For Qin Lie's last question, Qiu Bai smiled and answered an ambiguous question: "What do you think."

Well, saying it means not saying it.

However, the attitude of other teams towards Situ Xuan really made Qin Lie see Situ Xuan's status.

Several paragraphs of Qiu Bai's introduction also made Qin Lie know Situ Xuan again.

At about this time, their team basically finished recording all the information.

I originally thought of going straight out of the hall, but who would have thought that at this time, the team on the far left, Xiao Xingyao and the others, had finished recording their messages, and they actually took a short detour and came to Qin Lie.

Seeing Qin Lie, Xiao Xingyao jokingly said: "Yo, our young master Qin is here too, he's positive enough, it seems that to become a member of the eight great families through flattery, you really need to perform well. ."

This yin and yang look made Qin Lie uncomfortable.

Qin Lie directly scolded him and said, "Xiao Xingyao, do you have nowhere to jump, you have to run in front of me to show your IQ, you pee and look like yourself, are you qualified??"

Xiao Xingyao smiled and didn't care what Qin Lie said, and continued: "Speaking of hopping, you won't be hopping for a few days, but I don't know if you have prepared a coffin for yourself, you are so rich now, the coffin should be enough. Yes."

Qin Lie faced him coldly: "I think it's you who should prepare the coffin, right?"

Xiao Xingyao shrugged: "You don't really think that the big family competition is just a competition, do you think that if you are better than me, you will definitely win?"

Qin Lie was no longer in the mood to talk nonsense with him, and whispered, "What exactly are you trying to express?"

Xiao Xingyao smiled: "I just want you to get ready, your doomsday has come, and the energy of the Xiao family will exceed your imagination..."

"Oh..." Qin Lie's reaction was very light, and now he is almost immune to such cruel words.

"Oh also." Xiao Xingyao continued, "If you think you can absolutely suppress me with your skills now, you are wrong. If the two of us meet on the field, I hope you can resist my impact, I have already Not the me I used to be."

Qin Lie is really not in the mood to beep with him.

If it weren't for the fact that Situ Xuan and his old friends were still waiting here to catch up, Qin Lie would have left.

And it turned out that at this moment, someone from another team in the hall, the team that Qin Lie didn't know, also walked out. It was also a young man about the same age as Qin Lie.

As he walked, he said to Xiao Xingyao, "Hey, isn't this Young Master Xiao, who has lost to Qin Lie several times in a row, how can you still have the confidence to jump in front of Qin Lie?"

Qin Lie didn't know the young man at first, but as soon as the young man came up, he spoke for himself, which caught his attention.

Including Xiao Xingyao also turned his head for the first time.

After seeing the person who came, he frowned and said unhappily, "Han Shiyu, what's the matter with you here, what are you talking about here?"

After Xiao Xingyao's words, Qin Lie knew which family this person represented.

The Han family, that is, Han Qi's family.

I remember that before the competition, Han Qi gave himself the phone number of the Han family contestant, and asked him to contact that person privately. After that, Qin Lie was so busy that he forgot about it.

In that case, that person should be Han Shiyu.

Han Shiyu seemed to be quite good at talking and kung fu. At that time, he said in an old Beijing accent: "It's nothing, it's not all brothers to meet, have a good chat, and reminisce about the old days. I'll come over to join in the fun, okay?"

"Get out!" Xiao Xingyao waved his hand violently, completely disregarding Han Shiyu, "It's none of your business, get out of here."

"Hey..." Han Shiyu exaggerated, "Young Master Xiao, you have such a big face. Usually, you can order your servants, but now it's all on my head. If you don't know, you think you are the eldest young master of my family. ."

"Oh, I forgot." Han Shiyu said with a smile, "The words just touched Young Master Xiao's sore spot. At that time, Young Master Xiao fought Qin Lie at the banquet, but it was a shocking cry. It was circulated in our Longcheng circle at that time. It's getting old.

I took the initiative to go up to find trouble, but I was beaten back in a daze, and I don't know where the confidence came from.

Later, I was pressed and beaten on the ground several times. If it were me, I would kneel down and call me grandpa when I saw Qin Lie. I didn't expect some people to be so thick-skinned, and they dared to shout after being crushed repeatedly.

The young master's face is indeed thicker than the city wall, and he told me to wait and admire him for a long time. "

Qin Lie didn't expect Han Shiyu, the younger brother of the Han family, to be so eloquent. This call made Xiao Xingyao's lungs explode.

Shentu Mingyue, who was watching the play next to her, even laughed out loud.

This guy, Xiao Xingyao, valued his face the most, and he couldn't hold back when he was laughed at in front of a beautiful girl like Shentu Mingyue.

He suddenly pointed at Han Shiyu and shouted, "Han Shiyu, why are you here to pick something up?"

"Wow!" Han Shiyu's expression was exaggerated and his tone was exaggerated.

"Master Xiao is really amazing. You pointed at Qin Lie and said that for a long time it wasn't a challenge, so I came over and said a few words to you. It's a challenge. Sure enough, you're a double standard of international fame. You're amazing, Master!"

As he said that, with the expression on the Internet, he applauded like a seal.

"You!" Han Shiyu was so eloquent that he couldn't even talk about Xiao Xingyao.

Xiao Xingyao thought about it for a long time and couldn't think of any words to fight back, and finally he could only say: "Do you want to fight now, okay, I will do it for you!"

"Come on." Han Shiyu said in this way, "If you really have so much strength, keep it for the stage, now it's not a skill for you to beat me, it's a skill to beat me on stage."

"Okay!!" Xiao Xingyao pointed at Han Shiyu's nose and said, "You wait for me, you'd better not be drawn to the same group as me, or I'll let you out of the group stage."

"okok!" Han Shiyu said, "Young master is mighty, I'm waiting for this day."

"And you!" Xiao Xingyao did not forget to dig the pit for Qin Lie, and said, "The same is true for you. If you meet me in the group stage, I will also discard you in the group stage."

Qin Lie didn't have time to talk to him, and smiled slightly, indicating that he heard it.

And Xiao Xingyao originally came to look for trouble this time, and wanted to make Qin Lie disgusting.

As a result, the appearance of Han Shiyu made him disgusted and disgusted, and in the end he could only leave in a huff.

Before leaving, Han Shiyu added a sentence: "Young Master Xiao, please walk slowly, I wish you a happy day."

It's really disgusting to find the disgusting mother, disgusting is home.

Just by looking at Xiao Xingyao's back, Qin Lie can see that this fellow is so aggrieved now.

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