None of the staff in the control room were Qin Lie's opponents.

Qin Lie just leaned on his hands and two fists, all the way down from the third floor.

Because no one in the control room had a gun, Qin Lie didn't have a hard time dealing with it for the time being.

With one punch and one kick, Qin Lie finally came to the first floor of the main control room.

Originally, what Qin Lie thought was that when he got to the first floor, he would face the attack of a dozen gunmen who were originally guarding the door.

But later it turned out that the dozen or so mercenaries at the door had been taken away.

Xingtian and the others all attacked in, and all the mercenaries inside were gathered to deal with the people from Yanwangdao and Longyan Squad.

There were only three or four big men in camouflage uniforms guarding outside.

At this time, he had already shot down from above, and when he was on the first floor, he happened to see Tony Lee running from a distance.

He was very fast, holding two miniature submachine guns in his hand. After reaching the door of the control room, he swept the mercenaries with the guns.

Originally, there were only three or four of these mercenaries, and they did not expect that the people wearing the inner clothing of the Night Soul would attack them. They did not respond, and they all went to hell under the bullet of Tony Li.

Tony Li then ran to Qin Lie and threw one of the submachine guns in the air with a volley.

At the same time, two magazines flew over. After getting the gun, Qin Lie was officially armed.

Today's strangulation of the night soul is still very early, and the battle has just begun.

Qin Lie put the wireless earphones on his ears and adjusted the channel to the channel corresponding to Xing Tian and others.

Now you can communicate with Xing Tian in real time.

After connecting the headset, Qin Lie immediately asked Xingtian their location: "Brother Tian, ​​what about you guys, where do you mainly come from?"

Xing Tian responded immediately from there, and there were many gunshots on the opposite side.

Xing Tian's voice was very pleasant, and he asked Qin Lie, "Xiao Lie, you came out? The main control room isn't threatening you, right?"

"No." Qin Lie said, "The people in the control room are all rabble. It's mainly that you shared a lot of firepower after you came in. They all came at you. I don't have much firepower here."

"Let's not talk about this for now." Qin Lie said anxiously, "Where are you now, I'll come to meet you!"

"I don't know where it is." Xing Tiandao, "But there is a big statue where we came out. It looks like a square around it, surrounded by buildings."

Qin Lie has been here for two days and is fairly familiar with the terrain.

After listening to Xing Tian's description, he determined that Xing Tian's location was in the central square, and quickly went there to kill with a gun.

Xing Tian specifically exhorted in the earphone: "You have to bring that Tony Lee over, and we have to use him as a guide for today's action."

Qin Lie listened and glanced at Tony Li.

Because Tony Lee wore headphones and was on the same channel as them, Tony Lee heard those words just now.

Qin Lie looked at him now, and he nodded immediately, meaning that he was willing to be the guide.

Qin Lie then nodded and told Xing Tian, ​​"Okay, I'll bring him here right away."

In fact, Tony Lee has now been riding a tiger, and there is no way out.

Qin Lie pushed the fence of the drain in the main control room, the sure-fire spy was no doubt, but he brought this spy into the night soul.

If Qin Lie and Xingtian's mission failed today, he wouldn't survive either.

Now he is completely on the same boat as Qin Lie.

Even if he wanted to get off the boat, Yehun's people wouldn't allow it.

He can only do his best to help Qin Lie now.

In this way, Qin Lie, Tony Li, after dealing with several mercenaries at the entrance of the control room, immediately moved to the central square and joined Xing Tian and others.

The distance is not too far. After running for more than a minute, Qin Lie and Tony Li came to the central square.

The reason why the central square is called the central square is because he is in the very center of the entire night soul base.

In all directions are other facilities of Night Soul.

Because the biggest exit of the drain is here, Xingtian and the others chose to land at this location.

But also because it is in this position, it has to face the impact from all directions.

At this time, Xing Tian and others were relying on the flower beds and other obstacles in the square as bunkers to fight mercenaries from all directions.

The position Qin Lie arrived at was in the southeast, and there was also a small team in this direction shooting at the central Xingtian and others.

The position Qin Lie was standing in was considered a detour, and he stabbed the butt of the squad on this side.

Without any hesitation, Qin Lie and Tony Li swept the group of mercenaries with their guns.

The people in this squad didn't react. They were all focused on dealing with the people in Hades Island in front of them, but suddenly two people appeared behind them.

The battle with hot weapon fire ended quickly, although the front squad consisted of a dozen men.

But these dozen people were quickly dealt with under the submachine guns of Qin Lie and Tony Li.

It goes without saying that Qin Lie, Tony Li is also a professionally trained spy killer. After the two of them eliminated the enemy in this direction, they quickly approached the central square.

Then Xing Tian in the radio notification said: "Brother Tian, ​​we are about four o'clock in your direction. You tell the brothers to cover me with fire, and I will bring someone over immediately."

When Xing Tian in the center of the battlefield heard the news, he turned his head immediately, locked Qin Lie's position, and informed Qin Lie by radio at the same time.

"Okay, you can lean towards us, and I will help you suppress the firepower in other directions."


Since there was Xingtian's guarantee, Qin Lie naturally trusted him completely, and then took Tony Li, quickly out of the bunker, and ran to the middle of the central square.

While he and Tony Lee were running, they were still looking around to see if anyone might be threatening them.

But his idea proved to be redundant.

As soon as he and Tony Li appeared, Xingtian's people and the Longyan team turned their guns to the vicinity almost neatly.

All the positions near here that could kill them were covered by Xing Tianqiang's firepower, and those people were pressed behind the bunker, not even showing their heads.

Under such strong protection, Qin Lie walked directly to Xingtian as if he had walked around the park.

As the palace master of Hades Island, the ability to command is really not covered.

Finally, Qin Lie reunited with the army again two days after saying goodbye to Xing Tian, ​​Situ Xuan and others.

Qin Lie tore off the human skin mask on his face, put down his disguise, and hugged Xing Tian heavily.

Xing Tian was very excited at this time, he kept laughing and patted Qin Lie on the shoulder, very satisfied: "Xiao Lie, you did a great job this time!"

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