The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 1635 You Are The One Who Was Beaten

"If it weren't for you, none of us would be able to enter the base."

"If this operation can be successful, I will give you the first major credit!"

Xing Tian was very happy and kept praising Qin Lie.

After all, he had been thinking about it for many years.

Ever since Ye Hun had infiltrated a lot of Hades Island's killers to join them, the battle on Hades Island that happened ten years ago almost destroyed all Hades Island's attacks.

Xingtian was the palace master of Hades Island at that time, but in fact he was holding a pile of mess in his hand.

Night Soul killed their countless brothers in Hades and pulled Hades from heaven to hell.

Many brothers who are loyal to Hades regard the revival of Hades as their lifelong goal.

In the eyes of the Yanwangdao people of Xingtian's generation, Yehun is an enemy who cannot share with them.

In their lifetime, as long as they can overturn the Night Soul and reshape Hades Island, even if they die, they are all willing.

The long-cherished wish for many years finally ushered in the dawn today.

They found the base of Yehun and penetrated into the base of Yehun. They want to return all the grudges they have accumulated over the years to the people of Yehun.

If today's action can be successful, Yanwangdao will rise again and replace Yehun as the world's largest killer organization. You said that Xingtian could not be excited in such a situation.

Qin Lie understood him very well, and said with a smile: "Now is not the time to remember merit, I am just helping you to do my best, and don't forget, Song Zhe and I also have a grudge, and my master will take it too. With his life, I am also doing things for myself."

"Let's finish today's work first!" Qin Lie said.

Qin Lie's words reminded Xingtian, and Xingtian also quickly said: "Yes, it's not time to celebrate, let's not clean up this mess together."

With that said, Xing Tian turned his head and asked Tony Lee, "Tony, where is the core leadership of Night Soul?"

To destroy the Night Soul, of course, they must destroy their core leadership, that is, the Big Three of the Night Soul and those leaders under their banner.

As long as this team is destroyed, the remaining Night Soul's killer agents, those who can be included, and those who are unwilling to be included in the execution, will be much easier to solve.

Therefore, the current core task is to deal with the three giants of the night soul.

Tony Lee knows the interior of the Night Soul better, and when he heard this question, he immediately pointed to a building in the distance and said, "This building is the one they are most willing to stay in. The underground base of this building has many fortifications. , one of the warehouses even has the function of anti-nuclear, and they usually hide here when danger occurs."

The building that Tony Li was referring to was actually Qin Lie had been there long ago. It was the most central building before. There were many underground bases and research institutes built with Night Soul at the foot of that building, which was the core of the Night Soul Base. The function is located.

After determining the direction of the attack, Xing Tian quickly commanded.

"Chen Jinhu, you take your people to break through in the direction of this building."

"Liu Ruijin, your squad is responsible for covering Chen Jinhu's attack!"

"Li Tianlin, the person you brought is the second echelon. After Chen Jinhu charges up, you must bring the person to the front line and help him share the firepower!"

"Tang Gang, take someone to clean up the surrounding sporadic teams, and don't let us have any worries after we attack the target building."

"Jiang Lei, your task is to respond, see where there is still a need for maneuvering power, and you must respond flexibly."


With the combat target, Xing Tian quickly ordered to set up a mission.

Today's task, Xing Tian is the commander-in-chief, so Qin Lie also gave him the full command of the Longyan Squad.

Xingtian has rich experience in large-scale battles, and instantly planned everyone's tasks.

This command ability is much higher than Qin Lie.

Even Qin Lie felt that he knew much more about Longyan Squad than himself.

In this way, everyone went their own way, performed their respective duties, and acted like a huge machine.

Chen Jinhu has a rather reckless personality, and his bravery often infects his subordinates, so letting him take the lead in charging is the best choice.

As soon as he moved, Li Tianlin and his men followed immediately, responsible for dismantling the fire and helping Chen Jinhu suppress the firepower on both sides, so that Chen Jinhu could concentrate on charging.

As for the others, they are all doing their own things, and the whole thing is progressing in an orderly manner.

Because the research building is the core building of the Yehun base, Yehun and the others also arranged the most troops in this position. There are three or four lines of defense established by the bunkers such as tempered glass at the entrance of the building, and there are also many people in the armed forces on the opposite side. , at least two or three hundred.

This is only the power at the door. As for how much power is left after entering, no one knows.

There are not a few people on the opposite side of Rao, but Chen Jinhu still can't stop when he rushes. He plunged into Yehun's defense line like a sharp knife. With Li Tianlin's double charging team, he quickly tore the defense on the opposite side. Opened a hole.

At this time, the other combat members of Hades Island also cleaned up the scattered forces around them.

Chen Jinhu and Li Tianlin held down the formation at the entrance of the building, and then the main force pressed forward.

Qin Lie and Xing Tian, ​​the commanders, slowly moved forward and approached the door of the building.

After the large force was pressed up, the firepower was obviously much more fierce, and the mercenaries in the hall of the building couldn't stand it anymore, so they could only fight and retreat.

All the way to the inside of the base compression.

It was also at this time that Qin Lie saw a group of mercenaries and Song Zhe commanding them to fight in the hall.

When they met on the battlefield, Qin Lie and Song Zhe were very jealous.

Song Zhe had already learned Qin Lie's identity from Tang Si's mouth, and finally knew that the Stark he met in the office yesterday was actually Qin Lie himself.

This time, Song Zhe was played around in circles.

When we met at this time, Song Zhe scolded him inside: "Qin Lie, I'm a jerk. If I had known that person was you yesterday, I should have found someone to do you!"

"What a pity!" Qin Lie responded to him, "Who made you so blind, you can't even see me standing in front of you."

"Don't be complacent." Song Zhe said inside, "Don't think that you can win when you get to the base. This is Yehun, our home court, and this is your final burial place!"

Qin Lie ignored him, and swept a shuttle of bullets into it, and swept it behind the stone pillar Song Zhe was avoiding, and said loudly, "But now it's you, not me, who have been beaten so hard to fight back."

Song Zhe was silent for a long time, and finally said: "You wait and see, and you will look good later!"

After saying this, Song Zhe didn't stay in the lobby of the building, and rushed into the elevator with a few of his cronies, thinking that he was heading for the underground base.

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