With a strong anger, Xiao Xingyao left the registration hall all the way.

I don't know who this anger will be spilled on today, so I can only say "Amen" to the Xiao family who will be reprimanded by Xiao Xingyao.

After Xiao Xingyao left, only Qin Lie and Han Shiyu were left at the scene.

This first meeting was quite unique, Qin Lie had a good first impression of Han Shiyu.

As soon as Xiao Xingyao left, Han Shiyu took the initiative to introduce himself: "Hello, Brother Qin, I am the son of the Han family. My name is Han Shiyu. I think you should have heard of me from my second uncle."

With that said, Han Shiyu stretched out his hand.

Naturally, the second uncle in his mouth was Han Qi.

Qin Lie was not pretentious, he reached out and shook his hand and said, "Qin Lie, I think you heard about me from your second uncle."

"No no no..." Han Shiyu immediately shook his head this time and said, "This is really not true."

He continued: "The first time I heard your name was really the battle between you and Xiao Xingyao, anyway, that time you pressed Xiao Xingyao to the ground and beat him, and it was very popular in our circle.

In our previous circle, people of the same age did not offend Xuanyuan Tianci and Xiao Xingyao. You were the first to offend both. That guy is so handsome. "

Qin Lie laughed and said: "It may also be because I have little contact with this circle, and I didn't know anything when I first came here, so I offended them together."

"It doesn't matter." Han Shiyu said, "Anyway, being handsome is over."

Qin Lie said, "That's not right. You said you didn't want to offend Xiao Xingyao, but didn't you just offend directly?"

"This is not the same." Han Shiyu said immediately, "The main reason is that the second uncle asked me to stand in the same camp with you as much as possible during the aristocratic competition this time. I can help if I can. There's not much that can help you, just the lip service and sophistication are very slippery, when I see him, I will leave you here and talk to you, and I will come up, mainly because you gave me the confidence."

Qin Lie laughed: "Indeed, you just talked a lot, and Xiao Xingyao's lungs were exploding. How did you practice your mouth skills?"

"Maybe..." Han Shiyu laughed, "Maybe because he is an old Longcheng native, he likes to listen to some cross talk."

Having said that, all the registration procedures for everyone are almost gone, Han Shiyu sent an invitation to Qin Lie: "How about we go out for dinner and talk about other things?"

Han Shiyu was kind, and if Qin Lie had nothing else to do, he agreed.

But just now Murong Huanyu said that Qi Guangzhen wanted to invite him to dinner, and he had already agreed, so Han Shiyu here had no way to respond.

He also said the truth: "I'm sorry, I already had an appointment before, I'm afraid I won't be able to eat with you today."

"Okay." Han Shiyu said without being pretentious, "Anyway, this time the aristocratic family has been around for a long time, and there is a chance to eat, so let's find time next time."

"Well, good." Qin Lie agreed.

Situ Xuan was still talking to other people, so Han Shiyu had to leave first.

At about this time, Han Shiyu took his team out, but someone walked in with the team at the door of the hall.

A team of six people, the same as Qin Lie's side.

However, the leader of the team this time is Qin Lie's ultimate enemy - Su Donghai!

Originally, Qin Lie didn't know Su Donghai, just because Su Hexiang died in his hands, Qin Lie had already read all the information about the core characters of the Su family, and Su Donghai's appearance had long been imprinted in his heart. Generally clear.

Two people locked each other when one was at the door and the other was in the hall.

The time of Su Hexiang's death was very near, when Su Donghai's anger was still at its peak.

It's okay not to see Qin Lie, but when he saw Qin Lie, Su Donghai rushed over like a madman.

He growled and said loudly: "Qin Lie!!"

It was just two words, and then he couldn't help but be full of grief. When he got to Qin Lie, he punched Qin Lie.

not good!

Just by looking at Su Donghai's punching speed and punching strength, Qin Lie knew that this man had unusual skills and was definitely not something he could deal with.

With a jerk, he stepped back, not hard enough.

At the same time, although Situ Xuan was talking with others, his attention was still on Qin Lie's side.

Qin Lie was in danger. He almost immediately left his speaking position and moved forward to meet him. Qin Lie stepped back, he moved forward, and the two passed by by mistake.

Qin Lie retreated to the back, Situ Xuan pushed his head up, grabbed Su Donghai's fist with one hand, and pushed Su Donghai out with a single push.

After all, Situ Xuan has a higher realm, and Su Donghai is not an opponent. He was pushed back and stared at Situ Xuan, almost wanting to kill Situ Xuan: "Situ Xuan!! Don't think that you are the only one who can block me Su. Home attack!"

Situ Xuan was very calm and said with his hands behind his back: "I can't think of you so much. Anyway, if you want to beat my apprentice in front of me, that won't work."

"Qin Lie!" Su Donghai knew that he couldn't take Situ Xuan himself, so he pointed at Qin Lie across Situ Xuan's shoulder, "Qin Lie, if you have the ability, stand up for me and hide behind your master, you count. what?"

"My son Su Hexiang died in your hands. If you have the ability, come forward and make it clear!"

Qin Lie is not afraid. Anyway, everything has been done, and the Su family has already offended him to death. It is meaningless to quibble about these things.

He really walked out, looked at Su Donghai and said, "Su Donghai, your son Su Hexiang died, that's why he died. He kidnapped my wife and the two children in my wife's stomach and hung them on the furnace of your steel plant. Threatening me, if I don't do it, my wife and my two children will die, what's the matter, is it too much to kill him?"

"Qin Lie!" Su Donghai said as if he didn't hear Qin Lie's words, but still said to himself, "Do you think you can do whatever you want with a Tang family, do you really think the Tang family can protect you?"

At this moment, Tang Hongxiao was on the side, and finally spoke up: "Su Donghai, your son himself is unethical, vile and despicable, and his skills are not as good as others. Now that he is killed, you want to rise to a family conflict?"

"You have this kung fu, so you don't usually think about how you educate your son? For my Tang family, he is a damn!"

Su Donghai was so angry that he couldn't bear it anymore, gritted his teeth and said, "Tang Hongxiao, you've made up your mind to stand in Qin Lie's line, right?"

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