The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 1641 The Battle Of Trapped Beasts

The killer whale looked like it was being provoked by the great white shark.

Although it has a good temper, it will fight back when it hurts.

In this way, the killer whale turned and ran over the great white shark.

As for the great white shark, the natural enemy attribute is restrained. When he sees the killer whale coming, he turns his head and runs away. Where is the meaning of chasing and killing Qin Lie.

The great white shark, who was still showing off at the beginning, turned into a little girl.

Qin Lie was very happy watching the great white shark being chased in the deep water. If it were on the flat ground, he would definitely jump for joy.

Grandma is a bear. She started calling you so arrogant, but is it still arrogant now?

I can't beat you, but something can beat you!

Two huge creatures overturned the river and the sea in the pool, Qin Lie didn't dare to watch the excitement, and hurriedly swam in the direction of the iron gate.

It started to delay for so long, it is estimated that the countdown to the bomb is coming.

Don't dare to delay any longer, and swim quickly.

Because I found the location, I found it easier this time. When Qin Lie found the iron gate again, there were only two minutes left in the countdown for the bomb attached to the iron gate.

However, after staying, Qin Lie continued to operate at a high speed.

It is still the same time customization as before, and five or six more bombs are arranged in the remaining space.

There are about twenty bombs on the whole iron gate.

Looking at the number of bombs, Qin Lie felt that it was almost the same, and all the bombs had only the last fifteen seconds left.

Qin Lie didn't dare to stay any longer, so he immediately swam behind, avoiding the opening and swimming all the way.

The explosion radius of this bomb is four or five meters, and if it is not far away, it is estimated that he will be buried underwater.

Qin Lie left, and the bombs on the iron gate also entered the final countdown.






The flames exploded under the water in an instant. Qin Lie saw the flames fill the entire metal gate with his own eyes.

And the waves caused by this explosion were extremely turbulent, and the water under the entire pool was boiling and tumbling non-stop.

Including the sensation caused by the explosion, the entire base trembled, the huge research center, all the buildings were shaken, the walls were scattered, the gravel flew, and the ground on which everyone stood trembled, so strong that they could not even stand.

As for Song Zhe, seeing the fire under the water, he couldn't restrain his unease and swallowed nervously.

At first, he saw huge creatures surging under the water, and he felt that it must be the "big brother" of their research center who was going to attack the person who went down.

He was still happy, because everything was in his imagination.

But he didn't wake up suddenly until the flames exploded. The great white shark probably didn't kill the person who jumped down, and that person even blew up something underneath? ?

Moreover, looking in this direction, is that place the connection between the base and the ocean world outside?

If that's the case, isn't it over?

"Mr. Song!" the person next to him shouted, "The person who jumped off is not dead!"

"Mr. Song!" Another said, "He seems to have blown up something!"

"Mr. Song, it's over, I see the water in the pool below is rising!"

Hearing these words, Song Zhe got angry, and slapped those people a few times, and said angrily: "Can you stop talking nonsense, can't I see these things you are talking about? ?"

"Then what should we do now?" some people asked. "If the water spreads, our place will be untenable."

What can be done?

What else can I do?

Song Zhe was really angry.

The originally well-planned plan was smashed by this person.

Originally, there was absolutely no problem with his sticking to the plan of waiting for assistance. The only thing he could not die was that one of the core members of their Night Soul executives defected and entered the opposite camp.

If you guessed correctly, this method must have been told by Tony Lee to the opposite side-no one else could have known that there was a channel under this pool to connect to the sea outside.

"Fuck!" Song Zhe cursed, kicking the wall next to him fiercely. Although it was painful, he couldn't take care of that much anymore.

The amount of water pouring in from that opening caused the water surface of the pool below to rise at a speed visible to the naked eye. It is estimated that within a few minutes, the plane they are standing on will be submerged, and in half an hour, the entire last layer will be soaked. in sea water.

By that time, it may be too late for them to run.

After thinking about this, Song Zhe immediately ordered the people on his side to retreat.

Now, they have only one last way left, and that is the warehouse behind them.

The warehouse behind is not an ordinary warehouse. It is the core warehouse of the entire Night Soul base. It contains servers and data hard drives. Almost all the core data of Night Soul can be found in it.

In order to protect this place, Yehun built this data warehouse at the bottom of the base, and the entire warehouse has been anti-nuclear treatment, waterproof, fireproof, and electricity proof, even nuclear weapons may not be able to wash it down.

If you hide in the warehouse, the water will definitely not get in, and Qin Lie and the others will not be able to get in either.

The biggest problem is that there is nothing to eat in it. If you stay in it all the time, you will all starve or die of thirst within two days.

But in this situation, if you don't hide in the water, you will die faster.

This is also no choice.

Song Zhe and the others were almost driven to a desperate situation. As usual, when would they need to be so depressed.

But he still believes that as long as they can resist the other members coming back from all over the world, they can still make a comeback.

Song Zhe had the right to directly open the warehouse. In fact, apart from him, the other two, Aphelo and the boss, Tailong, had already been hiding inside.

It is precisely because Song Zhe has been in charge of external confrontation matters that he is allowed to stick to it outside.

Now that they can't hold on anymore, they can only hide inside.

I saw Song Zhe went to the position of the console and operated it on the console, and the warehouse door slowly lifted upwards.

It was only when the mercenaries on the opposite side were able to pass through that they drilled in one by one.

There were three or four hundred people on the opposite side, and they retreated in an orderly manner, and they all retreated in a short while.

Everyone went in, the door slid down again, and then closed heavily.

It was around this time that Qin Lie emerged from the water.

He spit out the oxygen tube and gasped for several breaths.

With the help of the people here, he climbed all the way to the shore.

As a result, when he looked back, there was actually no one on Song Zhe's side.

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