This time, what Qin Lie has to do is not only dodge, but also counterattack.

After dodging the great white shark, Qin Lie gently kicked the ground on its face, took a turn in the water, and then turned his entire body in one direction.

He went up with his backhand, grabbed the fins behind the great white shark, and rushed out with the great white shark.

To say that the attack blind spot of great white sharks can only be on their own bodies.

Great white sharks have spines, they are not mollusks, and they cannot turn their heads directly and bite themselves like snakes.

Qin Lie's action placed himself on the back of the great white shark, which directly made the great white shark lose its target.

This trick is actually a trick used by many marine animal trainers. Qin Lie has only seen it on TV before.

It was the first time he had applied it to real marine creatures like today, and it was the first time he had used it on a mutant great white shark.

After dodging the attack, the great white shark moved forward rapidly, and Qin Lie could only hold on to its fins tightly to prevent it from being washed away by the incoming water.

The great white shark felt something behind it, and its first reaction was to turn its head and bite.

It's just a pity that its bones are very hard, and it can't touch Qin Lie at all when it turns its head.

After several attempts in a row, it gradually lost patience and became more and more grumpy.

It kept struggling to dodge in the water, trying to use its enormous strength to throw Qin Lie off his back.

But Qin Lie can make it work? If this is thrown off by it, it will be a brainless thing, but this dog is really strong, which makes it very difficult for him to catch.

At the back, Qin Lie really had no choice but to pull out his golden knife from his body, plunged deeply into the body of the great white shark, and entered without a handle.

This time, the pain of the great white shark was even worse, the fierceness of the struggle, and the speed of swimming became more and more ruthless and faster.

It's just that the more it struggles, the more damage the knife behind it does to it, and the pain behind it is really bad, so it gives up struggling.

But it didn't let Qin Lie go. Instead, it changed its strategy and moved its position closer to the wall. Then, it kept hitting its back against the wall to force it out. Qin Lie, let Qin Lie get off his back.

The impact of that moment, to be honest, is quite ferocious.

The key point is that it is huge, and the area that hits the wall is also very large. Qin Lie flickered and moved on its back several times, and managed to avoid the impact of it several times.

The body was exhausted by this dog, and he kept scolding in his heart: "This dog is so fucking smart, to actually think of this trick."

But I can't go on like this. I will definitely not be the opponent of this beast in the end. If I can't find something to subdue it, I guess I will become the soul of its mouth.

In addition, the bombs have not been deployed yet, if the wall cannot be blasted, this trip will be a waste of time.

Gotta think of a way, gotta think of a way, gotta think of a way!

Qin Lie kept talking in his heart.

At this time, he suddenly made a major discovery.

Just as he was fighting with the great white shark, he noticed a huge body above his head slowly swimming over.

This body is very majestic. When it swam over the top of his head, Qin Lie felt that the entire top of his head turned black.

After a visual observation, it is bigger than this mutant great white shark.

Qin Lie also suddenly remembered that in this deep pool, it seems that there are not only great white sharks but also other marine creatures.

Since this creature can coexist with the great white shark in this pool, it means that it is definitely not afraid of the great white shark.

this is a good chance!

If you can make other creatures in the pool fight with the great white shark, you have a chance to escape.

And Qin Lie noticed at this time that the huge body swimming over his head had a huge white abdomen and a black body.

At the same time, its mouth is pointed, and its body length reaches more than ten meters.

Qin Lie recognized this thing at a glance - killer whale!

Qin Lie was very excited at the time. God helped me. There was actually a killer whale here, and judging from its size, it was also a mutant killer whale.

This thing is the best tool to deal with great white sharks.

To say that the great white shark is the top predator in the ocean, there are basically no natural enemies.

If you have to count, killer whales are one of his natural enemies. In the ocean, killer whales are bigger and have sharper teeth than great white sharks. Except for swimming speed, great white sharks hardly have any advantage over killer whales. .

If the two of them are angered together and fight together, the probability of the killer whale winning is as high as 70%.

This is why great white sharks generally walk around when facing killer whales.

And killer whales are not as aggressive as great white sharks, so the two sides can barely coexist peacefully.

It's just that at this time in this pool, Qin Lie has not much to rely on. Now he can only find a way to anger the killer whale and let the killer whale deal with the great white shark.

After thinking about this, Qin Lie immediately started to act. Seeing the great white shark rammed himself against the wall again, Qin Lie didn't bother to toss with it.

Let go of the great white shark, take out the golden knife, swipe on the back of the great white shark, and then go straight to the top, heading straight for the killer whale.

The great white shark felt the thing on its back leave, and it turned sharply, ready to continue chasing Qin Lie.

But when it saw clearly where Qin Lie was going, it hesitated.

In the ocean, the creature it fears the most is right in front of him. Qin Lie swims there, and he is also afraid of what the consequences will be if he gets into a killer whale.

The great white shark hesitated, and Qin Lie was not far from the killer whale.

The killer whale does not have the aggressiveness of the great white shark. As long as it feels that there is no threat to it from the things around it, it will not take the initiative to attack.

Not to mention Qin Lie's 1.8 meter body, in front of it is a younger brother.

But Qin Lie had already made up his mind. When he swam to the killer whale, he took out a small bomb from his bag and set the explosion time to five seconds. The killer whale was lost.

The bomb was thrown slowly through the water, but eventually hit the killer whale.


A burst of flames burst out of the water, and the explosion spread and hit the killer whale.

Small bombs can't cause lethal damage to this behemoth, but there is no problem in blowing it up.

hold head high!

The killer whale let out a groan in an instant.

It was in pain and turned its head sharply. At this time, Qin Lie had already left the place and swam to the top of the killer whale.

And the killer whale, of course, saw the great white shark directly.

Killer whales don't have such a high IQ, they suffered from pain, and immediately put the matter on the head of the great white shark.

When the great white shark saw this, it felt bad, and quickly turned around and ran.

And the killer whale, wagging its tail, also chased up all the way!

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