Qin Lie's mind wandered, and he said prevariously, "I'm here to find you."

"Looking for me?" Downs was very strange, "What are you looking for, our relationship isn't that good??"

Now that everything has been said, Qin Lie of course chose to continue nonsense.

"After what happened yesterday, we were called into the office by Mr. Apheiro to talk again. He said that we still need unity and harmony within our base. I hope we don't have a grudge because of what happened yesterday. I think it's right, I came to you today to apologize."


It has been said a long time ago that Tang Si can become the number one leader in the use of the control room, not a fool.

Having stayed at the base for so long, he knew better than Qin Lie what Aphelo's character was.

Yesterday, Aphelo agreed with Qin Lie to fight with him, which shows that he doesn't like to bully newcomers as soon as he comes, and the fight also makes Qin Lie feel resentful.

He was helping Qin Lie to vent his anger. He was the kind of person who said nothing. After acquiescing to Qin Lie's actions, he suddenly came back and said that he didn't want to affect the unity within the base.

These words are simply nonsense, and it is definitely not something that Aphelo can say.

But it didn't matter. In fact, what puzzled Tang Si the most was that even if Qin Lie came to the control room to look for him, he should have come directly to his office, instead of going straight to the third floor to find an employee and start hammering.

There must be a problem here.

Then Downes found another problem.

He asked Qin Lie, "Where did you get this overalls from?"

Qin Lie didn't join their control room, so it was absolutely impossible to come in wearing his own control room's department clothes.

From any angle, Qin Lie is problematic.

Qin Lie continued nonsense: "Since I want to come to your control room, I must find a way to get your identity in the control room. I borrowed this work clothes."

"Borrowed?" This is a bit bragging and not drafting. "Who will lend you clothes, and how did you get past the security at the door? You must have a work permit and fingerprints?"

"Where did the work permit come from, and where did the fingerprints come from?"

Downs himself was thinking while asking, and in the end, the more he thought about it, the more wrong it became. All those questions were asked.

"You can borrow work cards and work clothes, but what about fingerprints? How can you borrow fingerprints?"

"Stark, I warn you, you'd better explain it to me, or you can't leave my place today."

Qin Lie's side was really pushed to a desperate situation, no matter how much he could make up and make up, no matter how nonsense, these problems could not come up.

At this time, someone from downstairs finally ran up, and said anxiously while running: "Tangs, boss Tangs, it's not good, our base was invaded by Hades Island, hurry up, bring someone to help! "

The situation turned sharply, which was a big change for everyone present.

Night Soul and Hades Island are old enemies.

When Hades Island disintegrated, Yehun gave them a ruthless push.

At that time, not a few people from Hades Island died at their hands.

At the same time, a large number of people from Hades Island joined the Night Soul.

The people of Yanwangdao hated Yehun in their bones, and now Yanwangdao's counterattack is the same as when their Yehunda invaded Yanwangdao.

Today's battle is feared to be endless.

Tang Si was terrified for a moment, his eyes widened and said: "The people from Yanwangdao came in, how did they come in, did they fly down from the city wall??"

The defense of the entire Yehun base is impeccable. If you want to attack Yehun, you can only attack from the direction of the major city walls. Does this not give everyone a pair of wings?

But what the people who came to report the information at this time said: "The people outside, the people outside said, those people are all drilled out of the sewers, the sewers, they, they are likely to come in from the drainage system!! "

"Drainage system???"

When Tang Si heard this, he reacted abruptly.

He knew very well that all the machinery of the underground drainage channel was controlled there.

Looking back, isn't it the room where Stark made trouble just now?

At this moment, Downs reacted all of a sudden, looked back at Stark, and said in shock, "You did it??"

Who did what! ! At this time, Qin Lie didn't have time to push him, so he jumped out and ran outside.

When the people outside came in to inform the news that Yanwangdao had invaded, Qin Lie knew that this matter would definitely not go on.

Instead of fooling around with him, it's better to run first as a respect.

Grandma is a bear, and finally chose the stupidest, stupidest and most dangerous way to escape.

Breaking out is definitely the most stupid way, there is no one.

But now there is really no other way, so many loopholes, ghosts can make up, he Qin Lie is not an expert in lying.

Let's run first!

While running, there is no idle time.

Qin Lie took out the radio and sent a voice over to Tony Li: "Tony, I'm blocked in the control room now, can you bring some weapons?"

Tony Lee seemed to have really joined them, and responded right away on the other side of the intercom.

"I want you to come to the door of the control room. I will wait for you at the door of the control room. The weapon is in my hand, and you can have it when you come out."

"okok!" Qin Lie said, "then just wait there, I'll be right over."

Tony Lee is good enough to be able to do this, I can't expect him to send weapons inside.

It's easier to go out alone than two.

Downs probably reacted at this time. He suddenly woke up and knew that Qin Lie was probably the spy sent here by Hades Island.

He woke up suddenly and commanded everyone to say loudly: "Stop him for me, he is a spy from Hades Island."

Clap la la, one stone stirred up a thousand waves, and after everyone listened to Tang Si's order, they all followed suit.

There was a fierce battle in the base outside, and there was a wave of arrests inside.

Fortunately, the people inside are basically ordinary employees of Night Soul. The people in the control room may have experienced Night Soul's special agent training and killer training before, but they are definitely not top experts - top experts will not be appointed here.

Therefore, Qin Lie's strength is fully open, and he fights all the way in the direction of the gate.

The staff in the control room were disarmed when they came in to work, and everyone was unarmed.

Qin Lie is bare-handed, and they are also bare-handed, so now it is who's skill is better.

And Qin Lie is now a ruthless character who can press Song Zhe to the ground, even if he only uses Qiu Liyuan's random cloak knife technique, he can beat Song Zhe to the ground.

Not to mention that he still has Bajiquan and Situ Xuan's tricks.

At this moment, Qin Lie's strength was fully utilized, he forgot all his scruples, and kept rushing down like a meat grinder.

The mission was completed, and he no longer had to hide and tuck, and he fought heartily in this battle.

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