But instead, this simple terrain has become very difficult to attack.

There is only one bridge to advance forward, and there is no bunker. As long as the combat members get on the bridge, they will become the target of all guns.

And they obviously made the idea of ​​sticking to the last place. There are many people on the opposite side, and there are almost three or four hundred.

After gathering superior troops, their firepower also became particularly ferocious.

It is difficult to break through with a single combat method. Chen Jinhu led the people to charge four or five times, but all of them were pressed back by the people on the opposite side.

But the problem is here, because of the simplicity of the terrain, the tactics cannot be implemented.

The opposite is a bridgehead. If you want to pass, you can only rush to the bridge. As long as you get on the bridge, you will be exposed to the muzzle on the opposite side, and then you will be forced back.

This becomes an endless loop.

Chen Jinhu led the team to charge many times, but all came back without success.

Chen Jinhu couldn't take it anymore, and told Qin Lie and Xing Tiandao: "Brother Lie, Brother Tian, ​​it's not very good, you have to find a way, you won't be able to rush through like this, if you collide all the way, the brothers will die too much. !"

"Yeah." Jiang Lei also said, "The firepower on the opposite side is so fierce, our brothers can't stand it."

Xing Tian and Qin Lie didn't know this.

But now I can't think of any other way.

"It's hard." Xing Tiandu said, "I guess they have long thought about sticking to it. As long as they have enough ammunition, they won't be able to break in."

Qin Lie also found it difficult to see this situation.

I can't think of a good way for a while.

The two sides stalemate on both sides of the bridge.

At this moment, Song Zhe was still in command of the battle. He saw that Qin Lie and others had organized a charge several times to no avail, and he became arrogant again.

On the opposite side, he said: "Qin Lie, old Situ Xuan, haha, I don't think you guys are as good as you are. If you have the ability, you can continue to come up and see who we win in the end!"

"Aren't you guys so arrogant at the beginning, rush to show me now?"

Qin Lie listened to these words and smiled coldly: "Song Zhe, you are shrinking like a tortoise, I don't know what you have to be proud of."

"I'm not in a hurry." Song Zhe said, "As long as there is a way to win, it's a good way."

"Qin Lie, let me tell you, we have now issued a recall order around the world, and globally, all killers and agents who are on missions outside will return to the base within two days.

Those are our backbone. There are still more than 2,000 people who have not returned, and you have been organized for so long. These people today are all your strength.

If you can't break through my line of defense within two days, you will be counter-encircled and suppressed! "

"Hahaha!" Song Zhe laughed, "Qin Lie, you don't really think that you will win if you break into our base, and Xingtian, if you can't deal with our Night Soul this time, your Hell Island Whether the power will suffer serious losses again, I don't know if there will be Hades Island in the world at that time!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Song Zhe kept laughing on the opposite side, as if he was in control of the current situation.

As for Qin Lie and Xing Tian, ​​they were very upset, but they had to admit that what Song Zhe said was the truth.

Hades planned for so long to plan such a general attack today.

At that time, Hades Island traversed the world and had huge forces, but now there are only so many backbones.

If this time is unsuccessful, it is estimated that there will be no chance to counterattack in the future.

Now is the closest they have come to winning, and they must not give up easily.

Chen Jinhu was very unhappy when he heard it, and cursed: "Fuck you, this grandson even pretended to be Laozi. Come on, I have to kill him today, brother lie, I'll take my brothers to rush again!"

It's just that Qin Lie's mind is very clear, and he grabs Chen Jinhu.

"Don't go to Jinhu, he is just stimulating our emotions now. If you really rush, you will follow his path. Now rushing is not the way, we have to detour and think of other tricks."

"Then what can we do?" Chen Jinhu said, "They will stay there and won't come out. We won't rush in now. When their reinforcements arrive, we are really passive."

"Think about it, think about it again." Qin Lie forced himself to calm down and see if he could think of other tricks.

At this time, Tony Lee, who had been silent for a while, suddenly opened his mouth.

He said: "I have a solution now, do you want to listen?"

Qin Lie didn't want to pay attention to it, and said directly: "If you have an idea, talk about it quickly, there is not much time left."

Tony Lee said: "This is the situation. You all know that the highest point of this island is only about 100 meters above sea level, but the depth of this base is 150 meters deep."

Tony Lee suddenly pointed to the deep pit under the bridge and said, "You can see that there is a pool below that, and there are some large marine creatures for research in the pool."

"And if I remember correctly, the pool below is actually connected to the ocean outside the pirates, with a huge seawater channel between them."

"We are now at the deepest point of the base, which is well below sea level."

"If the passage is blasted open, the seawater outside will surely pour in, and then lift the water surface of the pool below."

"And then until the last layer is submerged."

Hearing this, Qin Lie's eyes suddenly lit up and he said excitedly: "It seems to be the truth."

He suddenly remembered that this underground base was dug very deep. Even though the entire research center was only minus ten floors, the actual depth reached more than 100 meters.

It was also observed outside at that time, and the highest places on the cliffs were 100 meters higher than the sea level. Everyone is now in the deepest part of the base, and this position is already below the sea level.

If the pool under your feet is really connected to the outside, the sea water from the outside will be poured into it crazily because of the pressure.

As long as the last layer is submerged, it is absolutely impossible for Song Zhe and the others to stick here.

Can only be forced to come up and fight Hades Island.

Isn't this the legendary Flooded Seventh Army!

Hearing this, Qin Lie immediately agreed with this method, patted Tony Lee on the shoulder and said, "Tony, you are such a goddamn genius, can you think of this?"

"Haha." Tony laughed, "I just know more about this base."

"But there is a problem." Tony Lee added, "There are sharks, killer whales and other ferocious creatures under this pool. Who is going to do this?"

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