"And when I chased out, they had already walked so far that they didn't know where they were going, and they couldn't catch up."

"This is the only time I have played against them head-on. Although there is no official duel, it has also revealed their strength."

"Just like Bassong said, this group of people are really first-class super experts!"

"It's just that these people acted cautiously. Except for their tasks, they didn't make any extras at all, and the confidentiality of the itinerary was also done very well. I never found them in the future."

"That's all the information I have."

Situ Xuan finally concluded.

Qin Lie nodded after listening, this information is actually enough.

Although Situ Xuan still did not say what kind of force the Gu family was.

But in those fragmented information, it is almost possible to deduce their general outline.

A huge force that has existed for thousands of years, usually does not show the mountains and dew, and only comes out to do things when China encounters a major crisis, and suppresses it with thunder.

The clan has a profound background and has cultivated many top masters.

It just seems to be afraid that people will find out, so it has always been secretive, and it has done a good job of keeping secrets.

Qin Lie nodded and said, "That's why you hesitated when you felt that Gu Chen's skills were comparable to yours, and he was still surnamed Gu."

"That's right." Situ Xuan nodded and said, "If Gu Chen is really a member of this mysterious force, I'm not surprised that he is so talented at such a young age, but if he stands together on behalf of the Gu family and the Xiao family If so, you have to be more careful this time around."

"The words that middle-aged woman said to you just now are not with good intentions!"

"Yeah." Qin Lie nodded.

Silently, Qin Lie felt a huge and dark outline appearing on his head. This outline almost covered the sky. Even the eight great families could only bow their heads in front of this huge outline.

That is indeed a goal that is currently unattainable.

I still have a long way to go from the aristocratic family, and now a force stronger than the aristocratic family is coming out, which is really tricky.

Thinking about it now, after that Xiao Mei disappeared back then, maybe it was related to this ancient family.

She is naturally beautiful, with outstanding appearance, outstanding figure, and various talents are also top-notch.

Is there a possibility that after she disappeared, she met someone from the Gu family, some man from the ancient family fell in love with her and brought her to the ancient family, and she has been invisible since then. At the same time, decades have passed, she has also changed. She has become more and more aura, more powerful than she was back then.

In this case, Gu Chen called her aunt, which seemed to be able to explain.

The more he thought about it, the more Qin Lie thought it was possible.

Although only Gu Chen and Xiao Mei appeared this time, they still cast a layer of variables on the aristocratic family this time.

It turned out that what Xiao Xingyao said, the background of their family is far from the meaning of what they see on the surface.

In this case, the situation is getting more and more difficult.

"Qin Lie." Qin Lie was thinking deeply, and Situ Xuan spoke again, "Actually, if you really want to find out what's going on with this ancient family, I think there is someone who can help you."

Qin Lie felt his heart skip a beat and said in surprise, "Who!"

"Mr. Hua." Situ Xuan said.

"Why?" Qin Lie asked.

"It's very simple." Situ Xuan said, "Most of the situations where the Gu family's forces appeared in Huaxia were on the battlefield, and each time it was when Huaxia suffered a major blow.

Obviously, maintaining the integrity of the nation and protecting the security of the country is what Mr. Hua and the others manage. This team has appeared many times to protect Huaxia. If nothing else, Mr. Hua must know the inside story. "


Qin Lie listened and suddenly reacted.

The appearance of these teams is mostly to safeguard China's sovereignty, and their appearance is in the form of an army.

Even if they are so mysterious, they always have to pass through a person, and this person is Mr. Hua.

China's top leadership.

Mr. Hua should have their information in his hands.

This is not a bad suggestion.

Situ Xuan said: "I also thought of this in the past, but I am too much of a person. I have no political brains, and I don't know political people."

"Don't you know the director and deputy director of the Kyushu Bureau. Their Kyushu Bureau is directly under the jurisdiction of Mr. Hua. If you ask them for help, maybe there is a way to meet Mr. Hua. You can ask this matter in person."


Qin Lie nodded at the time and agreed with this approach.

It's just that with his current status, it would be a little difficult to meet Mr. Hua in person.

But you can also ask Guan Hai to ask for help, and then tell it to yourself, maybe it will do.

As for whether Mr. Hua wants to say, that is his business.

This seems to be the only way to do it now.

Knowing oneself and knowing the enemy is the only way to be safe in a hundred battles. Now Qin Lie's understanding of the Gu family is like a blur, and he still needs to figure out the strength of his opponent as soon as possible.

This was settled first.

I heard a lot in the car today.

From Tang Hongxiao, I heard the past of the Xuanyuan family and the Xiao family, and learned about the love and hatred between Xuanyuan Hao and Xiao Mei.

Here, I learned the outline of the Gu family from Situ Xuan's mouth.

The level of the whole family seems to have risen to another level after today's conversation.

Originally wanting to drag the Xiao family into the water was difficult mode, but now with the blessing of the Gu family, it even suddenly became hell difficulty.

Hey, after all the calculations, it seems that the difficulty of this operation was underestimated in the end.

I estimate that I have to prepare some more things to meet the big competition in five days.

Thinking like this, a group of people finally drove to Qi's house, which is the place to eat tonight.

There are so many things, and it is almost impossible to deal with them all at once, so Qin Lie temporarily put those things aside.

Tonight is a gathering of old friends, Qin Lie doesn't want to affect the atmosphere because of those things.

So he changed his expression immediately after getting out of the car, put a smile on his face, and walked quickly to the door.

When I got to the house, besides my own team, many other people came.

Tang Feng, Tang Zhenbei, and Tang Lingxue were the first to arrive, and there were several senior members of the Murong family who Qin Lie had met before and also arrived.

With some guests Qin Lie didn't know, Qi Guangzhen's villa was not small, but it was crowded all at once.

At this time, Qi Tianchang and Xu Manli went to inform Qi Guangzhen and Murongxian of the arrival of Qin Lie's team, and Qi Guangzhen and his wife came to the door to greet them.

They were the first to say hello to Tang Hongxiao, an old friend they had known in the early years.

Then Qi Guangzhen looked at Qin Lie and said with a smile, "Qin Lie, long time no see."

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