Feeling the direction in which he was diving and the brightness of the light, Qin Lie continued to swim to the right.

There was a lot of stuff floating in the water, clothes, seaweed, and even corpses.

Those corpses that had just died were not floated, and now they were suspended in the middle, neither sinking to the bottom nor floating upwards, their expressions were ferocious and terrifying, and with the huge marine creatures swimming around from time to time, Qin Lie felt like he was like Came to the eighteenth hell.

Fortunately, his water was very good, and he swam to his destination soon.

The diameter of the pool is not very large. Qin Lie swam for half a minute and then swam to the side of the pool. He reached out and touched the wall of the pool, but he couldn't find the corresponding big iron gate like Tony Lee said.

There must be a slight deviation in the location.

Unable to find the exact location, Qin Lie could only explore slowly underwater.

After having a wall, it is easier to explore, but the underwater space is huge. Even this pool is estimated to be several tens of meters deep.

There is no other way, but to explore little by little.

The situation of being attacked by fish has not yet appeared, Qin Lie is also more at ease.

Finally, about ten minutes later, Qin Lie groped along the wall to a metal edge.

Since there is metal, it means that it is a man-made thing. There are walls all around, and only this place is metal, so it is the metal door that Tony Lee said.

Qin Lie groped for a bit, knocked on the door, determined the open space behind the door, and determined that this was the door he was looking for.

After swimming for a while, Qin Lie found out that Tony Li had made a wrong estimate of the passage. The gate was not only a few meters wide, but was almost ten meters wide according to his visual estimation.

Fortunately, when you bring bombs, you should bring more bombs, otherwise a dozen bombs might not be able to blow through this metal door.

After confirming the location, Qin Lie started to dry, brought the backpack to him, took out the bomb inside, and started to arrange the blasting point.

The use of the suction cup is very simple. You only need to pull off a pull ring next to it and pat it on the wall to suck it firmly.

After attaching the bomb, Qin Lie set the blasting time on the front dial, and the default is 20 minutes later.

After finishing the first one, Qin Lie continued to change the place and arranged the second one.

After estimating the length, he took the second shot and set the time to exactly the same blasting time as the first.

In this way, Qin Lie placed bombs one by one.

The iron gate, which was originally clean, was already covered with explosives by him at this time.

There are about a dozen or so, and if he continues to arrange ten more, his task will be completed.

There are still thirteen minutes from the preset time, and the time left for him is completely enough.

But suddenly, at this time, what he had been worried about happened.

When he was quietly laying the bomb here, suddenly, he felt a strong current of water coming from behind him, and the pressure hit his back directly.

He, who has always been experienced underwater, immediately realized that something else was attacking behind him, and he must be not small!

It's too late to say it, Qin Lie relies on his instinctive reaction.

His hair stood on end, his feet slammed against the wall, and the whole person rushed upwards.

And just as he jumped up, a behemoth slammed into the position where he was just now.


A huge metal crash came, and the metal wall let out a whimper, and the sound spread throughout the base.

When the monster attacked, Qin Lie was directly blown three meters away by the current he rolled up, and after a while in the water, he regained his balance.

Looking down, I was bewildered.

The thing that rushed over was nothing else, but a standard great white shark.

But if you want to say it is standard, it is not so standard. Its size is extremely huge, and it is many sizes bigger than the great white shark imagined by Qin Lie.

Great white sharks are deep-sea predators and the top creatures in the ocean's food chain.

But his size is actually not very big in the ocean. Generally speaking, a great white shark only has a shape of three to four meters. A great white shark that can grow to five meters is already very big.

The result was this great white shark. Although Qin Lie's line of sight was not clear, but hidden in the shadow of the deep water, Qin Lie could see that his length had reached ten meters.

Almost twice the size of a normal great white shark.

Qin Lie's whole body froze after seeing this thing clearly.

Damn it, isn't this thing too terrifying, what did the people of Night Soul do to it to make it look so perverted?

The point is, even an ordinary great white shark Qin Lie may not be able to deal with it, this mutant great white shark, this...

Qin Lie's heart was desperate at that time.

Moreover, the aggression of this great white shark is obviously much higher than that of ordinary great white sharks.

Generally speaking, great white sharks will not attack unfamiliar prey, and when the great white shark is very full, it is not willing to hunt.

So the great white shark is actually not as aggressive as people say.

And this great white shark is very strange. He installed a bomb here, and he didn't invade it. It actually started to attack as soon as it came.

So many people were killed in the previous shootout above the base, and these corpses were all floating in the water. Qin Lie didn't think it would be very hungry at this time.

The only explanation is that this great white shark is just so aggressive, killing for the sake of killing.

As expected, the great white shark shook its head after the first round of impact failed, turned its head slowly, and locked on Qin Lie again.

Its mouth is slightly open, revealing two rows of dense teeth, and it is menacing.

At this time, Qin Lie was extremely nervous. He watched the mutant great white shark with all his attention, and was always on guard against his next wave of attacks.

It's just that its next wave of attacks came very fast, and the next moment it exposed its teeth, it turned into a sharp arrow and shot it at a very fast speed, which is definitely beyond the reach of humans.

Qin Lie was taken aback and got ready.

However, he didn't turn around and ran away. At this time in the sea, Qin Lie's atheism could never be the opponent of the great white shark. If he wanted to deal with this trouble, he had to outsmart him, and turning around and running away was definitely the most stupid behavior.

In the ocean, few large creatures can go faster than sharks.

There is no way to escape.

Qin Lie faced the great white shark head-on and followed the great white shark's every move.

Watching the great white shark approaching rapidly, he estimated the time, and when he saw that the great white shark was still two meters away from him, he immediately kicked up the water, and the whole person rushed upwards at the fastest speed.

With this action, although the great white shark was fast, it fluttered at Qin Lie's position.

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