After Kapoor said it over there, he snotted and cried, and it could be said that he could fully hear his current painful situation.

In such a situation, what is said is completely true, and there is no such thing as lying.

The things you said are also true to your family.

Either the bank had suffered too much from Abraham's losses before, and when Kapoor came to power, he didn't know where the stinky young boy appeared.

While Kapoor has not yet settled down, it is a good opportunity for capital to flow back.

After one bank did that, the rest followed suit.

In an enterprise system as large as the Locke family, it is particularly important to ensure the flow of funds. Any problem with a single brick will cause major problems in the entire system.

This is also the biggest reason why the current Locke family is in economic crisis.

Originally, Qin Lie was really angry to question Kapuao, but after hearing Kapuao explain the reason clearly, he calmed down instead.

"These banks have to do things right?" Qin Lie asked.

Kapoor said: "Most of the banks are still operating normally, even if a small number of banks suddenly do this, it may also be that some other families see our family's turmoil and make indiscriminate tricks.

But these tricks alone can do us a lot of damage. "

"Well..." Qin Lie nodded on the phone, "I see, then it's not your fault, why didn't you tell me about these things in advance."

Kapoor was very uncomfortable, sighed and said, "Mr. Qin, I really don't want to trouble you, you have come to help me get the position of the patriarch, which is already a great help to me.

If I am in the position of the patriarch, and these things can't be fixed, and I have to trouble you, I don't think I can take on the heavy responsibility of the patriarch, so I haven't told you. "

Capo is a practical man, and if you give him instructions on what to do, he can do it well.

But this man is so miserable, his brain is not very able to move, and he is really close to strategizing with those clan chiefs who are deep in the city.

Now he is his most important confidant in the United States, and it cannot be said that he has been replaced at this time.

At present, during the great competition of the aristocratic families, people can't leave, so they can only do this temporarily.

"Okay." Qin Lie said, "Kapuao, then you can try to stick to it for a while, at most about a month. After my affairs in China are settled in about a month, I will go to the United States to solve this problem. question."

"I know." Kapoor said, "I'm already conducting large-scale layoffs and consumption reductions in the family business. If I can save a little bit, it should be able to support it for a while."

"Yeah." Qin Lie nodded and said, "That's good, it's hard work, I can't walk away for the time being, you support first, I'll come over after a while."

After saying this, Qin Lie hung up the phone directly.

But after hanging up the phone, he punched the wall and said viciously: "Very well, even other families in the United States have to jump twice if they don't like me.

Don't wait for Lao Tzu to pass by. After Lao Tzu passes, he will slowly settle these matters with you. "

It's just that this matter has not been substantively resolved. On the contrary, the status of the Locke family in the United States has been greatly affected because of this incident.

The Locke family is Qin Lie's first base in the United States, and Qin Lie will naturally not sit idly by.

Summarize the current difficulties.

The most root cause is that the bank that originally cooperated with the Locke family did not lend to the Locke family, which caused the Locke family to have an economic crisis.

For the time being, it doesn't matter whether the loan problem is unintentional by the bank, or whether someone is doing it deliberately.

This economic crisis has brought three huge hidden dangers.

The first is that the companies under the Locke family were unable to control due to cash flow problems and went bankrupt directly.

This is actually the smallest crisis.

Second, because the police in Los Angeles did not cooperate with the Locke family because they couldn't get the money, they will no longer help the Locke family. If Barossa finds other companies to cooperate with during this time, Qin Lie will think about it later. Using the police in Los Angeles to do things is almost impossible.

The last, and the most serious one, the economic crisis led to large-scale layoffs of Kapuao, which will cause a series of social problems.

Including the public's trust in the Locke family will also decrease.

This will directly cause the Locke family to lose their core competitiveness, and even step back from the position of the top ten consortia in the United States, which is the most uncomfortable.

Qin Lie talked about the big idea of ​​cultivating a Locke family to become his confidant, in order to pave the way to enter the international industry in the future.

Well now, the road is going to be blocked, how can he be happy.

So he had to deal with it himself.

It's just that, now that the family is competing, he can't get away, and he has to wait for a while to pass.

Thinking like this, Qin Lie took out his mobile phone again and made a call to Ye Yuqing.

Ye Yuqing picked it up quickly, and asked from the opposite side, "What's wrong Qin Lie, is there something wrong?"

Qin Lie asked her: "Among our companies, technology companies, pharmaceutical companies, cosmetic companies, and entertainment companies, can we transfer about 10 million US dollars, that is, about 70 million yuan in funds?"

After several of Qin Lie's companies went online, they basically made profits year after year.

Compared with their own loans, loans only account for 10% of the company's total capital, which is quite low. He attaches great importance to cash flow, because only cash flow can withstand the wind and waves of the financial turmoil.

He still followed Wang Congcong to learn this point.

In his impression, ten million dollars should not be a problem.

Ye Yuqing also answered decisively, whispering: "You can definitely get 10 million US dollars. We have so many funds and reserve funds. What are you going to do with this 10 million?"

"You don't need to worry about this. It takes a long time to explain it." Qin Lie said, "Anyway, you can transfer the money to my account first, and I will make it up for the company later."

Ye Yuqing's greatest advantage is that she knows what to ask and what not to ask, and she knows how to behave.

"Okay." Seeing that Qin Lie didn't want to say anything, she didn't ask, and agreed, "I'll call you right away."

"Yeah." Qin Lie responded and hung up the phone quickly.

After hanging up the phone this time, he turned around and called Barossa for the last time, saying: "Barossa, you will give me the card number of your police station's public account later, and I will transfer it to you. Ten million dollars come in."

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