At that moment, Qin Lie's whole world was silent, he felt a little tinnitus in his ears, the sound of cars coming and going in the parking lot, and Chen Jinhu's vomiting became the background of the world.

In order to prevent things from spreading, Xing Feng quickly zipped up the zipper of the bag.

And also at this time, Qin Lie was directly opposite the parking lot and saw Xuanyuan Tianci, who was looking at him with a sneer, with his hands in his pockets.

At this moment, the corner of Xuanyuan Tianci's mouth rose, very proud.

His eyes met Qin Lie's in the air, and every movement became a provocation in Qin Lie's eyes.

"Brother Lie." Xing Feng asked him, "what should I do with this corpse?"

But Qin Lie didn't care at all, pointing at Xuanyuan Tianci and rushing over.

This matter is already obvious, the red thorn was dismembered and sent to him, and he was called to pick up the package by himself.

It is necessary to brutally kill the red thorn and dismember the body, and at the same time warn himself in this way, even when he is taking the package, the person who is still standing opposite to watch his good show, only Xuanyuan Tian bestows one, and it is impossible to lead the other. human.

Qin Lie was so emotional at the time that he couldn't control it and rushed directly to Xuanyuan Tianci.

While rushing, he said: "Xuanyuan Tianci, are you still a fucking human? She has been with you for a few years, and you can actually do it on a horse?"

Qin Lie's speed was very fast, and he arrived in front of Xuanyuan Tianci.

He flew up and punched Xuanyuan Tianci's face to say hello, and his strength was full for a while.

However, Xuanyuan Tianci was not an ordinary person after all. While Qin Lie was training during this period, he was also practicing under the guidance of the major teachers arranged by the Xuanyuan family.

Qin Lie is growing, and he is growing at the same time, and the difference in strength between the two is not much.

Moreover, Qin Lie was in an unstable mood at this time, and he couldn't show his actual combat effectiveness at all. He punched up, Xuanyuan Tianci was only one block, and a push pushed Qin Lie away.

At the same time, he sneered: "Qin Lie, are you crazy?"

Qin Lie pointed at his nose and said angrily, "Xuanyuan Tianci, are you still human? Even if you want to kill someone, you need to shred her body. How much hatred do you have with her?"

Xuanyuan Tianci was still smiling, not admitting it at all: "Qin Lie, what are you talking about, who am I killing, can you figure out who you are before you speak?"

"You don't dare to admit to doing things, do you?" Qin Lie said, "The hatred between you and me is spread on others, or on your own people. You can actually do such a thing??"

It's just that Xuanyuan Tianci still pretended to say: "Qin Lie, what's wrong with you, you have to push something on me, oh, there's a corpse in that bag, shouldn't you be chasing that van? What are you doing with me, I didn't give you this bag."

"Haha!" Qin Lie looked at him fiercely, but he knew that Xuanyuan Tianci had made up his mind today and didn't want to admit it.

In addition, the big competition is imminent, Qin Lie does not want to make extra troubles.

Finally, he pointed at Xuanyuan Tianci and said, "Xuanyuan Tianci, you remember, what is the death of Red Thorn, you will only be worse than her appearance, I Qin Lie said."

It's just that Xuanyuan Tianci didn't care, and didn't take Qin Lie's words to heart at all.

In the end, he said indifferently: "Qin Lie, it's not certain who wins or loses this time. What are you pretending to be in front of me?"

But Qin Lie didn't say any more, and pointed at Xuanyuan Tianci three times before turning around and leaving.

Going back to the bag with the red thorn body, he instructed Chen Jinhu and Xing Feng at the same time, "Put the bag into the car, let's go first."

After all, he still didn't want the corpse to make too much noise in Shijia Village, so Qin Lie decided to transfer the bag first.

This time Qin Lie did not go back to Shijia Village, but drove to Murong's house.

Qin Lie specifically told Murong Huanyu to pick him up at the back door, and then showed him the contents of the bag.

When Murong Huanyu saw Hongthorn's corpse, his face turned blue and white with disgust. He was frightened at the time. He thought it was Qin Lie who came to find him to dispose of the corpse.

Shocked: "No, Qin Lie, you are too ruthless, no matter how big the hatred is, you don't need to be like this, you at least leave a whole corpse for others."

Qin Lie is in a bad mood now, and quickly said: "Do you think this is what I did? Can I do such a thing against humanity? This is what Xuanyuan Tianci did."

"Xuanyuan Tianci?" Murong Huanyu said strangely, "But since it is Xuanyuan Tianci, why is the body in your hands?"

Qin Lie said succinctly: "This woman was originally Xuanyuan Tianci's subordinate, but she was turned against by me, and I asked him to return to Xuanyuan Tianci to help me go undercover.

This information should have been discovered by Xuanyuan Tianci in the end, so he killed and this woman, dismembered and put it in front of me to scare me, disgusted me, and gave me a slap in the face. "

"Undercover and undercover." Murong Huanyu said in surprise, "Your plot is really exciting, so what are you asking me to do, disposing of the corpse?"

Qin Lie sighed and said: "Forget it, you have a long way in the magic capital, you can help me find someone, sew up her body, restore it, and make her look as human as possible.

Then, have a simple funeral. "

After hearing this, Murong Huanyu nodded and replied, "Okay, leave this to me. You can find a way to notify her family, and I will try to make the funeral a little better."

"No need." Qin Lie said, "she should have no family, even if I don't know her, she is a tool living in a super-worldly family, where is there anyone to care about? If you can, after you cremate her, the ashes will be either Send it abroad for burial, or scatter it at sea."

"When she was alive, she couldn't be as free as an ordinary person. After she died, I would be satisfied with her injustice."

"Okay." Murong Huanyu nodded, answering all this.

Finally, Murong Huanyu asked Qin Lie a question and said, "Then what's her name and how is it engraved on the tombstone?"

Qin Lie thought for a while, hesitated for a while, and finally said, "Wen Jing, twenty-three years old this year."

"Okay..." Murong Huanyu nodded, and then asked his subordinates to move the corpse in.

These things are the last thing Qin Lie can do for the Red Thorn.

Qin Lie is also thinking, it would be great if the person he met on the subway was a fresh graduate, a 2D fan, and a model.

At least then she can really become an ordinary person and live an ordinary life.

Red Thorn has been small and humble in this life, and in the cracks of the super family, there are a few people who can survive on their own.

All Qin Lie can do now is to lament.

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