Ye Yuqing looked down at him with a look of disgust.

"Look at you like this, I really don't know how I liked you in the first place."

Qin Lie smiled: "When you first saw me, it means that I have something special. What's the matter? Now I want to pat my butt and don't know anyone?"

Ye Yuqing still had a look of disgust.

He urged: "Oh, go and change your clothes, I don't want to go out with a sloppy person like you."

"Ok!" Qin Lie snapped his fingers and said, "Wait, I'll dress you up immediately after seeing your husband."

After saying that, Qin Lie went upstairs quickly and found a suit in the room on the second floor. He seldom wears a suit, so he just put it on.

Qin Lie's figure is now a standard inverted triangle, but his muscles are not the kind of muscles that pure fitness exercises, all of which are Bruce Lee-like tendons.

Dressed to be thin, undressed and fleshy, he was talking about him.

With this figure, what clothes can you wear to look good?

After getting dressed, he went to the bathroom to shave his beard again. Looking at the shape in the mirror, Qin Lie fiddled with his face from side to side. Well, I'm the prettiest guy on this gai.

After doing all this, Qin Lie walked out again and returned to the first floor.

"Ok!" Qin Lie said, "Now take a look again, how do I look like your man?"

When Ye Yuqing turned around and saw Qin Lie, her eyes lit up.

Obviously, Qin Lie still caught her eye after she dressed up.

But she also imitated Qin Lie's appearance and exaggerated: "Wow, which male god is this from, why is he so handsome, do I want to have dinner with such a handsome male god?"

Qin Lie could hear goosebumps all over, and quickly said: "It's alright, it's normal, I'm a little hairy and standing upside down."

"Hahahaha..." Ye Yuqing smiled, smiling like a flower, very happy.

The two rubbed each other's skin for a while, and then went out to eat together hand in hand.

But when he was about to leave, Hou Junjie said on the side, "Master and Mistress, you two are going out to eat now, can you take me with you?"

"Fuck you." Qin Lie scolded directly, "What are you doing here on our anniversary? If you don't know, you think we have a child as big as you."

"Then what shall I eat at night?" Hou Junjie said aggrievedly.

Qin Lie asked him, "How about your little sister and Xiaoyu sister? Still not coming back?"

Chen Xiaoyu, Su Xiaoxiao and Makasha went out to buy clothes together, and haven't come back yet.

Hou Junjie said: "I just called the young lady, and the young lady said that they are going to eat out tonight, go to the movies at night, and come back very late."

"Where's your master?" Qin Lie asked again.

"Don't talk about it, Master. I've been running outside for the past few days. It seems that it's because of his family's destruction. Sometimes I can't reach him on the phone, and I can't find anyone. How can he manage me?"

After Qin Lie heard it, he felt that Hou Junjie was too miserable.

But after thinking about it, I immediately remembered when this kid and I was stubborn two hours ago, and I couldn't feel sympathy again.

"In that case..." Qin Lie said, and paused for a while.

Hou Junjie's eyes flashed with golden light, thinking that Qin Lie would take him to a big dinner because he was pitiful.

As a result, Qin Lie waved his hand and said, "If this is the case, you can only solve it by yourself at night. There are instant noodles in the refrigerator, you can cook them yourself, and there are eggs, you can also add an egg. ."

Hou Junjie listened, his whole body was like a deflated ball, and he was stunned, and finally muttered and complained: "I want to tell you, you are abusing minors."

"Come on." Qin Lie said, "Eating instant noodles will torture you. You were not born when I ate chaffyencai when I was a child."

Saying that, Qin Lie ignored the kid again, and quickly left with Ye Yuqing.

Hou Junjie had no choice but to find a way to cook instant noodles.

That back is so lonely, not to mention how miserable.

As for Qin Lie and Ye Yuqing, they got rid of this annoying spirit and started their own two-person world.

To be honest, since everyone lived together, they have rarely been in a two-person world with each other.

Today is also Chen Xiaoyu and the others going out to buy clothes, otherwise they will not be able to come out.

The two got into the car together, and soon drove to the place where dinner was booked, the International Finance Building in Longcheng, and the Caesar Western Restaurant on the top floor of the building.

In fact, Qin Lie himself does not like to eat Western food, and the dishes are tasteless and monotonous, which does not meet the taste of Chinese people at all.

But if Ye Yuqing wanted to eat it, she would eat it herself.

The International Finance Building is the second tallest building in the entire Longcheng, second only to the Skyscraper Tower, the tallest building.

The total height is 497 meters, and the number of floors is 113.

The location of the Caesar Western Restaurant is on the side of the top floor. The floor-to-ceiling windows near the building have a particularly good view, and you can almost have a panoramic view of the entire Dragon City.

The owner of the Caesar Western Restaurant is the Wang family, which is Wang Congcong's father's property, and he is also his own.

Ye Yuqing had made a reservation before, so after arriving, the waiter quickly brought the two of them to the corresponding location, a place near the floor-to-ceiling windows.

At this time, the sky has already fallen, and the lights are just on, and the surrounding lights are very dazzling and colorful, and they are very beautiful at first glance.

Drinking a bottle of wine in such a place and having a Western meal with your favorite person is quite romantic.

Sitting down on the seat, Qin Lie looked at the night scene below and said: "As expected of my wife, the aesthetic style is good. Having a dinner at this place is simply a great blessing in life."

Ye Yuqing didn't bother him to call her wife, not only was she not bothered, she was even a little happy.

"You are poor."

The pre-ordered meals were already pre-ordered, and Ye Yuqing only needed to give the waiter an instruction, and they started to cook and serve.

After waiting for about 20 minutes, the first steak came up.

Then there are baked snails, some common fruit salads, and a bottle of red wine that is about 20 years old.

The two poured the wine, held it with a goblet, and took a light sip.

Looking out the window, Ye Yuqing was in a good mood, smiled and sighed: "Time flies so fast, I didn't expect that two years have passed in a flash, and I still think about those desert islands as if it were yesterday. "

"Me too." Qin Lie said, "I didn't expect that we came out of the deserted island. It's been so long, haha, you all became my bedfellows, which is even more unexpected."

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