Hearing that Barossa was so sonorous, Qin Lie also understood that what he said was not false.

I also have my own thoughts in my heart, what is this Kapoo trying to do?

He helped him climb to the current position, how dare he refuse to execute the order he left?

What a guts!

L.A. needs the police department to maintain balance, and the emotions of this part of the people must be taken care of.

If the Rockefeller family wanted to develop well, the police department had to take care of him, which he couldn't figure out.

For a while, Qin Lie's mood has brought a little anger.

He told Barossa directly: "Okay, I understand what you said, but you have to release this batch of medicines for me, and I will find a way about the money."

"If Kapoor really has this attitude, I will teach him a lesson, but this medicine, you must release it to me."

"okok!" Barossa said, "Originally, this medicine is not worth much, as long as there is your guarantee, it will be released.

But the financial revenue problem of our police station, I hope Mr. Qin will solve it as soon as possible as you just said. "

"I know, let's do it first."

Qin Lie responded to Barossa and hung up the phone.

Then, Qin Lie told Qi Guangzhen, "Uncle Qi, I have already dealt with your problem. Tomorrow, you can go directly to the police station to pick up something."

"Okay, thank you, Qin Lie." Qi Guangzhen said, "I will let Tianchang give you your favor."

"Let's talk about it." Now Qin Lie's mind is not on this, he only pays attention to how the situation in Los Angeles has developed like this, and he is anxious to call Kapoor now.

After speaking, he pointed to the door and said, "Uncle Qi, if there is nothing else, I will go out first?"

"Okay..." Qi Guangzhen replied, Qin Lie didn't stop, took the phone and walked out of the study all the way.

Looking at Qin Lie's back, Qi Guangzhen was quite sighed.

When I first watched Qin Lie, Qin Lie didn't have such a big aura.

It's only been more than half a year, and Qin Lie has grown to this point.

Just now, the chief of the Los Angeles Police Department had a servile attitude towards him. The chief of the police department did not have that attitude when facing himself.

At a young age, he controls so many resources, and he has even covered his power abroad.

No wonder Qin Lie now has the qualifications to participate in the family competition. It turns out that the real power has come to that level.

At the beginning, Murong Huanyu told him that there might be a place to rely on Qin Lie in the future, but Qi Guangzhen still didn't believe it.

Unexpectedly, just half a year later, Murong Huanyu's words became reality.

I don't know how high Qin Lie can climb in the future.

Looking at the door of the study, Qi Guangzhen's eyes unconsciously showed some fear.

The future is terrifying, the latter is terrifying!


Of course Qin Lie doesn't know what Qi Guangzhen thinks of him. His attention is now on Los Angeles.

When passing by the hall, other people were still playing fried golden flowers, and Chen Jinhu even called him over: "brother lie, come and play together, I have won almost 500,000."

Qin Lie didn't have the energy to pay attention to him, and waved: "You guys can play, I still have something to do."

With that said, he went to the balcony on the second floor.

This made Chen Jinhu very puzzled, thinking where did Qin Lie come from to do so many things.

When they got to the balcony, Qin Lie took out his mobile phone and quickly called Capuo.

Kapuo received it quickly, and his attitude was more respectful than that of Barossa. After all, Qin Lie helped him fight for his current position as the patriarch.

Kapoor asked respectfully, "Mr. Qin, do you have any instructions for calling so early?"

Qin Lie was angry, did not hold back his words, and asked directly: "Capo, let me ask you, Barossa brought his bill over and asked you to pay, why didn't you pay it? When I left, How did you explain it??"

Feeling Qin Lie's anger all of a sudden, Kapuao asked nervously, "Is Barossa calling you to tell you these things?"

Qin Lie: "Don't care how I know, you just say it's true?"

Capo was helpless and could only admit: "It's true, the Locke family has not given money to the Los Angeles Police Department recently..."

"How much did you give for three months?" Qin Lie continued to ask.

Kapoor stammered for a while and said, "Not a point, not a point."

Qin Lie would be rude, and scolded Kapuao directly: "Kapuao, do you have a problem with your brain, why don't you give me money when I ask you to pay.

The police station in Los Angeles has brought so much convenience to the Locke family's business, and made you so much more money, and then you don't give them a cent, what do you think, you just want to prostitute for nothing, right? Is there such a good thing? ah? After you became the patriarch, your wings became hard, right? "

Seeing that Qin Lie was really angry, Kapoor was very nervous, and sighed: "Mr. Qin, listen to me, things are not what you think, and we also have difficulties."

"What's the trouble, let's hear it?" Qin Lie asked.

Kapoor said: "I didn't disobey your orders, and I didn't want to prostitute for nothing."

"I know that in order to safeguard the long-term interests of the family, the police station must give the money. The current situation is that it is not that we will not give it, but that we cannot give it."

After Qin Lie heard this, he was surprised again, and said strangely: "I can't give it, there is a financial problem with the Locke family??"

Qin Lie broke it in one sentence, and Kapoor followed the trend and said: "Not only has there been a problem, but there has been a big problem."

Kapoor said: "Mr. Qin, I didn't know that I was the patriarch of the Locke family before, but after I became the patriarch, I saw the financial statements of major companies that I knew that the family's finances had already made Abraham and Dai The scourge of Wei father and son is very bad.

Our bank loans are as high as 310 billion US dollars, and all our family's industries, working capital and fixed assets add up to only 2.5 trillion US dollars. That is to say, our Locke family seems to be huge now, but in fact is already negative equity. "

"Originally, as long as the bank's loans could be processed, the family's industries could still operate normally."

"But the problem is, when there was turmoil within us, and after I replaced Abraham as the patriarch, they didn't know whether it was because I was easy to bully or it was because they expected a big wave in the family. We took out a total of 180 loans. Thirty-five of the seven banks decided to collect the money and stop lending to us."

"In your Huaxia's words, this is tantamount to drawing wages from the bottom of the pot and cutting off our capital flow."

"Although it hasn't been pumped out, it's already insolvent. If any link goes wrong, it will lead to an economic collapse."

"Our funds are now 500 billion less, and many companies within the family have no way to operate healthily. Now three companies have gone bankrupt, and 17 companies are on the verge of bankruptcy. their police station?"

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