The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 1710 The Tragic Death Of The Red Thorn

At that time, Qin Lie was washing in the villa, Situ Xuan Qiubai and Chen Jinhu were playing on their mobile phones or chatting in their respective places, and everything was calm.

At about this time, a staff member suddenly appeared outside the villa.

It is from the Murong family.

After asking permission, he came to the house and told Qin Lie at the same time, "Mr. Qin, someone outside said he was looking for you. He asked you to go out now."

Qin Lie was rinsing his mouth at the time. After spitting out the water, he began to wipe the foam at the corner of his mouth with toilet paper, and asked casually, "Who is it, where is it?"

"It's just outside of Shijia Village." The staff member said, "Because other than the people who checked in in Shijia Village, we wouldn't let them in unless we had to, so we let him wait outside."

"Did he say anything?" Qin Lie asked again.

The worker thought for a moment and replied, "It seems like, it seems to be sending you a package. I have seen that package. It's quite big."

"Package..." Qin Lie said to himself, he didn't seem to buy anything, where did the package come from.

No matter what, Qin Lie still felt something was wrong.

He asked the staff member: "Okay, you go out first, and then tell the person to wait for a while, and I will come out immediately."

"Okay." The staff responded and quickly exited.

Then Qin Lie came to the lobby on the first floor of the villa and asked a few people downstairs: "Jin Hu Xingfeng, you have bought something, why did you send it here?"

Chen Jinhu and Xing Feng looked confused, and spread their hands to express their doubts: "No, I didn't buy anything. Besides, it must be your own business when people call you to find you."

That's right... Qin Lie turned his head and looked at Qiu Bai, Situ Xuan and Tang Hongxiao again. These three people shouldn't have to ask. They don't even know how to operate online shopping.

Without any hesitation, Qin Lie simply put on a coat and went outside.

Xing Feng and Chen Jinhu also expected that something was amiss, and quickly followed.

The three of them quickly walked to the gate of Shijia Village, which was also at the gate. The three of them saw the open-air parking lot in front of them together, and a white Wuling Hongguang drove away from here all the way.

On the spot where the van left, there was a green sack, which was quite large, similar to the storage bag usually used for moving.

Put it on the ground, neat and tidy, and you can't see anything out of the ordinary.

It's just that the van left quickly, and the rear license plate of the car was even blocked with cardboard, and they didn't want them to remember the license plate.

Everything was mysterious, which made Qin Lie even more curious about the bag they left in place.

Without chasing the car, Qin Lie and Xing Feng Chen Jinhu both approached the bag together.

When they got to the bag, the three of them frowned at the same time, because they smelled a strong smell of blood from the bag.

Xing Feng and Chen Jinhu blocked Qin Lie behind like a conditioned reflex, and whispered, "Brother Lie, be careful."

Qin Lie, of course, also knew that this sack was unusual. He pointed to the sack and immediately said, "Quick, open this sack for me to see what's inside."

Chen Jinhu and Xing Feng only moved their hands. The two of them carefully opened the zipper of the bag.

As a result, I don't know if I don't pull it, and I'm startled when I pull it.

Chen Jinhu and Xing Feng frowned after seeing what was inside. Chen Jinhu's face was pale, and he even had the urge to vomit.

Qin Lie was a little further away and saw what was in the bag.

It was blood red inside, and the broken limbs were piled up in a pile, and it was actually stuffed with a person.

To be precise, it was a dismembered person. Her hands and feet were cut off, and only one wreck lay inside. Her expression was very painful, her facial features were twisted, and her hands, feet and head were put together.

Blood dripped, impacting the retinas of the three people.

Although the corpse inside was bloody, Qin Lie was still able to identify who the man was.

It was the woman who reported Xuanyuan Tianci and the Xiao family's itinerary to herself in the woods last night—Red Thorn!

Red Thorn, such a marginal figure who was rebelled by himself and stayed by Xuanyuan Tianci's side to provide him with information.

Yesterday, Qin Lie had just promised Red Thorn that he would send her out of Huaxia and Xuanyuan Tianci in three days.

But just one night later, she was actually killed by someone, and the corpse was sent to her in mutilation.

Yesterday Qin Lie remembered that when he promised to send her out, her smile was so pure and full of hope.

As a result, the outcome of waiting for her was a brutal murder, and even the body was not completely preserved.

At that moment, Qin Lie's heart seemed to be hit with a hammer, and the impact was enormous.

His emotions are complicated.

How deep is his affection for Red Thorn? Not so! In the beginning, the Red Thorn even wanted his life, and the two people belonged to different camps.

His emotions now are more of guilt.

Why feel guilty, because he had already promised Red Thorn to send her out yesterday, and a month ago, he made a package ticket, saying that he would send Red Thorn to leave in a month.

He took advantage of the fact that Red Thorn wanted to escape from Xuanyuan to persuade Red Thorn to do things for him.

But in the end it killed her.

Red Thorn's life experience is not under her control. She has been selected by the Xiao family as a special agent since she was born, and she has been trained until the age of fifteen, like a machine.

In the following years, she performed tasks all over the world, and when she was eighteen years old, she was sent to Xuanyuan Tianci's side, and she stayed for another five years.

She originally thought that she had found a place to belong to Xuanyuan Tianci, but it turned out that she was just a neighbor with the devil.

When she finally came to her senses and was about to escape from Xuanyuan Tianci and meet the light, she was slapped on the ground by Xuanyuan Tianci, and she died tragically until now.

And she was only twenty-three years old. If it was a normal life, she would have just graduated from college and had just entered the society.

Qin Lie had some difficulty accepting this fact.

He even wondered if he had killed her. If he didn't let her be an undercover agent, she might not be in such a dangerous situation.

If I had sent her out earlier, none of these things would have happened.

Originally, Qin Lie didn't have to feel so guilty about these things, but when Red Thorn's corpse, the amputated limbs were placed in front of him bloody, the impact was still too great.

Chen Jinhu looked at the corpse for ten seconds, but in the end he couldn't help but ran to the side and vomited.

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