Henry Zhang also staggered from Qin Lie and went in the opposite direction.

There was no conflict at this meeting, and everyone just left by mistake.

I finally arrived at the venue where various information was registered. The venue was very large, somewhat similar to the service window of a bank.

There are a total of eight service windows in a row, and there are staff in each window.

However, although the venue is large, there are not too many people inside.

Of course, when the Murong family designed this venue, it was overflow design, and the number of people that can be accommodated in these places is several times the size of the family.

So even though there are four teams in the hall doing registration at this time, the entire hall still looks extremely empty.

Don't tell me, there are a lot of acquaintances.

The nearest place is Shentu's family doing registration, Shentu Mingyue, Shentu Mingxu, Shentu Aoshi, these acquaintances are all there.

There is also a team from the Xiao family doing registration at the far end, and Xiao Xingyao is on the list.

Qin Lie was thinking, according to the current relationship between the young people of the Xiao family, Xiao Xingyao was afraid that he would be a participating member of this family competition.

Just according to the level of Xiao Xingyao's previous fights, it should be far from the level of this family competition. I just don't know if Xiao Xingyao has strengthened his training and improved a little during this time.

Otherwise, with his previous strength, in this great family competition, he will only be abused.

As for the remaining team, Qin Lie didn't know most of the people in it, and he didn't know what family it was.

Under the leadership of Murong Huanyu, Qin Lie went to the registration window first and finished the registration work.

But it turned out that at this time, Shentu Aoshi also found Qin Lie, and said in surprise from the window next to him: "Brother Qin, you are here too!"

Having said that, Shentu Aoshi didn't care about his affairs, and quickly leaned over here.

Including Shentu Mingyue, also ran over and said excitedly: "Brother Qin, long time no see."

This aristocratic family is really a meeting of various old friends.

"Mingyue, Brother Shentu." Qin Lie also nodded and said hello to them.

As soon as Shentu Aoshi came, Qin Lie threw a punch, still with the straight character: "I didn't expect you to come so early. You came five days in advance, so it's very important."

Qin Lie laughed at himself: "It's not good if you don't value it, this preparation started two months ago, every family takes this competition very seriously, I'll come earlier, so I can prepare, you guys Isn't it too early?"

"My dad is in a hurry." Shentu Aoshi said, "You know that our whole family is a martial artist. My dad doesn't care about other things. Anyway, he is very concerned about this matter, so he sent us here early!"

Qin Lie was somewhat surprised, and asked Shentu Aoshi: "So what is your status, the team leader, or a contestant?"

"No, no, no..." Shentu Aoshi pointed to Shentu Mingyue who was beside him and said, "This one is the leader of our team, maybe the only female leader of the eight teams, so I'll just do errands and follow along. Come and join in the fun, and come see old friends by the way!"

Qin Lie nodded, not surprised.

Shentu's family is going to participate in the competition is Shentu Songbai's son, Shentu Mingxu, Qin Lie knows this, and thinks that Shentu's proud style is really just here to join in the fun.

After chatting with Shentu Aoshi for a while, Qin Lie focused on Shentu Mingyue.

Shentu Mingyue was angry with her father and came to participate in "I Am a Goddess". During the process, the two worked together for a while, so they also had feelings.

Later, the relationship between Shentu Mingyue and Shentu Domineering reconciled, and Qin Lie also helped a lot.

Shentu Mingyue finally gave up the qualification to form a group and returned to Shentu's house to help take care of the Shentu family's property.

That's the only way to go back to inherit hundreds of millions of family properties without success.

Qin Lie asked her, "How about Mingyue? After this period of time, I'll be fine after I go back. I'm not as frustrated as you think."

It was not Shentu Mingyue who spoke, but Shentu Aoshi.

Shentu Aoshi exaggeratedly said: "What's okay! Brother Qin, you don't even know it, it's just too good! After my younger sister went back to manage the family industry, she carried out drastic reforms to the various systems within the family, and that guy is the real one. The hard work, and seek development.

Let's just put it this way, since she went back, our family's industrial profits have soared by 50% compared with last year, and now those employees in our family respect her more than my dad. "

Qin Lie laughed after listening, and was also happy for Shentu Mingyue.

He knew that with Shen Tu Mingyue's ability, he could indeed do this.

It's just that Shentu Mingyue said humbly: "Brother Qin, don't listen to my brother's nonsense, what is more respectful than my dad, that's impossible, but my dad doesn't care about me as much now, so I also Much more comfortable."

"That's right." Shen Tu said proudly, "My dad can obey her now, and I have to listen to her on many things. You see, this time, I originally wanted to be the team leader, but my dad wouldn't let her. Handle things more prudently and perfectly than I do, hey, listen, isn't this prejudice."

Qin Lie laughed after hearing this: "Uncle Shentu has a more thorough understanding of this issue."

"Brother Qin, you..." Shentu Aoshi rolled his eyes and said, "Why did you hurt me too?"

"Hahahaha..." Shentu Mingyue giggled when she heard Qin Lie say this.

The three of them are familiar with each other, so it is quite easy to chat.

It was just at this time that Qin Lie suddenly remembered something, and he directly asked Shentu Aoshi and Shentu Mingyue: "By the way, let me ask you two brothers and sisters something."



The two looked over at the same time.

Qin Lie glanced at Shentu Mingxu at the far end, saw that he was not paying attention to his side, and then asked the two of them in a low voice: "Is the relationship between your Shentu family and Xiao family good?"


The two brothers and sisters had the same reaction to this incident. They were very confused. After asking in surprise, they said, "Why do you ask that?"

Qin Lie didn't explain first, but said: "Just tell me if it's right."

"Nothing." Shentu said domineeringly, "We have almost never had contact with the Xiao family. The relationship is neither good nor bad. It's the kind of strangers. There is no conflict of interest and no entanglement."

"That's right." Shentu Mingyue also said, "Our Shentu family's mainstream industry is the transportation industry, and later we did logistics, but we have no business dealings with the Xiao family. Among the eight great families, the Xuanyuan family and Xiao family have cooperated the most. As far as the family is concerned, there is no hatred or resentment, and there is no relationship, so there is no relationship between them."

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