Tang Hongxiao listened and couldn't help laughing: "Su Donghai, what you said is quite funny, Qin Lie played on behalf of my Tang family, I'm not on his side, maybe I'll be on your side too. ?"

"Hahahaha..." Su Donghai laughed, "Tang Hongxiao, you really have the guts to say this, is there no one in your Tang family? In the name of your son-in-law, an outsider is brought in to help you participate in the family competition. The descendants of your Tang family are I can't..."

Tang Hongxiao had long expected that people from other families would talk about this matter.

He didn't take it to heart at all, smiled and said: "The matter of the great family has lasted for thousands of years. Going forward with the times, there are not a few people who participate in the competition as son-in-law. You can't touch this matter.

In addition, even if the younger generation of my Tang family is not good, it is better than after your Su family is gone, don't forget, your son just died a few days ago..."

The death of Tisu and Xiang was to order Su Donghai's powder keg.

Su Donghai remembered Su Hexiang's tragic condition, his whole head was bloody, and he could not wait to swallow Qin Lie alive.

At this moment, Tang Hongxiao still mocked him with this incident, which made him really unbearable.

Originally, he didn't intend to do it in the family village, but when Tang Hongxiao said this, he finally couldn't help it.

He gasped for breath, and then broke out in an instant, ordering the people around him: "Liu Shahe! Stop Situ Xuan for me!"

Liu Shahe should be a master of their Su family, and he is the coach in this family competition.

He was an older man, a little younger than Situ Xuan, and should be about the same as Qiu Bai.

After hearing Su Donghai's request, he immediately nodded and agreed: "Yes!"

Then Su Donghai continued: "This old man is going to take Qin Lie's life himself today!"

With that said, the battle between Su Donghai and Liu Shahe was set aside, and it was time to attack Situ Xuan and Qin Lie.

But in fact, Qin Lie didn't panic at all. If he really wanted to do this, he would only suffer from Su Donghai.

Because Qin Lie's team includes not only the top player Situ Xuan, but also the second top player Qiu Bai, and Qin Lie, who has almost reached the first-class level.

There are no hot weapons in Shijia Village, and everyone is fighting hard.

Even if his Liu Shahe could hold back Situ Xuan, Su Donghai himself would fight Qiu Bai at most, and no one else could hurt Qin Lie.

If he really wanted to set up a battle to fight, Qin Lie wouldn't be afraid at all.

Soon, Qin Lie and Qiu Bai directly greeted them, ready to fight with them.

But it is clear that the Great Competition of the Aristocratic Family will be resolved in the ring, at least not in the Aristocratic Village.

Seeing that the two sides were about to get started, Murong Huanyu signaled to Qi Tianchang who was behind him, and Qi Tianchang pushed him to the front, just in the middle of Su Donghai and Situ Xuan.

Murong Huanyu has experienced strong winds and waves. Although he is young, he has a strong aura.

He came to Su Donghai and whispered to Su Donghai: "Uncle Su, could you please restrain your emotions a little bit, it's best not to do anything here."

Su Donghai glanced at him, and then said: "Murong Huanyu, this matter has nothing to do with your Murong family, I advise you not to interfere."

"Haha..." Murong Huanyu laughed, "Uncle Su is wrong, my Murong family is the organizer of this family competition, and this family village is my Murong family's property.

You are fighting on the territory of our Murong family. It is not good to hear about it. My Murong family has no face. For the face of my Murong family, my uncle should take people out first. "

Su Donghai understood what Murong Huanyu meant, he squinted his eyes and said, "So you also made up your mind to do the right thing with me, right?"

Murong Huanyu played Taijiquan and said, "Uncle, what you said is a little wrong. I just hope you don't make trouble in the boundaries of my Murong family. If you have any grievances, I will not ask you to resolve them outside.

As a descendant of the Murong family, I only want to maintain the honor of the family. "

Although Murong Huanyu spoke very euphemistically, he was persuading like a peacemaker.

In fact, Su Donghai wanted to make trouble, he didn't want Su Donghai to make trouble, he was on Qin Lie's side.

It's just that he didn't say anything about supporting Qin Lie, so Su Donghai couldn't fault it.

In terms of Tai Chi, Murong Huanyu has always been stubborn.

Su Donghai gritted his teeth, and even the staff behind the Murong family who maintained the order of the Aristocratic Village surrounded him. Su Donghai knew that his situation was not dominant today.

Although angry, but also helpless.

At this time, outside the registration hall, another group of people suddenly came.

One of the leaders of the team said as they walked, "Brother Su, didn't I keep asking you to restrain yourself, restrain yourself, why do you make trouble when you arrive at Shijia Village? You are so old, and you are not stable at all."

The visitor called Su Donghai Brother Su, a voice Qin Lie was also very familiar with.

Looking at the sound, Qin Lie finally saw clearly who was coming, it was another mortal enemy of Qin Lie, Henry Zhang.

And this is not shocking, what shocked Qin Lie the most was that he found another person beside Henry Zhang.

And this person once left a psychological shadow on Qin Lie.

Henry Zhang was followed by a young man who looked like he was in his thirties and was not very old.

Just as shocked as he was was Qiu Bai, who had once been defeated by this young man.

When Qiu Bai and Qin Lie found Yang Hui's diary and handed it over to Guan Hai, director of the Kyushu Bureau, they met a person, a young man, on their way home.

The young man is very mysterious, so he persuaded Qin Lie and Qiu Bai to stop investigating the past.

Qiu Bai's family was destroyed, naturally they disagreed, so Qiu Bai and the young man had a battle at the gate of his villa.

At that time, Qiu Bai suffered a disastrous defeat, and the young man defeated him with almost only one move.

The youth is better than Qiu Bai in every aspect, whether it is in terms of movement, speed or tactics.

Qin Lie was deeply impressed at that time.

The identity of this young man is mysterious, but he seems to have revealed his name, what is his name?

Gu Chen!

Yes, it's called Gu Chen!

Qin Lie remembered that young people's surnames were rare, so after a little thought, they remembered them.

Qin Lie still remembered that the young man's skills were on the same level as Situ Xuan and Xiao Yuanshan.

But he never imagined that this young man was actually with the Xiao family.

He is actually standing with Henry Zhang now.

How could Qin Lie not be surprised.

If the Xiao family still has such a bargaining chip, this time the family competition, who will lose and who will win is really uncertain.

Because it's no longer clear how big the background of the Xiao family is.

For a while, Qin Lie and Qiu Bai's reactions were the same, and they were both stunned there.

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