"I see!" Qin Lie said, "I Qin Lie managed to get to where I am today, do you think I can put myself in danger so easily?"

"Don't worry, I'm definitely fine!" Qin Lie kept comforting Ye Yuqing.

But no matter what, the appearance of this incident made Ye Yuqing's mood worse.

In order to ease her mood, Qin Lie deliberately didn't mention this matter later.

Seeing how unhappy she has been, Qin Lie reminded: "Oh, alright, alright, let's go, don't stay here any longer, don't forget our agreement today, whoever persuades is a dog!"

After saying that, Qin Lie was about to check out and take Ye Yuqing to leave.

Ye Yuqing rolled his eyes at him, but finally gave in and didn't say any more.

The two went hand in hand, preparing to retreat from the Caesars Western Restaurant.

The two walked out of the western restaurant all the way. The Kong family didn't choose to do it. The two quickly came to the bottom floor of the building and were going to find a hotel to go to.

It was just at this time that the bird suddenly received a call from Su Xiaoxiao.

At that time, Qin Lie and Ye Yuqing were going to drive, but Su Xiaoxiao called. Su Xiaoxiao and Chen Xiaoyu, Makasha and the others went out to buy clothes today. I guess they should go back now.

Thinking in my heart, I didn't take it seriously, Qin Lie then picked it up: "Hey, Xiaoxiao, have you already gone back?"

But Zeng thought, Su Xiaoxiao's next sentence suddenly set off a huge wave in Qin Lie's heart.

Su Xiaoxiao panicked, completely panicked, her voice was full of crying, and she stuttered.

"Brother Qin, it's not good, sister Xiaoyu, sister Xiaoyu can't be found."

Qin Lie listened, and his heart suddenly lifted.

His heart skipped a beat, and his uneasiness spread rapidly: "What is it that I can't find it, why can't I find it, what about her?"

"That's right, I just don't know!" Su Xiaoxiao said, "We, we originally bought clothes in the mall, thinking about buying clothes for the baby in the future, and also buying clothes for herself, but, but when Sister Xiaoyu went in After trying on the clothes, we didn't see Sister Xiaoyu come out for a long time, we went in to look for it, and then, we saw that Sister Xiaoyu was gone, and we couldn't find it in all the fitting rooms!"

"What about other places?" Qin Lie asked quickly, "Have you found any nearby places?"

"I've looked for it, I've looked for it!" Su Xiaoxiao said anxiously, "Makasha and I have searched the whole mall, but we can't find it!"

"We've already called the police, you, come over quickly." Su Xiaoxiao was helpless now, so Qin Lie could only hurry over.

Qin Lie's heart suddenly twitched because of this incident.

Where is there any time to be happy with Ye Yuqing, so he changed his plan at that time, started the car, and rushed out of the parking lot.

"Xiao Xiao, don't worry, don't panic, stay where you are, don't move, don't have any other accidents, I'll deal with everything after I arrive!"

He couldn't blame Su Xiaoxiao for this.

It was an accident that no one could have imagined.

Just from the current point of view, this matter has a great possibility of being targeted.

But who did it exactly, I don’t know yet, let’s wait and see later.

Qin Lie was so angry that he kept pressing the accelerator under his feet. He pulled the car to the highest speed and rammed all the way to the mall where they bought clothes.

Ye Yuqing probably figured out the situation next to her, and she was even more anxious than Qin Lie.

The two crashed into the mall all the way, and found Su Xiaoxiao and Makasha in a clothing store on the third floor of the mall.

At this moment, Su Xiaoxiao was terrified, her face was full of tears, and she cried like pear blossoms and rain.

And although Makasha didn't cry, she was at a loss when she stood on the side.

Arriving in front of the two, Qin Lie quickly asked, "Is it called the police? How long ago did the incident happen, and did the phone call?"

Su Xiaoxiao quickly responded: "It was about an hour ago that my sister went in to change clothes, and then we waited for ten minutes and couldn't find anyone, so we went in to look for it, but we couldn't find it.

The police have been reported, and the police will be here soon. Then Sister Xiaoyu's phone was turned off. We called countless times and couldn't get through.

Brother Qin, Sister Xiaoyu, Sister Xiaoyu, is there something wrong? "

Something must have happened, but Qin Lie didn't want to make the whole situation more chaotic, so he comforted Su Xiaoxiao: "It's okay, we can definitely get her back, leave it to me."

Saying that, Qin Lie passed Su Xiaoxiao and walked into the women's clothing store behind her.

At this time, the managers of the women's clothing store have already come. This is a famous international brand women's clothing store, and the clothes inside are basically tens of thousands of yuan, or tens of thousands of yuan.

So basically the people who come to their store to consume are the rich and expensive.

Experience also knows that these people can't afford to offend, and now that such a big thing has happened in the store, they dare not deal with it carelessly.

"Are you the person in charge of this store??" Qin Lie asked the woman in her thirties when she saw it.

The manager nodded immediately and replied, "I am the manager of this store and the sales manager. Sir, I am also very saddened by what happened to Miss Chen. Our store will definitely do its best to assist in the investigation."

Qin Lie didn't care about these things and whispered: "Okay, don't talk about those useless, finding talent is the first priority..."

Then, Qin Lie took the lead to the fitting room.

This clothing store is quite large. There are about 20 fitting rooms alone, and they are neatly arranged in two rows, all of which are located in a wall in the shopping mall.

Then the female manager took Qin Lie to the No. 9 fitting room and said: "Sir, before Miss Chen disappeared, she tried on clothes in this fitting room, and then she disappeared for no reason."

Qin Lie opened the fitting room and took a look. It was a wooden partition with a door in the front, a wall behind it, and solid wooden boards on the left and right.

If someone is interviewing clothes inside and the door of the fitting room is closed, the whole space should be a closed space, and it should not disappear inexplicably.

That's weird.

Qin Lie turned around and asked the manager, "Do you have surveillance at your house?"

The manager replied: "There must be surveillance. We have surveillance cameras at the door of the commodity area and storefront, but in order to protect the privacy of customers, there must be no cameras in the fitting room."

Qin Lie continued to ask, "Then after you checked the video, did you see the footage of my daughter-in-law, or did she come out of this fitting room?"

"No!" He didn't expect the manager to answer so decisively, he said directly, "We have fast-forwarded and checked the video of Miss Chen an hour after she entered, and we haven't seen Miss Chen come out."

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