the team of the captain of the guard outside, find, find, the traces of your team's march, they already know that someone has gone ashore, looking at this movement, I am afraid that the entire base will have to be more vigilant, you , what are you going to do?"

Qin Lie listened and knew the seriousness of the matter.

If things outside are known, and then Xingtian's marching route is found.

There's a good chance that a field battle will break out on the outskirts of the island, which definitely affects their plans, and the unexpected effect disappears.

In this way, fighting on the periphery did not burn to the mainland of the Night Soul Base. In this case, the most basic idea of ​​disposing of the Night Soul Base could not be completed.

Far from the ultimate goal, this is not what Qin Lie wants to see.

Thinking of this, Qin Lie immediately called Xing Tian and asked about Xing Tian's situation.

As soon as the call was connected, Qin Lie immediately asked: "How is it, Brother Tian, ​​where are you now? The people inside found your traces when they were searching the suburbs. They have begun to be vigilant, and the whole island has been searched. You guys, I guess today's action must be advanced."

"Has it been discovered?" Xing Tian was also very surprised, this was not in his mind.

However, Xing Tian gave a piece of good news: "We're almost there. We'll be at the designated location in an hour at most, and I'll give you the news when we get there."

"Okay." Qin Lie said, "You guys hurry up. I think the sooner this matter is resolved, the better."

"It's up to you." Xing Tian said, "We can reach our destination in an hour. It depends on whether you can open the fence inside. As long as the fence can be opened, everything can be carried out according to the original plan."

Qin Lie glanced at the general control room from a distance. To be honest, he could not guarantee that he would penetrate into the general control room within an hour.

It's just that now, even if there is no way, it has to bite the bullet.

In the end, he assured: "You don't need to worry about my side. I will open the fence as soon as I get your news. That's it, you all speed up."


The two parties hung up the phone after they finished talking.

And the next time left for them is only an hour.

Putting down the phone, Qin Lie asked Tony Li: "Tony, can you get the information I want within an hour?"

Tony said like this: "I just went to the server space, and the virus has been implanted into the security system. I should be able to crack their security system soon. One hour is enough, but you, how are you going to touch the total control now? room?"

"There is no other way but to find someone to deal with." Qin Lie said.

The current situation suddenly became tense as the alarm from the Night Soul Base sounded.

Originally, Qin Lie also wanted to make a perfect plan, but at present, there are not so many things to consider.

After talking to Tony Li, Qin Lie observed the gate of the main control room from a distance.

And in the same way, he needs an opportunity now, an opportunity to sneak into the main control room.

At about this time, suddenly, a person came out of the main control room.

The moment the man walked out, Qin Lie listed him as his target.

Without him, it is because that person has an oriental face and is more suitable to start.

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