The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 1657: Ashes And Ashes Between Talking And Laughing

Zhou Shunrong didn't believe what the vanguard said, there are guards downstairs, why not upstairs.

It stands to reason that the closer you are to the target person, the stronger the guard will be.

If it is him who arranges it, the target characters will be placed on the third floor, and the guard strength of these three floors will increase in turn. There must be a large number of combat members hoarding on the second and third floors.

Rather than having no one like now.

Zhou Shunrong quickly followed the stairs to the second floor, stood in the lobby on the second floor, looked to the left, looked to the right, looked back and forth, but as his team members said, the second floor was really not even a dog.

Zhou Shunrong is not a fool, he immediately discovered something was wrong.

Turning his head and ordering the member of the vanguard to say, "Go to the third floor now. I suspect that our action plan has been exposed, and the people here have been evacuated in advance."


The members of the vanguard took their orders and quickly went up, a total of more than a dozen members ran to the third floor.

As a result, after reaching the third floor, he also saw that the third floor was empty.

Not only is there no one in this place, but even many valuable electrical appliances and decorations have been removed. Where is their target person?

The vanguard members still quickly gave Zhou Shunrong news on the walkie-talkie, still the same sentence: "Report to the captain, there are still no combat members on the third floor, our information should have been leaked."

Zhou Shunrong got the news, and finally felt some unease in his heart.

He hadn't thought about the fact that he was being surrounded by the backlash. He picked up the walkie-talkie, adjusted the channel, and asked the people outside: "Li Cheng, report the current situation outside the villa. Is there any problem outside the villa?"

As a result, the answer from his walkie-talkie was: "Report to Captain, everything is normal."

Hearing this, Zhou Shunrong felt a little relieved.

But how did he know that this information was just what his sniper told him after being caught by Bruni's men.

At this time, the periphery of the villa had already become Bruni's world.

When they were doing useless work in the empty villa, Bruni's people had formed a circle around them, a circle that surrounded them.

Just wait for them to come out of the villa again.

At this moment, Zhou Shunrong noticed something was wrong, and immediately gave the order to the vanguard upstairs: "Okay, if there is no one upstairs, you should come down first, your actions will be exposed, and there will be many dreams at night, so you have to evacuate first."

When the action is exposed, their original advantageous position no longer exists. Now the enemy is in the dark, and they are in the light. It is not advisable to stay here for a long time.

However, even though Zhou Shunrong's reaction was already quick, his retreat order came too late.

Bruni's side has been watching their movements on the surveillance camera. Now that the other side is about to retreat, he picks up the walkie-talkie, and while drinking coffee, he says to the inside: "Tom, the gifts prepared for them can be sent first. , and the main dishes are ready, invite them to eat something good."


I only heard such a voice coming from the walkie-talkie, and then Qin Lie saw on the monitor that a huge explosion suddenly occurred on the third floor!


The sound came from the real space, and the bombs didn't know where they were placed by Bruni. Anyway, after the bombs were detonated, the monitoring facilities were instantly destroyed.

At the same time, the second floor also exploded just like the third floor.

The second and third floors of the entire villa were in flames, and thick smoke came out of the windows in an instant.

Because of the setting of this bomb trap, the monitoring system originally installed in the villa was no longer available, and the monitoring screen became a black screen. Bruni got up and walked towards the balcony of the house here.

At the same time, he reminded Qin Lie: "Mr. Qin, please move here, the gifts are finished, and the next dinner can only be watched on the balcony."

Qin Lie listened and laughed along.

He liked Bruni's self-confidence. He didn't have to take action in the whole thing, and he could teach Xuanyuantian a great lesson.

The two touched their teacups and walked to the balcony together.

Bruni stood on the balcony, pointed to the villa opposite and said: "I specifically found a room with the best view. This must be the best place to watch the performance in the entire community."

Qin Lie went to the balcony and looked down. Sure enough, there was no vegetation or other buildings in the surrounding area, and all the conditions of the villa on the opposite side were unobstructed.

The next step is to see the reaction of the opposing combat members.

Boom! Boom!

The bombs sounded one after another, and Zhou Shunrong immediately knew that his own troops had encountered a trap and were plotted by the enemy.

Almost immediately, he gave an order on the walkie-talkie: "Retreat! Everyone retreat immediately!"

I just asked Li Cheng, who was in charge of stalking outside. Li Cheng said that everything was normal outside, indicating that there was no enemy outside.

It should be time to run at this time.

A few bombs only cost him dozens of brothers. If they are dragged into the villa after the enemy's counter-encirclement, they will be trapped in the villa, and the whole army will be destroyed.

Regardless of the wounded, Zhou Shunrong directly led the team out of the villa.

But as soon as he got out the door, he was dumbfounded.

Everything is normal, everything is normal for him to be paralyzed!

Zhou Shunrong led the team to run out, but he never expected to encounter a whole row of machine guns on the opposite side. They stood in a row, with twenty or thirty guns, all aimed at the gate.

Just as he led the team out, everyone in the machine gun team fired at the same time.

Twenty or thirty machine guns fired at the same time, the flames sprayed, and the bullets shot at them like rain.

chug chug chug...

The fire from the muzzle of the machine gun was more dazzling than the street lamps in the community. At that moment, the fire of these machine guns became the last fireworks Zhou Shunrong had ever seen in his life.

In less than five seconds, Zhou Shunrong was shot into a sieve.

And even the dozen or so team members who came out with him were all shot through.

Seeing that the other team members in the back could not get through, they immediately changed direction and tried to break through the window in the opposite direction.

As soon as they got to the window, it was still the scene of the front door, and the bullets came whizzing.

There were flames everywhere, gunshots rang out, and more than a dozen of Zhou Shunrong's remnants were killed there.

Only at this time did they finally understand that they were completely surrounded by them today.

As a last resort, the remaining forces could only return to the villa, relying on the villa, the bunker, and the bunker, to resist the people outside.

It's just a pity, this villa is also the villa where Bruni lived before. Everything in it has been arranged by Bruni. Where can they stay safely?

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