The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 1696 Shenlong Sees The Head But Not The Tail

"You must know that his master only lasted for less than ten minutes in Gu Yi's hands."

"This is the difference between heaven and earth."

"It was only then that he understood how powerful the group of more than a dozen Huaxia people with the word 'gu' tattooed on them that rushed into their village."

"In addition, it has been more than 30 years since the incident. Even if Gu Yi is still alive, Gu Yi is still in the 70s and 80s. In addition to practicing Qigong and cultivating xinxing, Ba Song's hatred value is not so high."

"The matter of revenge is over in the end, but Bassong's impression of the Gu family army has always been very deep."

"He said that he was the most powerful person in kung fu he had ever seen. In the next few decades, he had never met such a powerful master. It was only when he met me that he felt a little bit, so he asked Am I from the Gu Family Army?"

"When Ba Song said it, the speaker had no intention, and the listener had a heart. I was arrogant and arrogant, and I played an invincible record in the world, so I wanted to meet this more powerful character."

"So I spent two years looking for this so-called Gu family army, and invited Xing Tian's master, Xing Bei, the then temple master of Yanwang Island, to join me in the search."

"At that time, Hades Island was still at its peak, and its influence was much greater than it is now. Their killers were all over the world, and their intelligence network was stronger than the CIA in the United States."

"I asked him to help investigate the matter of the Gu family army. Guess what, they couldn't investigate it either. They just found some tiny clues."

"Xingbei showed me many historical and military registers recorded in Chinese at that time, some of which were not found in museums. People from Yanwang Island found that almost every time the Chinese nation confronted foreign invasions, they could see a A team with the word 'gu' as the code name appeared."

"On the normal battlefield, the existence of the ancient character army is basically invisible, but once the Huaxia crisis exists, this team will appear, and after they appear, the Huaxia army will win the war soon. victory."

"Thousands of years ago, the Great Han attacked the Huns in the north, to the later fight against Japanese pirates, and even to expand outward, and later to deal with Europe and the United States, and against Japan, these famous battlefields can be found in these famous battlefields."

"Their appearances have one thing in common. They come and go without a trace. When they come, you don't know where they came from. After they leave, they are like the autumn wind sweeping the leaves, and you can't see a trace."

"But almost every time they end the battle quickly, it's been like this for thousands of years."

"Thousands of years..." When he said this, Qin Lie finally interjected, "Isn't this kind of power older than the aristocratic family?"

Situ Xuan said: "Who doesn't know for a long time, after all, if the Xuanyuan family traces its origins, they can trace it back to the Xuanyuan family, and that's when the Chinese civilization just started.

But in terms of skill, the Xuanyuan family and the Gu family are far behind, even Xuanyuan Hao might be able to catch up with their average level. "

"Yeah!" The others in the car were also listening to the information about the Gu family. Tang Hongxiao was surprised after listening, "If they can really break bullets with cold weapons, the realm will be completely different."

Situ Xuan nodded and said: "Yes, it's not difficult to keep up with the ballistic speed of the bullet with my eyes, I can do it now, but to block the bullet with my bare hands, just relying on one side to cool the weapon is a double test of reaction and action speed.

I can't do it anyway, but it is theoretically possible. "

"It means." Tang Hongxiao said, "The team that Basong saw back then consisted of more than a dozen people, and almost everyone was better than Elder Xuan."

"It's a must." Situ Xuan nodded himself.

"Really or not?" Murong Huanyu couldn't believe it, "Damn it, I always thought that Elder Xuan was the ceiling of our Chinese martial arts combat power, and no one was an opponent of Elder Xuan with bare hands.

The one you mentioned is too terrifying. Not only are they more powerful than Elder Xuan, but there are still more than a dozen. Does the growth of a master cost nothing? I'll go! "

After hearing this, who is not shocked? ? Isn't Qin Lie shocked, of course shocked.

He even felt a little magical, what kind of force could train so many masters of top-notch combat power.

If it is true, how powerful should they be?

With the background of the Xuanyuan family and the Xiao family, they can only train up to the combat power of Xuanyuan Hao and Xiao Yuanshan. Such combat power is not even qualified for that ancient family army.

It really is a mountain and a mountain is high. There is still such a force in this world.

"Hey..." Qin Lie suddenly remembered, turned his head and continued to ask Situ Xuandao, "By the way, Master, didn't you say that you were arrogant and arrogant back then, and when you heard that there was such a strong team, you couldn't think of a way to get there. find them?"

"I found it, of course I found it."

Situ Xuan replied affirmatively: "I asked Xingbei to help me find the Gu family army, almost all over the world, to search for the team with the word 'Gu' tattooed on its shoulders, but the effect is very small."

"And the whole search process took me two more years. Don't tell me, I finally found it."

"Actually, Xingbei is also credited. It should have been a mission in Chinatown in the UK. I remember the background was that the Huaxia consulate in the UK was bombed. The UK claimed that it was done by terrorists, but behind it was the UK and the US targeting An action by Huaxia."

"I don't know about these international politics. Anyway, Xingbei told me at the time that their intelligence officers found that the Gu family army was there, and I rushed over there overnight."

"It's also a coincidence. When I was eating in Chinatown, I happened to meet a guy from the ancient family army. It was a young man under forty years old, looking like thirty-five or sixteen. He was wearing casual clothes at the time. On the stool beside him, I saw a badge uniform in ancient characters."

"I'm not sure if he is from the Gu family army, so I can only try to find fault."

"When he got up to go to the toilet, I took a wine glass and deliberately followed. When he came back, I deliberately bumped into it and sprinkled the wine on myself."

"Using this name, I quarreled with him, and I didn't talk too much, and I quickly got started with him."

"Guess what happened." Situ Xuan said with a smile, "He finally blocked my attack with two strokes, and then opened me up with two more strokes, and then warned me not to make trouble."

"I continued to ask him to pounce, and wanted to fight him with real strength, but several of his team members came up to persuade me. A few people easily held me up, and then took that person away. I even Not even a chance to resist."

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