The time is short, and a pk in the arcade will only take five or six minutes. It is estimated that everyone still has plenty of time to operate one round.

All the men agreed to the proposal.

Damn, a little arcade made everyone's blood boil.

At that time, Murong Huanyu sat in front of the machine with a wheelchair, pressed the power on, and selected the interface of King of Fighters 97, and shouted, "Come on, let me see your skills, King of Fighters, 97 King of Fighters. , if anyone can beat me, I'll give you 100,000..."

"Yo?" As soon as Chen Jinhu heard this, he immediately became excited, looked at Murong Huanyu and said, "Is what you said true?"

"Bullshit!" Murong Huanyu screeched, "When did I, Murong Huanyu, stop talking? Besides, 100,000 yuan is about the same as 10 yuan for me."

That's what it said.

Chen Jinhu believed him, and then Chen Jinhu sat on the PK stage, ready to have a royal city PK with Murong Huanyu.

Qin Lie didn't go up for the time being, so he just watched as a lively one. He also wanted to see how powerful these people who claimed to be gods and kings were.

It would be shameful to be torn apart as soon as I sat on it after a while.

So look first is the best option.

Qin Lie also played the King of Fighters back then, especially the 97 version and the 2003 version of King of Fighters he played the best.

Of course, these two versions of the King of Fighters are indeed the most popular.

At that time, his first-hand King of Fighters, especially the Iori-an in 97, was invincible. If nothing else, he was at the level of Iori-an. His hand was indeed the top fighter in their street at that time, and he basically never lost much.

Soon, Murong Huanyu and Chen Jinhu came to the selection interface.

Each player has three game characters, and then they fight each other in order. If the opponent's health bar is cleaned up, they will win. If the time is dragged to the end, the one with more health bars will win.

The three game characters are fighting each other, and whoever destroys all three lives on the other side first wins.

The rules are very simple, and the details mainly depend on the character operations in the game.

After the selection, Murong Huanyu took a Kusanagi Kyoto, a Yashin Temple, and a Kagura Qianhe.

Except for Kyo Kusanagi, the other two are at t1 level in the 97 character strength rankings, and Yagami’s operation is good, and it is even at t0 level.

Seeing Murong Huanyu's casting, Qin Lie nodded silently, um, at least in terms of casting, Murong Huanyu seemed to be a master.

On the other hand, on Chen Jinhu's side, there is a Ma Gong Athena, a gate, and a Terry.

How should I put it, except that the door is a t1-level character, Terry can barely operate a t1, most of the time he is a t2, Athena Asamiya, and even a character other than t3.

In the casting, Chen Jinhu has already lost half of the game.

Soon, the two began to line up and arrange the order of appearance of the characters in their hands.

Murong Huanyu arranged his Kagura Qianhe in the first appearance, Kusanagi Jing in second, and Yagami Temple in the third place.

In terms of Chen Jinhu, Terry was the first, followed by the gate and Athena.

However, Chen Jinhu's character order doesn't matter, because he couldn't be beaten by Murong Huanyu.

Murong Huanyu directly used his Kagura Qianhe to clear the three roles of Chen Jinhu.

Do you think Murong Huanyu is really a master, no!

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