Ye Yuqing listened, rolled his eyes at him and said, "How dare you mention it, did one of the girls who were on the desert island with you count as one, and you took them all?"

"Cough cough..." It was embarrassing to talk about this, Qin Lie coughed dryly, "Don't talk nonsense, there's no such thing, I don't want to follow a few bitches from the opposite camp."

"Tsk tsk tsk..." Ye Yuqing was speechless, "Your requirements are really not high."

"Cut!" Qin Lie would not admit that he was bothered, so he said, "I like you, that's because when you were on the desert island, all of you were so kind to me, all of you cared so much about me, I It's not okay to be unsympathetic.

I can't be so scumbag if you're just a little bit on me. "

"Oh." Ye Yuqing said, "So in the end, we're still too kind to you, right? We shouldn't be that kind to you, right?"

"That's why!" Qin Lie quibble, "this is an inevitable thing, you are good to me, all of you are kind girls, this is an inevitable thing, and you are good to me, a You are still so beautiful, I will like you, this is also an inevitable thing.

After I came out of the deserted island, I kept in touch with me when I had nothing to do. I would help you if I had the ability. This was considered a reward for helping me on the island. As a result, you also liked me because of it. This is also an inevitable thing.

So at the end of the day, when a good man like me, Qin Lie, was tied to a desert island with you, it was doomed that we would end up together! "

"Cut!" Ye Yuqing didn't want to give him face, so she said, "You are the most confident, and you are the most powerful. I can't say anything about you, so don't say it."

The two are recalling the past together now, and in fact they are not looking for any problems.

It's just that these things have become memories, and now they are only used as jokes.

It has become an established fact that everyone is together. Ye Yuqing can still play with her sisters when she is free. In fact, she quite likes her current life.

At this time, other meals for tonight were also served, and the two of them chatted without a word.

And Qin Lie suddenly remembered something, raised his eyebrows and looked at Ye Yuqing and said, "By the way, Yuqing, do you still remember, my first time was done on you, it was you who made me finish my career from a boy Transformation into a man!"

While eating, Ye Yuqing heard this blushing violently, and she looked disgusted: "Why did you suddenly say this? There are so many people around."

"What's wrong with the crowd, I didn't say anything about other people's wives." Qin Lie didn't care at all, and continued with a wicked smile, "Yuqing, we've been busy with our own affairs recently, and it's been a long time since we've done that. If we don't go back tonight, open a room outside, and you will be my enlightenment teacher again?"

As soon as Qin Lie broke down, he couldn't speak seriously, and Ye Yuqing's face became even redder.

He said: "You are very annoying, didn't you tell me not to talk while eating?"

Qin Lie rogue said: "Then tell me whether you want to agree or not. As long as you agree, I won't say anything."

Ye Yuqing blushed and was silent for a while, then glanced to the left and to the right, as if she had finally made a decision, and nodded steadily.

It means agreed.


Qin Lie made a victory gesture, pressed down with one hand and said, "I knew you would agree. This is our two-year anniversary."

Ye Yuqing listened, and suddenly said, "Then you must show all your strength tonight. If it takes less than two hours, I will be unhappy."

"What?" Qin Lie listened, and instantly bragged, "Two hours?? Comrade Ye Yuqing, I suspect you look down on me, don't you man and I always start in three hours?

Let me put it this way, whoever begs for mercy first is trash tonight. "

"Okay!" Ye Yuqing said, "I want to see how fierce you are."

The two said and laughed at each other again.

The topic of conversation is quite explicit, but only an old couple like them can say it.

Although the two have been in love for a long time, it feels as if they are still in a sweet period.

After talking about this, Qin Lie's mood improved a lot, and now his mind is full of fantasies about the night.

In order to calm himself down, Qin Lie took the initiative to change the subject. After taking a sip of wine, he asked Ye Yuqing: "Oh, by the way, daughter-in-law, didn't you say you have other things to tell me today, when? what??"

Ye Yuqing listened and became a little more energetic.

Then, she also took a sip of wine, and she couldn't help showing a happy look on her face.

She put down the wine glass, picked up the bag beside her, took out a piece of paper, a card to be exact, and passed the card across the table.

Qin Lie reached out to pick it up, then put it in front of him and glanced.

I saw it read: National Capital Hospital IVF Queue Number: 33.

Qin Lie's eyes widened when he saw this, and he understood at once.

This thing may appear to be a piece of paper, but to them it is absolutely priceless.

This is a queuing number for a test-tube baby, which means that at the National Capital Hospital, Ye Yuqing's request to be a test-tube baby has been accepted, and the queuing has already begun.

Ye Yuqing had told Qin Lie more than once before that she was inquiring about IVF.

She has been paying attention, but these difficult projects are basically scheduled in the hospital.

In China, the best hospital for this technology is the Capital Hospital, and Ye Yuqing has been waiting for the schedule.

Several months have passed, Qin Lie almost thought that there was no chance for this matter, but Ye Yuqing suddenly took out a card and said it was a success.

"Successful scheduling??" Qin Lie was surprised and surprised, "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Ye Yuqing was also happy, she said, "I only got the notification from the hospital yesterday, and then I thought that today is the second anniversary, so I will tell you this as a surprise."

"That's great!" Qin Lie couldn't contain his excitement, and immediately left his position, quickly went to Ye Yuqing's position, picked Ye Yuqing from the chair, and kept spinning in place like a princess.

"Great! Great!"

Qin Lie kept muttering these three words, holding Ye Yuqing in a circle, like a child.

Ye Yuqing was also happy, seeing Qin Lie so happy, she was even happier.

But after all, it was in a public place, so she quickly slapped Qin Lie and said, "Okay, let me down, or it will be a joke."

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