Qin Lie sounded funny.

A young master from the Murong family, waiting to see himself take the first place, instead said that the people of his Murong family focused on participating, and he didn't know what the contestants on his side would think when they heard it.

Everyone chatted like this in the car, and finally a few people came all the way to the aristocratic village that Murong Huanyu said.

It was built in a very flat area on the outskirts of Modu City. There was not much development around, and many of them were still barren grasslands. Of course, the area in Shijia Village was very beautifully developed.

At first glance, it is very clean and bright.

There are not many tall buildings around, basically you can see very far at a glance.

There is a large parking lot outside the village. There are many parking spaces. The cars parked at this time may not be one-tenth of the total parking spaces.

Then the perimeter is surrounded by walls with connected power grids and alarms.

But in theory, as long as you are good enough, you can climb over the wall and go in rather than touch those devices. After all, the wall is only three or four meters high.

Assuming it is Situ Xuan, these walls are undoubtedly just decorations.

As for those facilities in the village, I haven't entered yet, so I haven't seen them yet.

All the gates of the village have security checkpoints, and a team of staff is guarding each security checkpoint. These are all responsible for complete inspections.

They also have security gates and infrared machines that check packages.

All in all, everything is done like the security check at the airport, or even stricter than the security check at the airport.

After the package has passed the security check, it will be the hard-core security check of the staff immediately.

Almost every bag on their body, the interlayer of every piece of clothing, these people have to open it to see clearly.

No matter what your identity is, even the patriarch of an aristocratic family is the same.

Of course, this is also the power given to them by the organizer, the Murong family.

Naturally, the Aristocratic Family is solemn and serious, and those who want to enter the Aristocratic Village will also cooperate with this inspection, and there will be no troubles.

Everyone waited for a while at the gate, including Murong Huanyu, the young master of the Murong family, who was also examined.

After making sure that everyone was not equipped with hot weapons, cold weapons, and other tools that could hurt people, the staff let them go, and everyone went to the Shijia Village together.

Once inside, Qin Lie saw how wide the whole area really is.

At a glance, you can't see the head, and the white buildings are neatly arranged row by row.

The key is that these buildings are new and clean.

Qin Lie felt pleasing to the eye, even if he only looked at it a few times.

The greenery inside is also well done, with all kinds of flowers and trees in the flower beds, neatly trimmed.

As Murong Huanyu said, this aristocratic village is indeed built to a high-end atmosphere. Even if it is not used as a family grand competition in the future, it can make a lot of money by opening it up as a resort.

"How's it going!" Murong Huanyu asked Qin Lie as if taking credit, "Brother Qin, I haven't let you down in this family village, right? My Murong family is reliable, right?"

What else can Qin Lie say, he can only praise him continuously: "Young Master Murong is really good, I can only wait and sigh, it's hard to beat the horse."

"Come on." Murong Huanyu heard Qin Lie's words, and knew it was bullshit, he waved his hand and said, "Okay, let's not talk about this for now, I'll take you to the venue to record the roster, and then I'll talk about it. I have given you the access control card, and if you want to enter or leave your villa in the future, you must verify the access control card, including the information used in the big competition, which is also the information registered at this time, let's go..."

After watching this family village for a while, everyone was ready to go to work.

Qin Lie felt comfortable seeing this village, so he couldn't help but take a few more glances.

His eyes have been swept in every corner of the family village.

This room is not bad, and that house is okay too. It turns out that the library of an aristocratic village can be built to such a large size. There is a martial arts training ground where the weapons are placed. I should be able to practice when I have nothing to do these days.

As a result, when he followed Murong Huanyu all the way, watching while walking.

His gaze stopped abruptly, and suddenly he saw two figures in the corner of the fence of Shijia Village behind a supermarket.

Among them was a figure he was quite familiar with.

That person is the patriarch of the Xiao family, Henry Zhang, and the number one enemy he has to deal with in this next family competition.

Because it was Henry Zhang, Qin Lie's gaze stopped for a while.

At this time, he also noticed that there was another person beside Henry Zhang.

At first glance, Qin Lie was quite unfamiliar with this person, but after careful observation for a while, he realized that he actually knew this other person.

This person is none other than the second person in the Shentu family, Shentu's domineering younger brother, Shentu Songbai.


Qin Lie was quite surprised at that time, mainly because it was far beyond his expectations.

Did the Shentu family and the Xiao family have diplomatic relations? And it seems that the two of them have a good relationship!

But according to Qin Lie's news, the Shentu family has been in the northwest for a long time, and they are the emperors of the northwest. They rarely come from the Central Plains area. These super families basically have little contact with them.

Besides, he had been in contact with the Shentu family so much before, and Shentu Aoshi had never looked for the Xiao family after arriving in Longcheng.

If the Shentu family had a good relationship with the Xiao family, Qin Lie would definitely not be so affectionate with Shentu Aoshi.

If that's the case, Qin Lie couldn't understand Shentu Songbai standing with Henry Zhang at this time.

What is the relationship between these two parties?

Is the Shentu family an opponent or an ally?

It was just at this time that Qin Lie's eyes seemed to be seen by Henry Zhang, who had a sharp observation.

The two were not close to each other, at least fifty meters apart.

But at this time, the eyes of the two people still collided with a spark in the air.

Henry Zhang soon ended the conversation after seeing that Qin Lie found him talking with Shentu Songbai.

He patted Shentu Songbai twice on the shoulder, said something in a low voice, and then the two of them dispersed.

Shentu Songbai also glanced at Qin Lie when he left, with a strong taste in his eyes.

Just like that, a few people staggered away in such a hurry.

At that time, Murong Huanyu also noticed Qin Lie's eyes, looked at Shentu Songbai in the distance, looked back at Qin Lie, and asked, "Qin Lie, what are you looking at?"

"It's alright..." Qin Lie casually said, looking back, "I'm just observing the environment of the village. After all, I'm going to stay here for half a month."

Murong Huanyu was a smart person, knowing that Qin Lie didn't want to say anything, he didn't ask any more.

Everyone went to the first venue together.

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