Situ Xuan hesitated for a long time before finally choosing to continue.

"I was hesitant at first. I was thinking about the young man you mentioned. Is Gu Chen a person from the force I think? If so, the situation will become very troublesome."

Qin Lie grasped the key point and asked the past: "The power, that is a power, what power?"

Situ Xuandao: "A force hidden in the dark, but its coverage exceeds the entire China, and even radiates to the surrounding countries."

"If you have to ask me, what kind of forces they are, I can't tell, because they are really mysterious, and I have not spied on their full picture."

"It's just that there are some legends and gossip that can barely confirm their existence."

Qin Lie noticed that he seemed to have come into contact with another level of things, and immediately became serious.

"It's bigger than the Eight Great Families?" he asked.

Situ Xuan: "In my impression, it is stronger than the eight great families, but I also said that I only spy on a little bit of information, and I don't know the whole picture, so what I said may not be completely correct."

Qin Lie listened, and urged Situ Xuan to say, "Then Master, tell me what you know."

Because among all the owners of the commercial vehicle, the others seemed to have no idea about Gu Chen's origin, only Situ Xuan knew a little bit.

Even Tang Hongxiao and Murong Huanyu, the core members of the eight great aristocratic families, didn't have any information about it.

Gu Chen's existence, the power behind it, is afraid that it has surpassed the scope of the family.

He could only listen to what Situ Xuan said.

Situ Xuan saw that everyone was waiting for him to speak with anticipation, and he could only chat slowly in the end.

"This still has to be pushed back to when I was in my forties..." Situ Xuan said quietly.

"When I was in my 40s, I was almost invincible in the martial arts in Huaxia at that time. At that time, in the Wuyishan sword discussion, I dealt with the other ten masters who came to participate in the sword at the same time, and did not fall behind."

"This record has completely swelled me, and then I began to look far and wide, and put it abroad. I want to go abroad to see if there are masters who can match me."

"At the age of 43, I started a three-year global challenge journey."

"But the result still made me very dissatisfied, because I found that foreign masters are not even as good as domestic masters. Even in foreign countries, it is still difficult for me to find an opponent who can match."

"In the past three years, I have traveled to more than 100 countries in the world, and there have been no less than 300 duel masters. Of those foreign masters, the most powerful ones also played a tie with me. There is no one who can beat me. There is no one who can beat me by one move."

"And one of the masters closest to me is from Thailand, a senior Muay Thai fighter, in his fifties, the local people call him the godfather of Muay Thai, his name is Ba Song, Ba Song and I have been fighting for almost the same time. Eight hours without interruption, and in the end, I managed to win him with all my strength."

"After the fight, we didn't know each other and became good friends. At that time, he asked me if I was from the Gu family army and why I was so good at it."

"But I don't even know what the Gu Family Army is, including the most famous and influential eight families in China, and there is no family called the Gu Family."

"I asked him why he thought I was a member of the Gu family. Bassong said that when he was young, he had contact with people from the ancient family, and it was close contact."

"Basong settled in Thailand, but his ancestry is Vietnamese. During the Vietnam War of the last century, he was a teenager and followed a master to participate in the counterattack in southern Vietnam. At that time, their opponent was Huaxia."

"According to Ba Song, his master, Ba Song's Muay Thai skills in those days were comparable to his present, and he was also a very famous fighter in Southeast Asia."

"Basong's master is from the Southern faction, and he is on the opposite side of Huaxia, so he often organizes their local Muay Thai masters to attack the Huaxia troops."

"They are kung fu masters, training guns, training coordination, and causing a lot of trouble to the Chinese soldiers on the battlefield."

"That's a shootout and a gunfight. You can't fight with bare hands. Even with bare hands, ordinary soldiers can only be abused by them."

"Basong also participated in this guerrilla group at the time, serving as logistics, providing protection for his master."

"Their guerrillas were invincible and almost never lost a battle. Then, one day, the situation changed. The village where Bassun and his master lived was attacked by a special force."

"The team rushed in from the main entrance of the village, under the banner of the Huaxia Army, but their uniforms were not their army number, but embroidered with the word 'ancient'."

"The most powerful thing is that they don't carry guns. Everyone only has a cold weapon, a sword and a stick, and they pushed in from the front door."

"Their combat effectiveness is very strong, their single-player ability is very strong, and they work better together. The most terrifying thing is that they form a square team, which defends on all sides, and their eyesight can even keep up with the rate of fire of bullets."

"The bullets fired by the guerrillas were all thrown aside by their cold weapons."

"All the guerrillas, the bullets of hundreds of people cannot penetrate the defenses of their dozen or so people. As a last resort, Bassun's guerrillas can only fight head-to-head with the locality."

"As I said just now, the guerrillas organized by his master are not ordinary guerrillas, they are a team of kung fu masters in the entire Southeast Asia. His master is almost invincible in the surrounding countries, and their hand-to-hand combat is invincible."

"Originally Bassong thought that their team could win this team in a hand-to-hand battle, but it turned out to be a pity, they were far from the opponents of the opposing team, even Bassong's master, under the leadership of the leader of the opposing team, only persisted for ten years. minute."

"At that time, all the adults in their entire village were slaughtered, and none of them survived, and Bassong escaped because of his young age."

"The leader of the mysterious team once told him that the leader called himself the ancient meaning, and let him grow up. If he wants to take revenge, he will look for this name, and after that, he will walk away."

"Because of this incident, Ba Song planted the seeds of hatred in his heart, swearing that he must practice hard in this life and grow up to find the ancient meaning."

"But Bassong told me that it took him many years to realize how difficult it is to follow the footsteps of ancient Yi. He practiced hard for more than 30 years and caught up with his master's footsteps, but it is impossible for him to be ancient. desired opponent."

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