As soon as Song Zhe left, only a small team was left in the entire hall to delay the time.

In fact, these people were left to die.

Xing Tian led the large force to press down, and quickly eliminated the people in this small team in the elevator.

Immediately afterwards, they faced the elevator.

Although there are fire-fighting stairs inside this underground base, but to go down to the underground base, you have to go through this opening.

At the elevator opening, Xing Tian decisively ordered: "Blast it for me!"

The material of this elevator is not different. Like ordinary elevators, you only need to use a crowbar to open the door, but this is the entrance to the research center of the night soul, naturally it is not so easy.

So Xingtian didn't bother to talk nonsense, and directly called their people to use explosives.

This time, Yanwangdao came in very well prepared. Thinking of what might happen after coming in, it was possible, and the explosives were already ready.

After Xingtian gave the order, the person responsible for blasting came up and put four small explosives on the elevator door.

That explosive is specifically designed to blast such fortifications, and it has a strong impact inside.

Everyone avoided, they detonated the explosives, and after the explosives passed, a huge hole was left directly on the elevator.

Although the opening is still not accessible, it can be pried open.

It took some effort for everyone to pry open the elevator doors. At this moment, there was a huge entrance and exit in front of everyone's eyes.

Standing at the entrance of this elevator, Qin Lie glanced down, it was pitch black, and he couldn't see the end, and the cold wind was blowing up from below.

The entire space, the lift space where the elevator runs, is completely sealed.

But this is not difficult for everyone. The people from Yanwang Island hit a rope at the elevator entrance, and at the same time threw the rope down, and this simple elevator was ready.

Soon, the professional agents and killers of Hades Island quickly slid down the ropes.

There is still the blaster who was in charge of blasting before.

After he went down, after about five or six minutes, there were explosions one after another.

Boom boom boom boom!

The base was trembling. Qin Lie saw the dust on the roof beams trembling.

About two minutes later, the news of the successful blasting came up. The blasting specialist said in the earphone: "Boss, the blasting was successful. There are three openings in total. Let the brothers come down!"


Xing Tian was very happy when he heard the news, and immediately ordered Chen Jinhu, Li Tianlin and the core combat members of Yanwangdao to go down.

Brush brush!

It was the same kind of rope, and then everyone put three more ropes under the elevator passage. With the previous one, there were a total of four ropes for descending.

The people were in groups of four, in groups of four, and they kept descending into the air.

After these people went down, Qin Lie heard gunshots coming from below the base, and the battle broke out inside the research base.

As more and more people went down, the gunfire below became more and more dense.

Most of the members who followed the battle descended, but Qin Lie, Xing Tian and Situ Xuan were the last ones to descend.

When they fell from the elevator and stood firm on the ground of the research base, Chen Jinhu and the others had already opened up another battlefield.

The mercenaries below could not withstand their impact, and they kept fleeing to deeper floors.

Also, in addition to the armed members such as mercenaries and killers, this underground research center also has many scholars who are actually doing research.

These scholars were powerless, but they were pushed to the front to fight the people from Hades Island.

Many people can't even hold a gun, and many scholars have died in vain at the guns of the people on Yanwangdao.

When Xing Tian saw this situation, he felt a little unbearable later, and issued a decree.

As long as you are those who are willing to surrender, you will not kill all the people in Hades Island, and give them generous treatment. You also said that you can hire them to continue to do research on Hades Island in the future.

This is a preferential treatment for prisoners.

After the promulgation of this regulation, the effect was obvious. Many scholars did not want to do research here, and many were lured by the coercion of the night spirit.

Now that Hades Island is in power, and the regulations for preferential treatment of prisoners, many scholars have chosen to give up their resistance after considering them.

With the surrender of everyone, the subsequent slaughter activities in the night soul became much easier.

The rebellion of large-scale personnel allowed the people of Yanwang Island to travel unimpeded throughout the research base.

Many scholars showed them the way, saying where there are mercenaries, where there are armed members hiding, and where there are more killers.

Make it as if the entire base is the home of Hades Island.

The next battle is like destroying the dead, and the autumn wind sweeps the leaves.

Qin Lie and the others started from the top layer and cleaned up the fighting members of the Night Soul layer by layer.

Led by internal staff, they ensured that the armed members of each floor were cleared before proceeding to the next floor.

After clearing the next floor, continue down.

As a result, the space of the night soul's combat members was infinitely compressed, and they retreated all the way, and fled all the way down.

Of course, the whole battle process was not so easy. During the process, the members of Yanwangdao, including Longyan Squad, suffered a lot of losses.

After all, Yehun's people are not mediocre people, and their scattered resistance still caused a lot of trouble to everyone.

All members of Qin Lie's Longyan Squad participated in the battle this time, and more than 100 brothers died in the process.

This is the most tragic battle the Longyan Squad has experienced since its establishment.

There are almost 500 combat members on the Yanwang Island, and they have more casualties. There are almost 200 people who have died, and there are still some injured.

But in any case, the battle tends to win, and everyone's morale is high.

The entire clearing process took everyone about eight hours, and this was all the way from the first floor to the deepest tenth floor.

On the tenth floor, Longyan Squad and Hades Island met the most tenacious resistance!

At that time, those mercenaries and killers were pushed to the deepest point, and there was no way to retreat. They were stuck in front of a warehouse with a lot of bunkers stacked in front of them.

And the most important terrain is that the structure of the last layer is different from the structure of the other layers.

The bottom of the bottom layer is hollowed out, and going further inside is a seawater fish pond that houses large marine creatures such as sharks, blue whales, and swordfish. After exiting the stairs, only a bridge can lead to the opposite side.

The bridge deck is only three meters wide, and there are only simple guardrails around it. When it falls, it falls into the sea. Of course, there are those huge marine creatures waiting.

The whole terrain is actually quite simple.

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