The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 1658 The Whole Army Was Annihilated

Everything that is happening now is under the careful arrangement of Bruni.

Almost all of the script went according to Bruni's plan.

The No. 2 figure of the Cape family is indeed a figure, and these small battles are simply a family in his hands.

How to say that sentence, the feather fan and the towel, the ashes and ashes were wiped out between chatting and laughing.

At this moment, he is observing the situation while holding a coffee mug. He is in control of everything, and he really has the taste of pointing the country.

Seeing that these people were ready to stick to the first floor, Bruni gave another order, and then said: "Okay, the second gift can almost be placed."

"Ok!" The subordinate below responded, so Qin Lie saw the fire on the first floor rising into the sky again, and the rumbling sound was incessant.

The explosion this time was even more terrifying than the previous two explosions, and the impact range was even larger.

Qin Lie even suspected that if there were two more rounds of such an explosion, the entire villa would collapse.

But these are not important anymore. Everyone was forced to stick to the villa, and there were bombs everywhere in the villa. At this moment, they have been called Tian Tian not, and the ground is not working. Even if God comes, they cannot be saved.

After the last wave of bombs was blown up, Bruni directly called the troops outside to break through the gate and rushed into the villa to start harvesting.

The opponent's people have long since lost their combat effectiveness, and more than half of the damage has been done, and the commander has also been beaten into a sieve, and the sand is scattered.

And Bruni's people haven't even really done it yet.

A king's division full of morale, facing the remnants of the dead end, is almost the effect of harvesting.

Today's tactical arrangement was in place, and Bruni's people easily got the opposite side without a single soldier.

Only one of Bruni's combat members was injured, and the reason for his injury was that when he went in to harvest, he ran too fast to grab the head and slipped down the stairs directly.

After a crush, none of the troops sent by the Xiao family survived.

The following time has entered the time to clean up the battlefield.

After all, the riot was so big, it was an explosion and a shootout, and more than 200 people died on Zhou Shunrong's side, so Qin Lie contacted Han Qi.

Han Qi used the Kyushu Bureau's relationship to cover up what happened today.

While the people below were cleaning the battlefield, Qin Lie and Bruni were still chatting with Bruni on the balcony.

Qin Lie's tea was almost dry, so he poured a cup of boiling water into it, continued to make tea, and then smiled and said to Bruni, "Mr. Bruni, your recent Sun Tzu has really learned the art of war well, such a perfect battle. You have implemented the plan, and you are our God of War."

"Hahahaha..." Bruni laughed, not answering Qin Lie's words at all, "What God of War, a small battle is God of War, then this God of War is too simple.

I believe that even if you do this, you will only do it better than me. The most important thing is that the information you give is real and effective. We know the time and plan of their actions. With this information, the plan is easy to implement. . "

Qin Lie laughed: "Maybe Xuanyuan Tianci never dreamed that the secret agents around him would be turned against by me. If I want to blame him, I can only blame him for being bad to his subordinates."

Bruni also smiled and said, "I just don't know if Xuanyuan Tianci will be able to sleep tonight."

Qin Lie picked up the teacup, touched Bruni lightly, and simply celebrated today's victory.


As for Xuanyuan Tianci, I am afraid it will be difficult to sleep tonight.

The new site of the Xuanyuan family, it is a huge modern manor, all the facilities and all the configurations are very new.

Originally, the former Xuanyuan family lived in a courtyard in the old city of Longcheng.

It's just that later, because the Xuanyuan family's family power continued to expand, and many of the facilities in the courtyard were relatively old, they could not keep up with the needs of contemporary development.

The Xuanyuan family built such a manor in the suburbs.

The manor is quite large, covering an area of ​​more than 1,000 acres, with all the facilities in it, and most of the important departments of the Xuanyuan family have been transferred here.

As for the old yard before, it became Xuanyuan Hao's place for meditation.

In the manor, in a room in the central villa, Xuanyuan Tianci was smoking a cigarette one by one.

Xuanyuan Tianci picked up the habit of smoking when he was young, but because Xuanyuan Hao didn't like it, he quit.

Later, only when he was in a bad mood and extremely anxious would he take out two sticks.

And not too many.

But tonight, since Zhou Shunrong's action started, he has been smoking non-stop, and by now he has smoked more than a pack.

He was anxious because the whole thing had come to a critical point.

Ten days later, the Great Competition of the family will end everything, and he does not want to make another storm before the Great Competition.

Ning Kun was his witness for falsifying the file, and he didn't want this person to still be alive in the world.

Whether today's action is successful or not has a considerable relationship with the development of his later events, so he pays special attention to it and seems very anxious.

He has been waiting for Zhou Shunrong's call from eleven o'clock in the evening to two in the morning.

As a result, even if it was two o'clock in the morning, Zhou Shunrong still didn't call.

His heart was already feeling a little ominous.

At about half past two, his phone finally rang.

He snuffed out the cigarette butt like a fly, and then quickly picked up his mobile phone. As a result, the call was not from Zhou Shunrong, but from Henry Zhang.

He knew something was wrong, but picked it up anyway.

One after another, Henry Zhang’s message to him was like a bolt from the blue: “Zhou Shunrong’s operation failed, all of their past people died in it today, and none of them came back.”


Xuanyuan Tianci was shocked at the time, but noticed that these messages could not be heard by the Xuanyuan family, he quickly lowered his voice and said, "How can the entire army be destroyed, how is it possible?"

"I don't know why." Henry Zhang said, "but the news came back after my people saw Qin Lie and others collect their bodies outside with their own eyes. It's absolutely true."

"How is that possible!" Xuanyuan Tianci still couldn't believe it.

The grass mud horse, this Qin Lie is really psoriasis, no matter what.

He exclaimed: "No one came back?"

Henry Zhang said firmly: “None of them came back.”

"Impossible." Xuanyuan Tianci, "Even if they lose, two hundred people will always be able to come back one or two, but not one or two, how is this possible?"

Henry Zhang said: "So I suspect that they are trapped. I don't know the specific situation, but it should be so miserable because they were calculated. Hehe, I suggest that you better check the intelligence personnel around you."

"After all." Henry Zhang paused, "This information is provided by you."

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