The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 1713 It Is Difficult For An Honest Official To Cut Off Housework

Seeing that Qin Lie's reaction was so small, Guan Hai said on the side: "What's the matter, don't you have anything to say about this matter?"

Qin Lie smiled and said, "Administration Bureau, I'm already twenty-seven and twenty-eight years old. I'm going to go to thirty. After so much experience, how can you make me react?"

"Although I am excited and happy, it is still within the controllable range."

Guan Hai joked: "I thought you were going to stage a big show of crying and crying. Your status is not easy now."

"It's not a TV series, so there are so many exciting things." Qin Lie said casually.

"Then what are you going to do now?" Guan Hai asked again.

Qin Lie asked him back, "What are you going to do?"

"When will I meet the patriarch?" Guan Hai said.

"I don't know." Qin Lie shook his head, "But I think it's better to do it as soon as possible, and it also depends on the opportunity, so Xuanyuan Tianci can't find it."

Guan Hai was even more upright, and said: "Then these two days, I will arrange an opportunity for you, and the report of this appraisal is considered ironclad. You can tell the patriarch what happened twenty-seven years ago. With his city government, he should be able to figure it out soon."

"And this time you are going to play with the Xiao family. Tell the patriarch earlier, and the patriarch can also work out a plan to deal with the Xiao family with you, which is also very beneficial to the future development."

"I know." Qin Lie nodded and said, "In that case, please take care of the bureau. It's best to arrange a meeting with my father in these two days and meet in private."

"Okay." Guan Hai said and agreed, "I can solve this matter, you can wait for my notice when the time comes."

"But..." When he said this, Guan Hai hesitated for a while, and followed closely, "Child, I think you should deal with it very well on the patriarch's side, but there is one person's emotions that I think you have to find a way to deal with it properly. a bit."

"Who?" Qin Lie asked.

"Your mother, Li Caiying."

Guan Hairu said: "She came with the patriarch to this great family competition this time, because this time the great family competition is the second great family competition given by Xuanyuan Tianci, and Xuanyuan Tianci regretted it to the Kong family last time. Disciple, Kong Yi, this is the second time he has come here, and Li Caiying takes this matter very seriously, so she made a special trip to come here in person."

"Kong Yi?" Qin Lie wondered, "What kind of character is that?"

"It's a younger brother of Kong Wei, and he is of the same seniority as Kong Wei and Kong Zhaohui. Two years ago, he was just thirty years old and qualified to participate in the family competition. These two years have already exceeded his age, so in the eyes of the outside world. , Xuanyuan Tianci has become the biggest favorite to win the championship."

"But these are not important." Guan Hai said, "What's important is that over the years, Li Caiying has always regarded Xuanyuan Tianci as his son, caring for him with all his heart, and giving him the best conditions.

He was bullied, and if he wanted to help him get justice, Li Caiying would find a way to satisfy any of his demands.

For so many years, Li Caiying has feelings for Xuanyuan Tianci. You said, even a beast will have feelings after being raised for a long time, let alone a person.

So if you want to go back to the Xuanyuan family and become the real young master of the Xuanyuan family, you have to go through Li Caiying. In terms of love, I don't think she is so receptive.

And if you have to deal with Xuanyuan Tianci, she probably won't agree, the specifics will depend on your own operations. "

Qin Lie nodded, if it wasn't for Guan Hai's reminder, he would have ignored this point.

After all, he had been traded out for twenty-seven years, nearly twenty-eight years, and Xuanyuan Tianci had been with them all these years.

If you want to recognize your relatives, it's not just a simple blood relationship.

Human relationships also need to be dealt with.

I have no feelings for Xuanyuan Hao and Li Caiying, but I have a blood relationship like a mountain.

Although Xuanyuan Tianci was not a real member of the Xuanyuan family, he was actually raised by Li Caiying since childhood.

Humans are emotional creatures, especially women, and they value emotions even more. If this matter is not handled properly, it may also be a big trouble.

In fact, in this situation, women like Li Caiying naturally hope to see Qin Lie come back and Xuanyuan Tianci can continue to be their son.

The two are called brothers, one biological son and one adopted son.

But now the fact is that Qin Lie and Xuanyuan Tianci have become deadly enemies. Xuanyuan Tianci is on Qin Lie's must-kill list. If he really confronts Xuanyuan Tianci, who will Li Caiying support?

It is difficult for an honest official to break up household chores, and matters involving human relations are always the most complicated and the least right or wrong.

Putting this matter in front of Qin Lie, Qin Lie doesn't know what to do now.

I can only say that when things really come to the point where you have to make a decision, let’s take it slow.

"You ask me this now, I don't know." Qin Lie said truthfully, "I only know that there are some things I have to do, and the rest can only be handled by Karma, I can't think about that much. "

"Okay." Guan Hai didn't say anything after seeing Qin Lie's determination.

This time the great family competition is a big picture, and the entire eight great families will be turned upside down. These things are indeed only left to Karma to deal with.

The conversation between the two almost ended here, Qin Lie also said goodbye to Guan Hai and went back to the villa by himself.

As for the matter of seeing Xuanyuan Hao, he needs to wait for Guan Hai's notification. He is still somewhat affected by the red thorn in his heart. Today Qin Lie is not in the mood to do other things. After returning to the villa, he practiced boxing for a while before lying down Go to bed.

And when he was chatting with Guan Hai in the evening, Jiang Lei also went to do something according to Qin Lie's instructions.

It was after five o'clock in the afternoon, approaching evening, Jiang Lei took a cigarette and slowly walked into a construction site next to the Chongming Hotel.

Chongming District is a more interesting area for the development of Magic Capital, so there are still a large number of construction sites here.

Next to the Chongming Hotel, there is a construction site for real estate development. At the moment, it looks like it has five or six floors, and there are still many floors to be repaired later.

This construction site is the property of Su Mu Construction Engineering Group, and it is only one street away from the Chongming Hotel.

The beating here is almost audible from the Chongming Hotel across the road.

If you're pouring a mix, cranking up the mixer, drilling holes or something, it's almost as loud as chanting a spell.

But fortunately, this construction site usually works during the day. As soon as 6 o'clock in the evening, we leave work collectively. We don't work at night, and the surroundings are quite quiet.

Today, Jiang Lei came here to make the construction site work at night.

Why, who let the people of the Xiao family live opposite.

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