Even if Ye Yuqing was there to persuade him, Qin Lie couldn't restrain his excitement.

You are joking, this can solve Ye Yuqing's heart problems for many years.

And this also means that two people can have their own children, can you not be happy?

Even though Ye Yuqing said it, Qin Lie was still going around in circles.

Ye Yuqing also had no choice but to make him excited.

As for the other people in the restaurant, seeing him like this, on the one hand, they were very puzzled, but on the other hand, they smiled with relief.

After all, it must be a great thing to be able to celebrate something so brazenly.

Qin Lie was happy for a long time before he put Ye Yuqing down, and after drinking two glasses of wine in a row, he calmed down a little.

Sitting down again, Qin Lie smiled and said, "It's great, I, Qin Lie, can be a father again."

Ye Yuqing looked at him and smiled too: "Look at you, you are so happy like a child, you weren't so happy when I saw Xiaoyu was pregnant."

Qin Lie said, "I'm also happy that Xiaoyu is pregnant, but I'm even happier when you are pregnant, because you don't have to feel inferior because of this."

Ye Yuqing is in her thirties, with a lot of experience and a calm personality.

Many times, even if there is grievance in his heart, he will not say it, but Qin Lie, as his man, can see some things even if Ye Yuqing doesn't say it.

What happened to Ye Yuqing back then led to her infertility. Ever since the two were together, Ye Yuqing always blamed herself for not being able to give birth to herself.

Qin Lie always persuaded her, saying that it was not important, even if she had children, she would still love her.

But this matter was a hurdle in her heart after all, and even if she behaved casually, she still couldn't get over that hurdle herself.

Sometimes when she sees some information on the treatment of infertility on the Internet, she will pay attention to her eyes and save the information.

In the past two years, I have also found a lot of home remedies to do, taking medicine, massage, and everything.

The result is also minimal.

Chen Xiaoyu's pregnancy gave her the most stimulation. Qin Lie remembered that during that time, she was frantically looking for a way to get pregnant, and the mobile browser was almost full of related search records.

Qin Lie knew all these things, but Qin Lie kept her mouth shut all the time just to take care of her emotions.

Then Ye Yuqing set her sights on IVF and checked it out. Her eggs could be fertilized, but because of the damage to the fallopian tubes, after each ovulation, the eggs became inactive.

After the examination, the hospital told her the feasibility of IVF.

She also told herself about it at the time.

Well now, finally ranked, hopeful waiting and hopeless waiting are two completely different things.

While Qin Lie was happy that he could have a child with Ye Yuqing, he was also happy that Ye Yuqing no longer had to worry about this matter.

This is indeed a great event to celebrate.

"Come on!" he toasted. "Let's toast our own children!"

Ye Yuqing listened and said: "Where there are children of your own, I think you are confused and happy. They are just lining up. The specific time has to wait for the hospital's notice."

Qin Lie waved his hand: "It doesn't matter, as long as it is available, time is not a problem, we can wait slowly and have a toast."

Ye Yuqing couldn't beat him, so he could only raise his glasses.

Ye Yuqing said while drinking: "Qin Lie, you should also prepare for pregnancy during this time. Drink less, it's better not to smoke, and exercise more. I want our children to appear in the best condition."

"Don't worry." Qin Lie patted his chest and said, "I drank alcohol tonight, and I won't drink it no matter what. I quit smoking long ago, and my body is a jerk!"

"Let's talk about it." Qin Lie continued, "Just our excellent genes, the combined child is guaranteed not to be a genius?"

Ye Yuqing rolled his eyes at him again: "It's really shameless."

However, after the two have children, they will really think a lot about their children.

Now that Ye Yuqing is not pregnant yet, she has already begun to fantasize about how to educate her children.

What clothes to wear after birth must be breast-fed and cannot be handed over to others.

After the child made a mistake, who played the red face and who played the black face, and so on.

It's interesting just to be here.

The two talked a lot about this topic, and they were both quite happy about it.

It's just that when I'm happy, there are always one or two things that don't have long eyes jumping out to find trouble.

Just as the two were talking, they heard a bang. The table where they were eating was smashed, including the dishes on the table.

Looking at the voice, Qin Lie saw a person at his desk, a middle-aged man.

He looks like he is in his 40s, but he should be less than 50 years old.

He was wearing a suit, and his beard was very clean. Although his hair was a little white, he was in good spirits, including a strong aura.

It's just that he drank a little wine at this time, and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

Qin Lie looked at the man up and down for a while, made sure he didn't know him, and then asked in surprise, "Who are you and what do you want to do?"

The middle-aged man did not answer, but instead asked Qin Lie: "You are Qin Lie, right??"

Qin Lie has never been cowardly. He looked at the middle-aged man like this and said, "I am Qin Lie, what are you doing?"

"My name is Kong Zhaohui, you can think about what I want to do." The middle-aged man said so directly.

Qin Lie frowned instantly when he heard the name.

This can be a hassle.

The surname of the Kong family is not common in China, and it may be difficult to meet a person with the surname Kong in a hundred people.

But in Qin Lie's world, the Kong family's surname is not unfamiliar.

He will never forget Kong Yunze, the demon who almost killed Bai Xianglan, and Kong Wei, the head of the Kong family of the previous generation.

It was also because of these two people that they became a beamer with the Kong family.

At this time, the middle-aged man in front of him came from the newspaper family and said it was Kong Zhaohui, which was obviously the Kong family.

To be honest, since Kong Wei died, the Kong family hadn't come out to dance for a long time, at least, not in front of him.

But Qin Lie never forgot that he had such an enemy.

Kong Wei had troubled himself because he had resigned as the head of the Kong family, so he did not have a direct conflict with the Kong family.

But after all, he killed the Kong family, this account cannot be counted.

Now that the big competition of the aristocratic family is approaching, all the aristocratic families are eager to move, and the Kong family is no exception.

Knowing the logical relationship before and after, Qin Lie raised his head and asked Kong Zhaohui, "Are you from the Kong family?"

Kong Zhaohui nodded while correcting Qin Lie: "To be exact, I am the head of the Kong family."


Qin Lie was a little interested.

Usually if you don't trouble yourself, you won't trouble yourself. Today, when you are looking for trouble, a Confucius family head comes directly?

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