Qin Lie called Bruni's mobile phone and simply told Bruni the information.

It probably means that a group of Xiao's family will come to visit him at eleven o'clock tomorrow night, so that he can get ready.

The Cape family promised that as long as it was related to the Xiao family, the Cape family would do their best to help.

This time Bruni also answered decisively, saying: "Don't worry, with us here, Mr. Ning will not let anyone threaten his safety. We will beat all these people back tomorrow."

Qin Lie wasn't worried at all that Bruni couldn't beat these people back.

The Cape family is a world-class family. If you can't do this, you don't have to mix it up.

Qin Lie actually wanted more.

Thinking about it, Qin Lie reminded Bruni: "Mr. Bruni, I don't think you need to keep them all out, you can also put them in."

"What?" Bruni didn't understand, it was a little strange, "Let them in, aren't you worried that they threaten Mr. Ning's safety??"

Qin Lie said: "I think you can temporarily transfer Mr. Ning to another place, and your people don't have to show up for the time being. After they break into the villa, you will come out from the ambush and surround them in the villa. .

In this case, they may not all come out, and they should all die inside. "

Bruni listened, very surprised, very surprised.

"Mr. Qin, I always feel that you Chinese people are very proficient in strategy. This method is really a good way to encircle and suppress it. I heard that this strategy is called "Empty City Strategy?"

"Hahaha..." Qin Lie laughed, "Mr. Bruni, you really know the Chinese culture very well!"

"So-so." Bruni laughed at himself, "Recently, because I arrived in China, I learned a little more about your local culture. Recently, I'm also watching Thirty-Six Strategies."

"Okay," Qin Lie said, "then I'll wait for Mr. Bruni's good news tomorrow."


After simply arranging the tactics, Qin Lie and Bruni hung up the phone.

Qin Lie has Red Thorn, a chess piece that has won Xuanyuan Tianci's trust, and all the information is exposed. What can Xuanyuan Tianci do to fight him.

Qin Lie doesn't even plan to go tomorrow, it's just Bruni's team, and he will definitely let Xuanyuan's people have a good drink.

Qin Lie couldn't wait to see Xuanyuan Tianci collapsed.

Putting down the phone, Qin Lie's mood became happy again because of this incident.

Whistle and slowly continue to cook.

Just ten minutes later, his phone rang again.

I don't know why, but I didn't have much to do outside during the day, but when I got home, things became more frequent.

When the call came, Qin Lie noticed that it was an unfamiliar number, but it was a local number in Longcheng.

Weird, but picked it up anyway.

While he was cooking, he turned on the speakerphone and put his phone on the cutting board.

After answering the phone, ask the other person directly: "Hello, who is it?"

As a result, the person opposite immediately asked: "Qin Lie, right?"

"I am." Qin Lie said directly, "Who are you?"

"I, Liu Zixing, saw it during the day."

This remark made Qin Lie excited all of a sudden. He was about to put food in the pot, but the sound made Qin Lie excited all of a sudden.

He quickly turned off the fire, picked up the phone and said to the other side, "Boss Liu, give me a call, have you figured it out, are you going to tell me about it?"

Liu Zixing said: "I can only say that I do know some things about you, but for some reasons, I can't tell you everything.

I feel that I am ashamed of you, and I am still going to tell you something after thinking about it, knowing the origin that will let you know your identity. "

Qin Lie was excited and excited, and said, "Really, that's great."

"If you have any difficulties, don't say anything if you don't want to, but just tell me my background as much as possible, and I thank you."

After Qin Lie said this, Liu Zixing immediately said: "Do you know Qi Yunshan?"


Hearing the three words Qi Yunshan, Qin Lie suddenly mentioned it.

When the Xuanyuan family was suspected of changing sons, Qiu Bai's wife Yang Hui replaced Xuanyuan Hao's biological son, and then replaced the current Xuanyuan Tianci.

The child who was exchanged was sent out by Yang Hui and Qi Yunshan in cooperation, and the specific direction of the child was arranged by Qi Yunshan himself.

Qin Lie first suspected that he was picked up in front of his grandfather's door, and then only three days away from Yang Hui's change of child, he wondered if his matter had anything to do with Qi Yunshan.

As a result, Liu Zixing's head was finally found through his grandfather's account. He thought that this matter had nothing to do with Qi Yunshan.

Unexpectedly, Liu Zixing still mentioned Qi Yunshan.

Qin Lie was shocked, like a thunder struck him from the sky, unbelievable.

"You also know Qi Yunshan?" Qin Lie said, "In my investigation, I found Qi Yunshan."

Liu Zixing said over there: "Your identity is inextricably linked to Qi Yunshan, but because it involves Qi Yunshan, I dare not say a lot of things, it will bring a threat to my life. "

"It's inconvenient to talk on the phone. I'll hang up the phone later and give you an address. It's a villa in the suburbs. You go directly to the villa, and then open the villa door. If I put it in a mailbox outside the door, you can directly use your hand. Take it out."

"After entering, there is a bookshelf on the second floor of the villa. There is a diary in Cihai on the second floor of the bookshelf. The diary is from Qi Yunshan's first perspective. After reading the diary, you will understand a lot of things."

Qin Lie listened and silently wrote all this down.

Silently muttering, he asked Liu Zixing: "Then do you know Qi Yunshan's whereabouts now? Where is he now?"

According to Liu Zixing, he must know Qi Yunshan.

It's just that Liu Zixing obviously didn't want to answer this question, and quickly said: "This is what I want to say, I must not tell you these things, I can't say the whereabouts of Qi Yunshan, and, including the matter that you came to me today, you most Well, don't mention it to anyone, remember, this is to protect me and you."

It can be seen that Liu Zixing is quite vigilant about the incident 27 years ago.

This is why he is reluctant to tell himself during the day.

It's just that he is now willing to call and tell himself this, and Qin Lie has already thanked him very much.

And he also said that in the address he provided, there was Qi Yunshan's diary, and that thing should be able to tell most of the truth to him.

Qin Lie has stopped forcing him to do anything.

After hearing what he said, Qin Lie quickly said, "Mr. Liu, thank you."

And Liu Zixing said a meaningful sentence: "It's okay, these are what I owe you."

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