The intelligence system of the Kyushu Bureau is well developed, and it is normal to know that the Night Soul Base has been destroyed.

Qin Lie laughed: "How do you know I did this?"

"You forgot?" Han Qi said, "When you were allowed to set up your own private armed forces, the Kyushu Bureau sent more than a dozen people to your team, and the Kyushu Bureau knew all the actions within your team."

Qin Lie suddenly realized, and almost forgot about it.

This matter was discussed with Guan Hai at the beginning.

The Longyan Squad is eligible for registration—that is, the moment Mr. Hua personally issued the troop number, the Kyushu Bureau sent his cronies to the Longyan Squad.

Almost all the actions of the Longyan Squad are now known to the Kyushu Bureau.

But everything is as Guan Hai said before. Mr. Hua arranged for people to be inside him, only in charge of supervision and would not interfere with the operation.

Now it seems that Mr. Hua still did what he said.

At the beginning, Guan Hai once told himself that taking a long-term view, it was actually a good thing for Mr. Hua to send forces to his Longyan team, which proved that Mr. Hua saw his influence.

At the beginning, my vision was too low, and many things could not be figured out.

It now appears that this arrangement is indeed more pros than cons.

With Mr. Hua's recognition, any action of the Longyan team in this world is much easier.

Although under supervision, Mr. Hua has never interfered in the affairs of the Longyan team.

On the contrary, the Longyan Squad has the official background of Huaxia, and even if some forces want to provoke, they have to think more.

Without thinking much about this matter, Qin Lie replied to Han Qi: "Yes, the Night Soul is almost torn apart now, but there are still two of the core three giants alive. Whether they will make a comeback in the future is unknown."

But Han Qi is not concerned about this, but another aspect.

Han Qi said: "After the destruction of the Night Soul, is it the force of Yanwangdao that replaces it?"

Qin Lie also answered truthfully: "Yes, it is Hades Island that is acting with me this time."

"How about the leadership of Yanwangdao?" Han Qi asked, "Compared to Yehun."

Qin Lie didn't know which way to answer this question, so he could only say this: "I don't know the ability in other aspects, but when it comes to doing things, it has more bottom line than Yehun."

"Anyway, even if it is Hades Island, you should pay more attention." Han Qi said, "their forces are essentially not much different from Yehun. If you are familiar with Hades Island, you should pay more attention to Hades Island, at least let them not be there What are we doing in China that is harmful to China?"

Qin Lie felt at ease with Xingtian in his heart.

But he also understands Han Qi's concern about China's security as the deputy director of the Kyushu Bureau.

So I also promised Han Qi: "Don't worry, the Korean Bureau, if there is any action on Yanwang Island that harms China, I will tell you the matter as soon as possible. I am also a Chinese, and I am very patriotic."

"Yeah." Han Qi nodded, "I'm relieved if you say that."

"By the way." Han Qi remembered another thing, "I'll give you a phone number when you get off the bus later. You can call when you are free. It's a cousin of mine, called Han Ziwen."

"Ah?" Qin Lie didn't understand, "Why did you ask me to contact your brother?"

Han Qi said: "Isn't the big competition of the aristocratic family close, the representative sent by the Han family is my cousin, during the big competition of the family, you will definitely be harassed in many ways. I promised before that the Han family will be in the family this time. Big Billy will definitely support you with all his strength, you and my brother should get in touch earlier and get to know each other as soon as possible."

"Okay." Qin Lie nodded and understood what Han Qi meant, "I'll try adding him to WeChat later in the evening."


When the two of them said this, they were almost finished.

Qin Lie later drove and took Han Qi back to his own office, and Qin Lie also went all the way back to the villa.

After arriving at the villa, Qin Lie first sent the verification information of WeChat to Han Ziwen, waiting for Han Ziwen's verification, and then he cooked for Chen Xiaoyu in the villa.

Now Chen Xiaoyu's belly is very big. She is almost eight and a half months old now, and she will be born in one month.

The due date is almost a little bit later in the family.

In recent days, Qin Lie did not dare to let Chen Xiaoyu have any fatigue, and arranged for the members of Longyan Squad to help do everything.

Including safety issues, Qin Lie also increased the size of the previous squad to two squads.

Just around Qin Lie's villa, the number of people who followed Chen Xiaoyu to protect Chen Xiaoyu had reached 70 people.

That protection is really 24 hours a day, without any gaps.

Only in this way can Qin Lie be completely at ease.

Back home, Qin Lie was still thinking about Liu Zixing while cooking dinner.

He still couldn't let go of this matter, and was still thinking about what to do in the future to get Liu Zixing's information.

I can only go back to Liu Zixing's side to take a look, give him some benefits, and see if he can pry his mouth open.

At this moment, Qin Lie's cell phone rang, and the phone note was quiet. In fact, it was Xuanyuan Tianci's arrangement by his side, but he turned against the female agent Red Thorn.

Qin Lie promised her that as long as she stayed by Xuanyuan Tianci's side until the end of the aristocratic competition, Qin Lie would send her away to a place where Xuanyuan Tianci could not find her.

At this time, Red Thorn called and should have some information to give.

He quickly answered the call from Red Thorn and asked the other side directly: "What's the matter, you suddenly called me?"

Red Thorn is a special agent, and he doesn't like to go around and go straight to the topic: "Xuanyuan Tianci will take action against Ning Kun soon."

"Oh?" Qin Lie listened, and immediately became interested, "He has acted, what is he going to do?"

Red Thorn said: "He seems to have asked the Xiao family to borrow a group of people, including his own cronies, didn't you give me an address last time, that villa, I told him the address, and he was ready to Get started."

"What about the specific time?" Qin Lie asked.

Red Thorn: "Tomorrow at eleven o'clock, his men will attack to find Ning Kun."

"Yes." Qin Lie nodded, "That's it. In the future, if Xuanyuantian gives you any special information, you will pass it on to me like this today."

"I know," said Redthorn, "but don't forget what you promised me."

Qin Lie also promised her: "You can rest assured, as long as the family competition is over, you will be a free person. What Qin Lie said, I will do what I say."

After listening to this, the Red Thorn didn't have much reaction, just hung up the phone after humming.

Qin Lie hung up the phone and turned to call Bruni - the second head of the Cape family - who is now protecting Ning Kun with the Cape family's armed forces.

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