Kong Zhaohui?

Qin Lie had never heard of this character before, even if he had been in contact with Kong Zhaohui before, he had never heard of it.

But he was actually someone who could be the head of the Kong family. He should not be a simple person.

Qin Lie is now accustomed to those who are in high positions have the characteristics of extraordinary ability.

From Xuanyuan Hao to Henry Zhang to Worms to Guan Hai to even Kong Wei, these people are not mediocre.

Qin Lie had to be careful.

Ye Yuqing, who was on the opposite side, felt the hostility from both sides, including the fact that Qin Lie and the Kong family had just started confrontation. Ye Yuqing knew about these things.

So Ye Yuqing also carefully paid attention to this situation.

Qin Lie squinted, looked up at Kong Zhaohui, squinted his eyes and glanced out of the corner of the eye, and saw that there were some old things from the Kong family on the opposite table.

Qin Lie, the old stuff of the Kong family, doesn't know the name, but some of them are familiar. It seems that what Kong Zhaohui said is true.

"Oh." It's just that the current Qin Lie is no longer the Qin Lie of the past. Even if he knew that it was the head of the Kong family who was looking for trouble, he was very calm and continued, "I don't know why the head of the Kong family came to find me this time. Are you going to encircle me in this western restaurant?"

"Don't worry, we're not that savage yet." Kong Zhaohui said, "I'm here to remind you that this family competition is your last stage. After the family competition, the order of the family will be reshuffled. will eventually disappear from this world.”

Qin Lie ignored it and said to himself: "It's a pity, the Kong family master, the previous Kong family master also said the same thing in front of me, but unfortunately he disappeared into this world in the end."

"Actually, you have to thank me." Qin Lie smiled, "If it wasn't for me, you might not be able to sit as the head of the Kong family."

Kong Wei is immortal, how could there be such a thing about Kong Zhaohui?

Kong Zhaohui narrowed his eyes and whispered, "Qin Lie, if you think I'm as easy to deal with as my brother, then you're wrong.

I have warned him countless times not to be too merciful in a high position, not to be merciful and not in charge of soldiers, but he did not listen, and finally fell into your hands.

I am different from him. After I succeeded the family head, the first thing I did was to clean up the inside and outside of the family. Those who were indecisive and indecisive were all demoted and expelled from the Kong family.

The current Kong family is my Kong Zhaohui's Kong family. After the family is managed well, you are the first target I have operated on. "

Qin Lie seems to have figured out why the Kong family didn't bother him for a while.

When Kong Zhaohui succeeded the head of the family, he naturally had to carry out a drastic reform of the family. He had to make everything inside and outside the family his own, and it would be convenient for him to control it himself.

Therefore, every time the leader is replaced, there will always be a series of infighting.

This is true even for a small company, let alone such a huge family as the Kong family.

Kong Zhaohui estimated that he had been in the civil strife in the Kong family some time ago, so he had no intention of taking care of himself.

Now that the big competition in the family is imminent, he finally has the energy to deal with himself.

"Okay." Qin Lie said, "Since the master of the Kong family is so bold, let me see how you are better than your brother. I will wait for you."

"Toast you a glass of wine." With that said, Kong Zhaohui took his red wine and poured himself a glass.

Regardless of whether Qin Lie drank it or not, he drank it all by himself.

Then, he slapped the wine glass on Qin Lie's table and whispered, "Let's make a bet that this family competition will last for two weeks, and you won't survive the first week!"

After speaking, he glanced at Ye Yuqing and said indifferently, "Enjoy the few good times left!"

After saying this, Kong Zhaohui did not stay here any longer and left their table all the way.

Only Qin Lie and Ye Yuqing were left, and they were in a good mood, but don't mess this up.

After watching Kong Zhaohui return to his own seat, Qin Lie picked up his mood and warned Ye Yuqing: "Okay, don't stare, let's eat."

But at this time, where can Ye Yuqing eat?

She put down her knife and fork, looked at Qin Lie on the opposite side, and said, "Qin Lie, tell me honestly, is what you are going to do in the magic capital this time so dangerous?"

Qin Lie listened. He didn't want to worry her or lie to her. He just wanted to change the subject: "Okay, don't ask, let's eat."

"Why don't you ask." Ye Yuqing said, "You are my man. If I have a child later, you will be the child's father. I don't ask these things clearly. Do you want me to be a widow?"

Qin Lie was forced to do nothing by Ye Yuqing, so he continued: "To be honest, there is indeed a certain risk, the great family competition is a competition between the eight great families, and currently the top forces in China.

Although in principle it is a competition for the younger generation, it is precisely because it is the only event where the eight great families gather together, so many conflicts between the families will also be resolved in this competition.

Now the eight great families, the Xuanyuan family, the Kong family and I are deadly enemies, and they are bound to madly target me in the world competition. "

Ye Yuqing listened, her face gradually became worried.

Although she didn't have much information about the eight great families, she also knew how terrifying the Xiao family and the Kong family were, she hurriedly said: "Then what are you going to do? ."

"I won't go if I don't go." Qin Lie whispered, "I have promised Tang Uncle and the others, if I don't go, they can't find anyone else to replace this.

The second is that since the matter of the old man of the Kong family, the Kong family did not like to see me. If I wanted to be with Xianglan, Xianglan's parents said that they wanted me to prove that I had the ability to protect Xianglan.

At that time, I made an agreement with Pandan's parents that as long as I won the first place in the family competition, they would no longer restrict Pandan's freedom. This is the second one.

So no matter what, I can't back down at the moment. "

Ye Yuqing listened and understood Qin Lie's situation.

But although she understood, she was still very worried: "Hey, but this is a competition between super families, how can you stand it!"

Qin Lie comforted him and said: "Okay, don't worry, I have been preparing for this big family competition for a long time. Although my enemies are powerful, I also have many allies.

The Tang family, the Murong family, the Han family, and the Cape family are all on the same front as me. Don't worry about other things. "

"Hey!" Ye Yuqing also knew that she couldn't stop Qin Lie no matter what, so she could only let him go.

"Anyway, remember one sentence." Ye Yuqing said, "No matter when and where you are, you must think clearly, you are no longer alone, and you must consider for us."

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