The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 1700 Dimensionality Reduction Strike

What does it feel like?

It's like when two stinky chess baskets are playing chess, talking one after the other.

"I'm vaulting!" "I'm a supporter!"

"My horse jumped back again." "My soldier retreated again!"

"Hey, I'm here again." "Then my taxi is out again!"

This cycle goes back and forth, and you can take him for a day.

It seems that the two people are fighting to the death, but in fact, the two chickens peck each other and can't break the other's defense.

Judging from Qin Lie's game level, these two really don't have any real skills.

It's just that these two people thought their skills were very good, including Chen Jinhu, and they started to brag after winning.

"I don't see it, I don't see it, so what are you pretending to be? I'm the most awesome, okay? One hundred thousand yuan, prepare it for me, and put it on my account!"

"Brother Lie, see if you don't. This is the strength of the King of Fighters. He is not my opponent at all."


Hearing this, Qin Lie was not too rare to say anything. He silently gave Chen Jinhu an order and said in a low voice, "Come on, Jinhu, get up first, let me and Huan Yu fight twice and try the water."

"Okay!" Of course Chen Jinhu listened to Qin Lie, but he just reminded Qin Lie, "Brother Lie, if you can't beat him, call me, he'll just be a fool, and to win such a person, we have to be better than him. rely."

"Okay." Qin Lie also gave Chen Jinhu enough face and said, "Okay, if I can't beat it, you can come again."

Then, Qin Lie confronted Murong Huanyu.

Now Murong Huanyu has raised his eyebrows. He asked Qin Lie before choosing a candidate: "Do you want to choose that Robert? If you choose Robert, I won't fight you."

Qin Lie was very calm, and replied to Murong Huanyu, "I choose the same character as you."

"That's fine!"

Hearing this, Murong Huanyu readily agreed, feeling that he had found hope again.

He felt that it was nothing more than that Robert's move was too shameless. As long as other characters were replaced, no one could beat Kagura Chizuru.

So it started.

Murong Huanyu arrogantly asked Qin Lie, "How much for the two of us, anyway, you are so rich, why don't you want a million?"

Qin Lie said with a smile: "Forget it, just play it simple, a million bet is too big, no matter how rich you are, you can't make it like this."

Murong Huanyu snorted and said jokingly: "I think you are afraid of losing, don't dare to bet with me, you just saw how awesome I am, and I, the King of Fighters in the Demon Capital, are not screaming in vain. ."

"Yes, yes." Qin Lie said, "I'm just scared. If I lose a million to you, I don't dare."

"Forget it, forget it." Murong Huanyu said, "Seeing how miserable you are, I won't give you any money. I'll play with you for free..."

Qin Lie was a little irritable, and urged him: "You can hurry up, if you don't choose someone, you will have to eat later."

"Come on, let's start!"

Murong Huanyu listened, and the two finally reached the character selection interface.

This time, Qin Lie and Murong Huanyu really chose the same lineup.

Kagura Chizuru, Yashin-an, Kusanagi Kyoto.

In terms of arranging troops, Murong Huanyu was the first Kagura Qianhe, but Qin Lie used his signature Yashen Temple.

The positions of the latter two are not important, after all, both of them feel that they cannot use the latter two.

The first round has officially started.

With round1, readgo! With such a familiar voice, Qin Lie suddenly recovered the muscle memory of the past.

He carried Erlang's legs, and if he had another cigarette in his mouth, the image would be perfect.

Back in the game, as soon as Murong Huanyu got started, another shadow clone was handed over.

But Qin Lie's method to deal with his clone is very simple, just go out with a simple heavy foot.

As a result, this just right heavy foot kicked Kagura Chizuru's avatar and kicked the avatar back directly.

"I wipe?"


At that time, Murong Huanyu and Chen Jinhu were shocked and didn't expect it at all.

"Can it still be like this?"

"Break him with one kick?"

Qi Tianchang, who was on the side, nodded and said, "It's as simple as that. Kagura Qianhe's shadow avatar has no stiffness effect. In fact, it can be broken with any heavy blow. As long as you find the right rhythm, it's not difficult to break this move."

Chen Jinhu was stunned, looked back at Qi Tianchang and said, "Then why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Qi Tianchang smiled: "I see that you two are fighting too much, and I don't want to say that you are the overlord of one side and the king of the King of Fighters, how can I dare to interrupt."

On Murong Huanyu's side, Qin Lie's trick was broken with one kick.

Then, a shadow clone came out again.

This time Qin Lie didn't need a single kick. He just rolled forward and avoided that move without taking any blow at all.

Then, Qin Lie approached Murong Huanyu's character, Yashin'an triggered muscle memory, and directly cut the peak to hit Murong Huanyu's character to the other side, then jumped up with a heavy hand, landed with a heavy hand, and received a light hand, Another peak cut, another heavy hand followed by a light hand, and another Sunflower 3 dan, directly hitting the blood bar of Murong Huanyu's character to the end.

Then he approached Murong Huanyu, pressed Murong Huanyu to get up, and kicked him to death with a midfoot.

Some people may not understand the above set of professional vocabulary, but it doesn't matter, the specific picture is that when Qin Lie got close to Murong Huanyu, Murong Huanyu was not even able to fight back with a set of tricks.

Then, with a dashing operation, he directly killed most of Murong Huanyu's blood.

The last flat a took away, really handsome!

And this set of his tricks is not a trick of Chen Jinhu's use to the end at all.

It took about ten seconds to kill Murong Huanyu's first role.

Murong Huanyu didn't even understand what was going on. His wave of madness couldn't be pressed at all, and the character directly turned into a corpse lying on the ground.

At that moment, Murong Huanyu was dumbfounded, looking at the character on the screen in a daze: "No, what is this?"

"Hey, what are you doing? How did you do it? With a crackling combo, you just knocked me out. I couldn't even move. Are you hanging up?"

This is the first time Qin Lie heard that arcade machines are still open.

Qin Lie said with a smile, "Isn't this the easiest combo at Yashin-an?"

"The easiest?" Murong Huanyu couldn't believe it, and said in surprise, "What are you talking about?"

"Haha..." Qin Lie laughed, "I thought you, the King of Fighters in the Demon Capital, should know."

"I..." Murong Huanyu was embarrassed, mainly because he started talking too much, and now he can't get off the stage.

He whispered: "Good boy, wait for me, see if I don't kill you this time, I also have something in Yashen Temple!"

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